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My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-05 12:39:39

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
A little over a few weeks ago, I had been diving into many videos about mental disorders (I had been at my lowest then since betrayal HURTS a bunch. I am thankfully okay.) and later coming across a video of ADHD, which has described much of my impulsive actions, small attention span, and others.

Now, I am mentally recovering and slowly beginning to place trust in others. So, what are your questions for one who was so traumatized by society betraying them that they shut themselves out from the world?
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-05 16:22:51

Level 63
Classic, Idle or both?
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-05 21:05:44

Level 63
How high can you bounce?
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-05 21:10:59

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
"Classic, Idle or both?"

Classic. Idle is for the people who just need to pass time. And that is me unfortunately due to ADHD, so both. Thanks for asking! ^-^

"How high can you bounce?"

I am one of the more taller members of my extended family and still rather young, so I'd say 6ft. Thanks for asking! ^-^
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-05 22:51:42

Level 59
In the realm of contemporary socio-political discourse, characterized by its ever-evolving complexities and nuances, how do we reconcile the seemingly disparate ideologies and value systems that underpin the diverse tapestry of global societies, and can we formulate a comprehensive framework that not only accommodates the myriad cultural, economic, and historical contexts within which these ideologies have developed but also fosters a genuine sense of inclusivity and collective progress, all while addressing the pressing challenges of our time, such as climate change, income inequality, and political polarization, and if so, what specific strategies, informed by rigorous interdisciplinary research and empathetic dialogue, should be employed to facilitate this reconciliation and foster a more harmonious and equitable coexistence among individuals, communities, and nations, ultimately striving towards a shared vision of a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world for present and future generations?

Please take your time to ponder this question, as it delves into multifaceted aspects of our contemporary global landscape and calls for a thoughtful and comprehensive response.
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-05 22:54:09

Level 61
I'm glad to hear that you're on a path to recovery and that you're starting to regain trust in others. It can be a challenging journey, but seeking understanding and support is an important step. Here are some questions that may help guide our conversation:

1. How did you initially cope with the feelings of betrayal and the resulting isolation from society?

2. What strategies or resources have been most helpful to you in your journey toward mental recovery and rebuilding trust in others?

3. Can you share any specific experiences or moments that played a significant role in your healing process?

4. You mentioned identifying with traits of ADHD. How has this realization impacted your understanding of yourself and your journey toward recovery?

5. What advice or insights would you offer to someone who has gone through a similar experience of feeling betrayed by society and struggling with trust issues?

6. Have you found any particular hobbies, activities, or mindfulness techniques that have helped you manage impulsive actions and improve your attention span?

7. How has your perspective on mental health and seeking support changed since you started your recovery journey?

8. Are there any goals or aspirations you have for your future as you continue to heal and rebuild trust in yourself and others?

Feel free to share as much or as little as you're comfortable with, and remember that this is a safe and supportive space to discuss your experiences and thoughts.
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 00:09:39

Level 59
Have you talked to a professional yet to get a specific diagnosis and work out a treatment/management plan?

By the way, I've found regular exercise helps a ton so if you don't already do it I'd recommend building the habit. Good luck.
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 01:45:37

Level 60
ADHD here too <3
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 03:25:01

Level 54
explain to me why Ben Shapiro should or should not be president
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 07:45:35

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
"... for present and future generations?"

Well. My philosophy has a correlation with science. So while I can see the process of converting society and its norms into a united state, I'd say it is purely impossible.

How can you accommodate the thousands of cultural groups, their language, their needs, their people? To try and support one may anger one or more of the other. In physics, one of the laws states that 'if one object exerts a force onto another, it will reply with...
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 07:47:31

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
... an equal but opposite force."

Trying to unite the billions of people with their individual beliefs and traditions accounting for the diverse human mind, unity would be utterly impossible. Thanks for asking. ^-^
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 07:50:27

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
"How did you initially cope?"

My memories are still vivid on the days following the moment. I had shut my doors from reality, thinking at the time I'd never ought to make friends again. A curse which seemed to feign true given that I was essentially isolated from my class.

Becoming a true introvert was my only way out at the time. I had been struggling with many things but not on a scale like this...
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 07:53:45

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
I had rocky relationships with my family, but this one friend was one and common with me. For him to just deny me, it essentially flipped my world upside down.

"What strategies or resources..."

Well, for many years after, I had essentially cut off all relationships with nearly all my friends, save a few who shared hobbies with me.

I was the husk of my happy side much after that. I began to hate gatherings...
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 07:57:07

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
... and family events, and slowly began to fall into a spiral of depression. I had to leave my school sometime in the pandemic due to traveling issues, studying in a science high school, which wasn't extremely hard actually. I am a person with much better calculating and memorization abilities.

I'd go into further detail, but I do not wasn't to clutter this AMA with me and me. Just ask me for the details and I'll post 'em.
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 07:59:47

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
"Can you share any experiences..."

Those experiences were almost entirely made of wins and awards. I actually do not want much, because I do not have a need for material, as long as I have a device and food, I'm all good.

The experiences were getting into a spelling competition in my first school, earning honors in Reading, and recently a few months ago, an honors in the science school...
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 08:05:50

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
... and hitting rating goals in Chess. I am a 1600-rated player despite having only figured 6 openings in total. Overall, those experiences helped me ever so slightly gain my confidence and self-esteem back.

"You mentioned having traits of ADHD..."

It has drastically changed of what I thought I had was depression but it was actually ADHD.
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 08:08:47

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
"What advice or insight would you offer?"

"Don't worry my friend. Even if there is one person in the world who hates you, there's always a person who loves and appreciates you as a person."

Based off my small talk about physics.

"Hobbies or activities?"

Writing and sketching have been my prime for years, and recently picked up Chess in February of 2022.
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 08:17:31

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
It has since helped with the patience, but my impulsiveness is still showing.

"Goals or aspirations you have?"

Perhaps being a chess champion? It is one of my strong suit, but my carelessness gets in the way when I need to calculate the most.

I won't answer the perspective question, I still have significant trust issues with strangers, but I may be open to that idea. Thanks for asking! ^-^
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 08:18:49

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
"Have you gotten professional assistance?"

As mentioned above, I still am discontent with strangers, so I may be shooting myself in the foot, but I wanna save myself some unnecessary stress for later in the adult years. Thanks for asking! ^-^
My ADHD is how I got into this game, AMA!: 2023-09-06 08:20:29

Lemsrow, the Sophisticated Maniac
Level 59
"Explain why Ben Shapiro should or should not be President?"

No opinion of Ben Shapiro being President. I have no knowledge and will abstain from answering. Thanks for asking! ^-^
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