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New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 16:12:16

Level 54
{rp} Julius Caesar wrote:
Also, is this Mercer guy actually working for you or is an elaborate troll?

Look at his clan, "WarLight Staff". I doubt Fizzer would allow that clan name if it wasn't legitimate, besides, he himself is a member too (to the best of my knowledge, you have to confirm wanting to join a clan; you cannot be made a member without knowledge and consent).

(Also note I'm not a member of that clan, so this is not an official answer. :p )
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 16:32:22

Level 51
Would like to add that I appreciate the work that was done, and especially like the shift to HTML.

To be more specific about my last point -- on how My Games are listed -- I agree that the key issue is the need to return "Active games where I'm not eliminated" as an option.

In terms of how they're ordered, options for a) how long it's been my turn (what I used before) and/or b) how long until I'll be booted, would be ideal IMO.

Most other items I either like, or I suspect I will get used to over time.
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 16:38:03

Level 66
I think the changes are good. It's a little cluttered now but I think that will pass with time as I get used to it. Very happy! Thanks.
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 16:42:38

Level 56
I dislike several things about that:

1) Dashboard is hella cluttered. Only thing I need from it is to let me browse real-time games, I don't want it to do anything else. "Promoted games" are really meaningless for me, but they stay as a form of some annoying ad.

2) Game is loading every time I join new game. Thus, it takes 3-4 times longer than usual to join a game. For me, its absolutely annoying.

3) Open games and my games are broken now. Removal of abovementioned filter is something that I can live with, but removal the short description of settings, mentioning turn time and teams and replacing them with a BLANK SPACE is something that I absolutely hate and don't understand why it was done.

4) Open games/my games tabs are gonna be removed? Really? Why god why.

Edited 1/10/2015 16:45:36
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 16:55:23

Level 58
Simply hover the pointer over them.

Edited 1/10/2015 16:55:33
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 17:56:32

Level 59
I don't mind the idea of the dashboard. In fact, I like having everything together. But on thing is getting on my nerves about it;

Please stop shoving Coin Games down our throats....with the strange rules for the fees you take and the min/maxs they're just not worth playing. Naming them "Promoted Games" isn't helping, it just seems like you think we're all idiots and that "Promoted" games are somehow more important and so we should clearly be putting money in to play them. What percent of players actually bought coins so far? I'm guessing not enough to justify having the box displaying them shoved in our faces as if it's more important than the "Open Games" box, and we can't even collapse it.

I was optimistic about Coins in the first place, and don't mind coin games existing alongside the other games, but promoting them to the point of displaying them as the most important games is just too much. I know you're trying to make money off of this, but you're blowing it a bit out of proportion. First they were put alongside regular games on the open games page. Now they're ABOVE the open games. Next I expect them to be above "My Games" and have neon flashing lights around them like a cheap banner ad.

I apologize for the rant and for the sarcasm, I just really don't want this to get overblown, because doing so alienates the rest of the player base. As far as more level-headed feedback:

- Please make clicking anywhere in the box for a game open it, rather than having to target the title or map image
- Please put Clan forums on the page as well, it looks like you could fill more room on the left side anyway
- An alternative to that would be allowing clan leaders to keep a sort of "blog" that would show up on the clan's homepage as well as this page. You could limit the characters so it's not an eyesore, but this would be a huge advantage for clans in terms or organizing, news, and getting updates to clan-members without them having to navigate to another tab entirely, which many don't often have time for.
- Allowing us rearrange boxes and/or collapse them would make a world of difference. As to the coin games, I wouldn't care if they defaulted to the top of the page and even spanned both columns as a default to show new members, as long as I could move it somewhere else or minimize it.
- It would be nice to have an option (radio button?) where games would automatically open in a new tab, instead of needing ctrl-click or right-click
- Oh, and could the refresh button go somewhere else? like the top of the page? It just feels weird and out of place where it is now.
- If you won't update things like that, please at least leave the My Games tab alone. You could even get rid of the link to it, as long as we existing players could use it by using a direct address to it

Edited 1/10/2015 18:04:40
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 18:50:20

Level 61
Just a quick review on my initial thoughts:

I like some of the features like the icons that give a description of each game, but there needs to be some things removed from the multiplayer tab. If this format remains I have to say that I'm going to severely cut down on my WarLight activity because the Multiplayer tab is far too cluttered and crowded for calm, casual play.

New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 19:12:20

Level 55
I'm able to the games on my phone, but the play them.

New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 19:17:27

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
please just give me my filters back
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 19:42:07

Aerial Assault 
Level 60
Some good features, some bad. It's not as bad as I thought it was upon first glance of seeing the hodgepodge.

Restoring the dot instead of the new dash would be nice. The dot is too hard to see.

"Active games in which I am not eliminated" was always my default setting before this switch; it would be nice to see that added back in. I don't need to see long-play games on the list in which I was long ago elimmed, but someone chatted and I never read it.

Also, a total of actives would be nice. I don't want to have to count the games by hand to see if I'm in too many and thus don't want to add any more, or am not in as many as I'd like and would like to go looking for some open games, tourneys, etc.

Finally, the scroll bar within the games list is a classic example of "don't know what you got 'til it's gone." I hope that comes back soon.
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 20:51:58

Level 54
This could have been good if the whole thing was designed well.The whole interface looks backwards and out of place.The design looked like something from the nineties.

It's just not eye pleasing i would rather look at the my games section which has good look and fonts and everything than the awful way the dashboard isAnd lets not forget the awful boot time on top of the image of each game.

Edited 1/10/2015 20:55:57
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 22:24:00

Level 41
It changes things. I don't like it. I'm going to insult you for improving this very enjoyable free game in a way that is not exactly what I would have done if I were you.
I love this
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 22:27:36

Level 60
It changes things. I don't like it. I'm going to insult you for improving this very enjoyable free game in a way that is not exactly what I would have done if I were you.

I love this

I love..
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/10/2015 23:34:36

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54

they got rid of the setting, "Active Games where i am not eliminated"

why the F*** would i want to see games where i am elimianted????

New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/11/2015 00:24:46

Punching Bag (^_^;)
Level 57
personally, if i want to see lot of stuff i go to the dashboard, if i am only interested in games, then i go to mygames tab, not sure if other people are just hating on change or something or if they genuinely do not realize they can do this lol

@fizzer - i like this new idea, i think you are trying to cram a little too much onto the page though, you are shifting the equivalent of what would normally be 3 pages, onto one, without an option to hide one of them.

i think this can work quite nicely given tweaking and some time :D
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/11/2015 00:30:19

Level 60
I play Warlight in sessions, usually after school and on the weekends when I wake up and when I go to bed, and this really helps me save time. Great update!
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/11/2015 01:36:22

Level 49
My only complaint


The dashboard could use work, but it seems wiser to put that on the homepage rather than cluttering it into the games display
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/11/2015 01:45:22

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I like some of the additions, such as the icons that inform about the settings. However, I do think there are some things that can be improved upon.

  • I think you should handle "My Games", "Promoted Games", and "Open Games" as tabs similar to how you have four ladders on the Community Dashboard. This way you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the Open Games.
  • I agree that the old black square is much better than the new dash to show who hasn't yet played.
  • If this page is going to replace the "My Games" and "Open Games" tabs, then you definitely shouldn't remove filter and sort options. I personally don't like the sort order that is currently used, and would prefer to be able to sort by the created date, and I believe there may be a few people who prefer some other filter settings. ;)
  • It seems that it would make more sense to have "My Games" in the left column, and the blog/forum posts in the right column, since that's what most people will be coming to this page for.
  • The whole row for the game should be clickable, not just the name and the map.
  • It would be better to have "Boot time 3 days" right aligned in the game's row, rather than superimposed over the map. Just seeing 3 days doesn't obviously tell you that that is for the boot time.

On the whole, I think it is a positive update if it encourages more people to stray into the forum and the real-time ladder, but it needs some tweaks if it is going to fully replace the "My Games" and "Open Games" tabs.
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/11/2015 03:36:00

Punching Bag (^_^;)
Level 57
i like your suggestions beren! :D
New page: Multi-player dashboard!: 1/11/2015 04:08:57

Level 56
I like the icons under Open Games, as a quick way to see the settings. For games I'm playing, however, they're largely just clutter--it's not like I need to know the card or luck settings of a game I'm already in.

I'd rather see icons under those games for things that would actually be useful to know, e.g.:
* An icon indicating that I've been booted/surrendered and am being played by an AI
* An icon indicating that there's a pending surrender request
* An icon I can mouseover to see each of the boot options (vote/direct/auto)

I think being able to see the direct boot time limit is a big improvement. Would be interesting if one of the view options was for games in which someone was bootable.

Actually, the viewing options are probably best done with toggles: allow selection from a list of what games you want to see (e.g., games where it's my move, games with unread chat, games with unread private messages, games with a bootable player, etc.)

As has been noted by others, the dashes are much less aesthetically pleasing than the dots were.

Overall, I look the concept of the dashboard, even if I'd like to see some refinements.
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