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How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-05 13:34:36

Level 59

A player that's only level 8 and only created their account 13 days ago joined my 1v1 open game. They don't appear to understand the difference between a real-time and multi-day game. I don't want to come across as toxic, so what should I say to them?

Edited 1/5/2024 13:36:54
How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-05 13:40:14

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Explain to them the purpose of multi day games
How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-05 14:04:05

Level 63
How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-05 16:40:42

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Thats not hard. The question is "how can you explain that to a toxic noob player".
How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-05 16:57:14

Level 59
Thats not hard. The question is "how can you explain that to a toxic noob player".

I just don't want to come across as toxic when explaining it to him. I'm not great at judging how people will take things, so I don't want to come across and confrontational.
How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-05 18:42:39

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Could be he will take interprete it as toxic anyway
How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-05 23:57:06

Level 58
@allusernamesaretaken12: Your 16 hour average multiday move speed is way higher than the move speed of most other players. I do understand some frustration when everyone made their picks and are waiting for you for a few days. Personally I believe that an online browser game where you have to wait for days for the game to move has no chance of taking off.

Edited 1/5/2024 23:58:21
How do I explain this to a noob w/o being toxic?: 2024-01-06 14:17:34

Level 59
Found the level 8's main
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