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Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 04:02:29

Level 57
Hello and welcome friends to this compelling evidence brought on behalf of MaximBasuda on the accused Harvey, Connor Donovan, IMPEL, ikeifer. Do note this is by no means an accusation and Maxim intends to provide evidence and would like to see the public's viewpoint on the matter at the end.

Game Link: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37500488

Maxim has analyzed the game and the history and seen compelling pieces of evidence on the matter at hand.

Evidence 1: A level 62 player Connor, did not move his starts until turn 3. Even with the fact that the spots were clearly said in the title of the game (and were not just hidden in settings which many players may fail to see). His other teammate's spots were all close by too, (if he was on a computer, he would have seen it, but chose to still move only 2 spots.)

That being said, how could it be? One could say that perhaps he was incompetent at the game. (I would agree if there were no other suspicious activity, however, more evidence will be presented which begs the question, "Could more sinister motives be at play?")

Evidence 2: I point you to ITALY. Maxim graciously gave his teammate Harvey land in the south. But behold, IMPEL suddenly got gifted land in ITALY at the same time. Do take note, private messaging is available in the game. Could it be that Connor seeing that, private messaged his friend, IMPEL and warned him of it? Perhaps. But we will look at more evidence.

Evidence 3: Connor not attacking IMPEL during the entire game and instead focused on Red. Why would someone on purpose not defend or attack the enemy especially when his team mate was in Spain? He failed to slow or distract IMPEL leading to the fall of his teammate's bonuses.

What could be the reason? Could it be Connor is friends with IMPEL and decided not to attack his friend, instead going after another player? A high-level player such as himself should know better right? Unless there were other sinister forces at play?

Evidence 4: Germany. Towards the climax of the game, Connor on purpose expanded into Maxim bonus in East Germany. Not once, but 2 turns. It was clear at that point that he would be unable to take the German bonus so the question is why did he enter Maxim's bonus to stop him from getting it? Could it be he tried to slow Maxim's income down? Certainly, a high-level player such as himself would know that and every income is precious so why did he decide to do it?

Evidence 5: I point you to a more far-fetched but not out of the realm of possibility. Country flags. In Warzone, you can see the flags a player resides in. Now take a look at all 3 players. Is it a coincidence that Harvey comes from Pennsylvania, Connor from New Jersey, and IMPEL from Maryland? ikeifer resides in Canada but it is not unwise to think that perhaps he lives in Eastern Canada just north of where the 3 accused are living. Now eagle-eyed readers will notice something. All 3 of the locations are very close to each other. Close enough.... to say perhaps they are real-life friends? I will admit it is far-fetched but with all the puzzle pieces fitting together, it is not foolish to think that this is another clue.

Evidence 6/7: I point you to the players Harvey, and ikeifer. Both of them were presented with evidence by Maxim. However, instead of calmly analyzing the evidence and concluding, Harvey, chose the route of Gaslighting and ikeifer chose the route of Insulting. This has to be said but it deeply affected me. Harvey, told Maxim to go and I quote "Off himself". This should NOT be tolerated in the nice community of Warzone and should be taken action by the owner of the website, Fizzer. This is unacceptable behaviour.


This is a classic tactic used when those unable to provide evidence, choose to instead attack the character of the victim instead of providing sound and reasonable evidence to refute.

Evidence 8: My last and final evidence but also I feel the most far-fetched. The dates and time the accounts were created. Harvey and Conner's accounts were created almost the same time and IMPEL and ikeifer's accounts were created almost the same time. Usually, I would not think much of it but with all evidence provided above, I just have to think... perhaps they are friends and they created accounts at the same time. Say, if you were having fun on Warzone, wouldn't you invite your friend over too?


I would like to reiterate that I am not accusing these players and I would love to give the benefit of the doubt to them. However, my gut feeling tells me something amiss is going on. their reaction to my evidence is not to deny or back up their claims but just to gaslight and insult me.... and even telling me to go kill myself.... I feel deeply affected by this and I would not wish this on anyone else in this community. My case here is to inform everyone and let them decide for themselves. If you do see any of them in the same team games, I implore you to keep vigilant and check history to make sure nothing amiss is going on.

To those that I called out, I apologise if you are not cheaters and I do hope that you can put your case in the comments below along with being civil and not asking me to go kill myself.

Once again, I am writing this in the hopes of keeping Warzone a friendly community as I believe and enjoy myself in this community. I only want the best for it and hope to see it flourish.

Kindest regards,
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 04:04:15

Level 59
Generally, cheating in Warzone is not possible. See https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Cheating for more information.

However, some players feel like they encounter players who are cheating, or think that the computer-controlled AI is cheating. This page explains how to see what really happened, and therefore prove that no cheating took place: https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Cheaters
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 04:08:10

Level 57
Hi l4v.r0v thank you for the information given but when I meant cheating it isn't in the traditional sense. I meant that they are real life friends and intend to boost each other's account stats. Not through the use of any hacks/software. Thank you!
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 04:09:02

Level 59
Players working together is not against the rules, and you should not report players for doing so. To avoid collusion, play in 1 v 1 games where collusion is impossible, or in team games (since then the collusion is pre-arranged), or just play with friends you trust. You may also wish to Blacklist this player so you don't have to play with them anymore.
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 04:10:40

Level 57
I see, thank you I will do just that. I just felt that it is a team game and should not be in any way unfair by colluding. I would expect that from a FFA. But I will take notice and blacklist and avoid. Thank you.
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 05:54:52

Level 50
Dude you're actually so insane it's embarrassing
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 10:08:45

Level 63
If think they are multi accounting, report it anyway. You probably won’t receive an update if action is taken. Unless they are repeat offenders, chances are a suspension will happen and suspensions are shown on profiles.

In this case in don’t think they are multi accounting. Even if there was multi accounting, it’s only a rule violation if it’s an FFA or the accounts are spread across multiple teams.

If you want evidence for multi accounting, most obvious ones play from exact same location. Otherwise a VPN could be used, in which case anyone could be an alt.
Something else to look out for is who invited them. There is a chance that the main account invited the rest, but even then could be friends.
The best evidence is consecutive player ids. Player id is if you take a player URL and removed the first two and last two digits of the p= part. If they’re in the same game, it’s incredibly sus.

Edited 4/6/2024 10:28:10
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 10:22:44

Level 63
About private messages being on… that’s the default when you create a game. Probably wasn’t disabled.
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 10:53:37

Level 58
Baffles me how the harmony-eternity troll post is attracting all the spam while this is kept in the dark.

Thank you almighty maxim for letting us know who we should blocklist.

The 5 players from 5 different states and 3 different countries playing the game vs someone that has already a couple of forum posts on toxicity, extrapolates speculations similarly to a conspiracy theorist watching the news, stalls with auto-commit a game of 3200 territories till elimination flaming and verbally abusing in the chat and talking to themselves in the post above, referring to themselves as a 3rd person.

Μy dude you gotta go outside and hug the grass, touching is not enough anymore.

Maybe even seek for a local church for an intervention.

Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 11:11:23

Level 57
@Dan Thank you for sharing, for the record I do not think they are the same person as the way they type are different (Unless they have split personalities). I would have thought that they were just friends as mentioned so I felt that was also cheating in a way in a team game to boost each other stats. My goal for sharing isn't to get them banned but to inform the community about possible unfair gameplay. I believe that this community is generally good although it has some bad apples.

@7ate9 Not sure if you read it or went straight into denial mode, but I did not mention all 3 countries. I only mentioned the Americans and Canadians. To that, I have made a point on why I thought they were friends IRL. I have friends living in America that know each other and they live in Cali and Montana so I saw their states and it wasn't continent apart. The states they are from are neighbours and all tucked in the North East. So perhaps yes, that might have played into why I assumed they were friends IRL. Regarding the toxicity, I do not deny that yes I do take my time playing certain games (which I felt were justifiable as I felt they were either toxic or playing unfair), but it isn't against the rules, the same as playing unfair right? For the record, I think I am justified in my actions as in those forums you mentioned, literally everyone sided with me (which you failed to mention.) Again, yes jerk move, but I felt it was deserved at that time. As mentioned in my post too, you are attacking my character and failing to provide evidence on my theory.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem Classic Tactic.

I am not sure if you read the Public Chat but I never flamed anyone. I mentioned my points to them and they took different actions such as gaslighting and asking me to kill myself. Which I am pretty sure is against warzone rules. I invited them to back their side of the story in the forums whilst being civil but they failed to do so, other than one of them coming here to attack my character again. @Ad_Hominem.

Once again, my goal wasn't to get anyone banned but to seek the court of public opinion on the matter whilst being civil and should they be found to be playing unfairly, just have the nice warzone community notified and just keep an eye out if they see all or some of them in the same game. To check history and make sure no unfair practices are going on. My goal is to protect the warzone community as I do like this nice community.

Kindest regards,
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 11:32:59

Level 57
I would like to add here (so that people don't claim I edited my posts), that I love this community as it is a wholesome and nice community. I only have the best intentions and even if they were found to be cheaters/playing unfairly, I would not want them to be banned. With that being said, I was deeply affected by the shrewd comments made by the accused. Comment such as asking me to go kill myself. Which I find highly disturbing. I believe that this is unacceptable in this community and I do wish that they change their ways. They wouldn't say this IRL. So I don't understand why they would say it online. Could it be anonymity? Either ways, I would never say such a thing to a member of this community.
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 11:46:33

Level 58
mate you had 8 points alright

2) red is 1vs2 in switzerland and their team has literally no information whatsoever on central europe/balcans, if i were red i would gift someone else in the center even sooner than they actually did. if anything, red misplayed gifting as late and not earlier

5) country point is straight up a meme

6/7 like it or not, in our society and in the game a player can't take control as an executive mean. if the other 3 players of the game are just bystanders to impel/conor being the same person, why should they be punished or why should they care? and who are you to punish them? the game's creator? admin? mod? report them. taking power into your own hands makes you look bad

8 no comment

1/3/4 connor simply didn't see his 1st spawn. happens. connor also had between 50 and 200 less income than impel since turn 6. kinda pointless to fight at all vs impel although if he didn't see his initial spawns you can bet he wasn't paying attention whatsoever in the game.

also east germany has no overlapped-mega-whatever you want to call it bonus. i dont understand which move you are talking about, is it turn 11 the capture of leipzig? and oberhavel? 2 territories?

you stalled before they called you any names an already finished game. y

you are basing your theory on 2 territories and connor probably paying 0 attention at the game

also if impel connor and idk who else in that game wanted to wintrade 3vs3 games for their win ratio, why the hell would they play 3vs3 huge europe and not do that on a template 30 times smaller and 100 times faster like rise of rome and imperium romanum
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 11:52:02

Level 58
wait now i'm reading the chat, bro you are truly are a psychopath, i'll hold a seat in the club for you.

enough time invested into this bye
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-06 12:11:06

Level 57
Yes, I did. I like to be as detailed as possible so that people are not confused. You do make some solid points and I have a slight change of mind now that you mentioned for example they could have played a smaller map to get the same results. However, a level 62 player missed out on his spots for 2 turns and attacked his teammate. I don't see how that is possible bar him being incompetent or playing unfairly. But I do commend you for at the very least making some good points to change my perception of the situation.

However, them telling Maxim to go kill himself is highly offensive and inappropriate for this community and I don't believe that it should be tolerated. If having a viewpoint on things makes me a psychopath, what about those who tell others to go kill themselves over an online game? Also please do not attack another person's character as that is the definition of Ad_hominem.

Cheers, and Kindest Regards,
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-07 00:20:14

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Why would someone cheat in a random FFA game when I made a game with a $100 prize that had no cheaters?
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-07 12:26:59

Level 61
So reading the chat, Harvey said "look at history at end yourself"

which is not what you quoted "off yourself". It's not even close. It's not even in the same ballpark. It's not even in the same league.

Conclusion: BL max. You're not even a good partner, win rate below 50% 3v3? smh
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-07 12:33:30

Level 57
@Alphazomgy it's a team game, not FFA. Possibly to boost stats? But 7ate9 gave a possible good reason.

@lawm Sorry, I do not entertain trollers that live under the bridge. If you type, end yourself in google it literally gives out suicide prevention hotlines. Have some class and do not joke about self-harm. Understand?
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-07 13:00:00

Level 60
"look at the history at end yourself" is missing a "the". lawm was not trolling, neither am I. Harvey literally asked you to look at the history of the game once the game ended. I do believe that is quite different from requesting you to be pushing up the daisies in the near future.

Now, I haaaaate to be the one that cries wolf, but Maxim might actually be worthy of being reported for inappropriate language. It might come down to definitions. Slander and defamation to the detriment of everyone, as well as the hostility MaximBasuda displayed in the game chat, is on its own highly inappropriate language. I certainly would never interact with another human being in that fashion. If we allow such players free reign it can result in a highly toxic environment. Im certain that such an environment would reduce the playerbase over time.

After all, a few bad apples spoil the bunch.
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-07 13:20:44

Level 57
I have been dealing with trolls on this website before, so I know how to best handle your type, which is to blacklist and ignore. Read the other forums about me whereby people try and slander me but fail miserably. Nice try, but I do not feed the trolls. Suicide jokes are inappropriate and definitely not for this community. I do not usually blacklist people, but I must commend you for being one of the handfuls to make it to my prestigious blacklist. There will be no further comments from me regarding the Suicide joke made by Harvey as that is an untasteful joke to be conversing in.
Are these people cheaters? You will decide.: 2024-04-07 14:10:17

Level 57
posts like this remind me it's always a good day for a hike outdoors away from the computer lol
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