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Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 21:40:36

Level 61
By "kingmaking" I mean a situation in a FFA where one player, instead of surrendering, decides to stick around in a game purely to screw with one of the other remaining players. Either because of things that happened within that game or due to a personal grudge.

Typically, this takes the form of suiciding or retreating all armies next to other players, while attacking 100% the player they want to screw with, and continuing until they are literally wiped out or their target surrenders.

Obviously you blacklist them. But unless you're personally hosting the games you're playing, that doesn't stop them from joining.

Is this something that Fizzer would take action against or is it just something we have to live with?
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 21:46:01

Level 60
What rule is it breaking?
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 21:46:12

Level 63
It’s not actionable. Deciding to carry on playing while losing can still affect the game. If players decided to play until elimination it’s not against the rules either
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 21:51:04

Level 57
It doesn't sound all that different than forming an alliance against a certain player, which I see all the time.
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 21:51:41

old yeller 
Level 59
ffa means you do as you wish. as long as you’re not using alt accounts to assist it all fair in love and ffa

Edited 6/16/2023 21:54:08
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 21:57:42

Level 61
What rule does it break?

I'd say it breaks the rule about being respectful to other players. Especially when the person literally says in chat that's what they're doing.

Edited 6/16/2023 21:58:26
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 21:59:33

old yeller 
Level 59
bahhhk, respect for other players is for diplos
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:00:16

Level 60
I'd say it breaks the rule about being respectful to other players. Especially when the person literally says in chat that's what they're doing.

Please, link the game
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:02:00

Level 61
Please, link the game

I'd rather not make this about a specific game. I just wanted to know, in general, if reporting things like this would be wasting Fizzer's time or not.
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:03:08

old yeller 
Level 59
as admin, yes.
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:07:59

Level 60
I'd rather not make this about a specific game. I just wanted to know, in general, if reporting things like this would be wasting Fizzer's time or not.

This is not reportable.
When you will try to report the player and try to select "Secret pact or colluded", it will not allow you to proceed with reporting and you will get this response
Players working together is not against the rules, and you should not report players for doing so. To avoid collusion, play in 1 v 1 games where collusion is impossible, or in team games (since then the collusion is pre-arranged), or just play with friends you trust. You may also wish to blocklist this player so you don't have to play with them anymore.
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:17:57

Doctor K 
Level 61
You may also wish to blocklist this player so you don't have to play with them anymore.

If only this worked... blocklisting players seems only to tag them with a symbol. Does not block their chat, nor gaming.

Do we need a user voice on this?
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:22:49

Level 61
If only this worked

If you create the game, then people you've blocked can't join it. That's the only concrete thing it does.
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:23:20

Level 61
I watch a bit of Risk. Holding grudges against players that “sunk” your game is actually a pro strategy to make sure they think twice about sinking it in the future. Samurai Jack did a podcast episode with Kill Pete Strategy, the leading Risk content creator.
https://youtu.be/17TcLoqlgy8?t=162 (for Pete’s face and Twitch chat)

In the Risk World Championship 2023 Season 1, a player picked on him the whole game and eventually sunk his game and ended his tournament. His response was to end the other guy’s tournament as a lesson, “Be a good neighbour to me and I’ll be the best of friends with you. However, if you sink my game, I’ll take you down with me.” Pete carries this reputation with him and is a key factor to why he’s so successful in Risk. Below is a link to the specific time in the video he decides to suicide. The actual act of suiciding happens 2 minutes later.

I don’t play many free for alls on this game, but my ideology would be no different. If you are the main cause for sinking my game, I will make sure to do my best to sink yours too.

Edited 6/16/2023 22:26:41
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:23:52

Level 61
"Players working together is not against the rules, and you should not report players for doing so. To avoid collusion, play in 1 v 1 games where collusion is impossible, or in team games (since then the collusion is pre-arranged), or just play with friends you trust. You may also wish to blocklist this player so you don't have to play with them anymore."

Except it's not collusion. It's not a secret pact. It's one person deliberately trying to ruin another person's game out of spite.

If someone deliberately followed you around, joining all your games, just to suicide into you at every opportunity. Would you still say it's not actionable even though it's deliberate harrassment?

Edited 6/16/2023 22:26:28
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:45:35

Level 60
Ok. We genuinely tried to help you. (at least I did try to help)
If you don't accept our answer, then the best option for you is to go and report that player.
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 22:47:52

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Except it's not collusion. It's not a secret pact. It's one person deliberately trying to ruin another person's game out of spite.

If someone deliberately followed you around, joining all your games, just to suicide into you at every opportunity. Would you still say it's not actionable even though it's deliberate harrassment?

Well, I suggest either BLing or asking the host to do so. I think making this a reportable offense would open a can of worms which would then force the report reviewers to judge whether it's really someone trying to ruin your game or just someone colluding.

But ultimately I have played other games with a FFA mode and the problem was the same there. It's a problem inherent to the FFA game mode imo. You accept the risk when you join a game like that. So either BL or ask the host to BL, or move on
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 23:54:01

Level 60
if that person target you a lot try to change your account's name or use an alternative account for some time until that person disappear
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-16 23:57:41

Level 58
doesnt seem bannable but seems like a jerkish thing to do
Is kingmaking reportable/against the rules: 2023-06-17 00:00:21

bliss machine
Level 62
annoying yes, but not against the rules. try some 1vs1, more fun anyways
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