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Longest CW SE match?: 7/4/2023 09:05:58

Level 60
https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34891112 this game took 30 minutes to play out. 51 turns. I lost, but only because I just made a bit more mistakes...
if there's a longer game that would be really interesting
this was an RT CW but I'd count QM SE1W and SEAD too

Edited 7/4/2023 23:19:48
Longest CW SE match?: 7/4/2023 15:09:12

Level 60
Longest SE1W CW games, that I know:

200 turns
https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=26518275 CW: Lucky Charms vs Zealoustowski

59 turns
https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=28547924 CW: Captain MAK Sparrow vs ZiAnsari

58 turns
https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=32571426 CW: HeyGuy vs Norme

Edited 7/4/2023 21:48:28
Longest CW SE match?: 7/4/2023 20:21:24

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
@5s in the first game one number is missing. the link is broken.
Longest CW SE match?: 7/4/2023 20:23:19

Level 61
definitely would not call that perfect play, but crazy long nonetheless
Longest CW SE match?: 7/4/2023 21:54:11

Level 60
@5s in the first game one number is missing. the link is broken.

Thanks, fixed
Longest CW SE match?: 7/5/2023 09:52:37

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Well... that 200er game was over after turn 4.
The 59er was done after turn 9. Certainly you can add ~3 turns extra maybe to be sure. But the rest is pathetic (sry)

Edited 7/5/2023 09:55:57
Longest CW SE match?: 7/5/2023 09:59:41

Level 63
only norme holds the real record the rest are chasing
Longest CW SE match?: 7/5/2023 10:14:35

Level 60
I agree with @LF.
This was a game which could have been either way (assuming human play) all the way till the last few turns :)

I'd really like to see a genuine long game.

uh, of course norme steals coins with 16 player 10 coin entry tournaments

Edited 7/6/2023 05:29:08
Longest CW SE match?: 7/6/2023 05:00:00

Shia LeBooty
Level 61
Norme is a very good SE player. Typically hosts a couple of SE tourneys each week and tends to make at least the semis/finals in each one...
Longest CW SE match?: 7/6/2023 11:28:50

Level 63
norme is also on top of 3v3 ladder and does well in other ladders, and has recently blossomed as a MME mutli attack player

put some *respect* on my man's name!
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