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Exporting Map SVG from Illustrator: 2024-03-21 11:35:01

Level 56
Apologies if there's already a thread that details this, I had a scroll but couldn't see anything explicit. I'm new to the map making thing and am working in Illustrator.

On uploading even the simplest of SVGs I'm getting the error that some of the measurements aren't in pixels.

I have set up the Illustrator file to only deal in pixels, so I'm wondering if it's something to do with how I'm exporting it? Has anyone else faced this issue? I have seen on some posts there's mention of a discord server - is there any way to get an invite to that?
Exporting Map SVG from Illustrator: 2024-03-21 13:02:18

Level 63
Exporting Map SVG from Illustrator: 2024-03-22 14:52:32

zxctycxz [Ollie Bye] 
Level 59
I'm not familiar with Illustrator, but why would you need to export it? With Inkscape you just have a canvas saved and upload that; there's no separate export process
Exporting Map SVG from Illustrator: 2024-03-22 16:56:36

Level 63
Illustrator does all sorts of fancy things, so its not just a plain SVG file.

The same is true for Inkscape, but an inkscape svg is a plain svg with extra data fields that Warzone just ignores.
Exporting Map SVG from Illustrator: 2024-03-22 17:25:50

Level 56
Thanks for all the suggestions folks. I've ended up downloading inkscape, importing my Illustrator SVG into that, and uploading the file from inkscape. Works a treat
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