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looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 17:45:37

old yeller 
Level 59
i'm working on a project where players compete in rt games (cw templates for now) and myself and commentary team have no fog access. the game will be broadcast either live or delayed (still working on live) with full commentary, play by play and colour. i'm calling it "the arena" for now. hopefully after a proof of concept i will be able to pay players in wz coin for providing the entertainment.
for all those that ask, this is my vision of wz future.
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 18:30:52

Level 63
What do you call a good player?
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 18:37:25

Level 61
I am definetely not a good player, but the premise sounds promising. Id love to help you with the task.
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 18:39:44

old yeller 
Level 59
60% win rate in qm on chosen template
but i'm still learning the apps to stream/record so if you want to help this is where i need it

Edited 4/30/2023 18:40:14
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 18:43:22

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
This sounds very interesting.
I guess you can call me a "good" player.
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 18:47:01

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
ah quickmatch, mine both say 75, idk if thats percentage or the amount of quickmatches I've played
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 18:47:42

Level 62
if you'd accept a n00b warlus in oyster's clothing for games or commentating, hit me up UwU
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 19:45:53

Roi Joleil
Level 60
If you want Strong Players in these games you have to look at their MTL, AWP, Ladder History.
MTL Id say is the most prestigous as it has 50 different templates and there are always some of the strongest Players active in it.
AWP also rotates constantly templates but idk how active strong players are in competing in it.
Ladder is arguably the weakest determening factor as its only 1 template and can be cheesed with 'Runs'. Tho this is hopefully fixed with the next update.

QM / CW shouldnt be used to much as showcase of skill as Activity itself can be enough to be in high rankings.

Win% is a terrible determening factor.
Someone that plays exclusivly MTL with some of the best players will obviously have worse Winrates than someone who plays open games against Bob and Joe.

You can see your winrate on your profile.
Your 1v1 Winrate is 40%
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 19:47:05

old yeller 
Level 59
roi joleil, this is't a forum about what is and is not a good player
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 19:50:26

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"roi joleil, this is't a forum about what is and is not a good player"

The titled said "looking for good players"
So i replied how to find them

Edited 4/30/2023 19:51:33
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 21:18:08

Level 60
just curious, how you're gonna give the broadcast team access to the game without fog?
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 21:20:19

Level 62
Is there a mod that does that? Didn't you make it? Or is it not released yet?
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 21:21:03

Level 61
there is a mod, we messed around with it once in GC, I forget the name
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 21:22:03

Level 61
you should probably consider QM rating as well, I am 60% on se1w with a ridiculous amount of games, but at 67% on fb and 100% on cancer, but both of those I have under 10 games and the winrate is skewed.
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 21:22:51

Level 60
Yup, there is and I made it xD. But I was curious if he found another way to do it.

For those wondering, it's the Spectator Mode mod
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 21:27:47

old yeller 
Level 59
exactly, i want to take that and broadcast it. i’m figuring out the audio and why it doesn’t hear me the rest of recording and streaming it i got figured out. having said that if someone wants to help me with that i’d accept.
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 21:53:23

Roi Joleil
Level 60
If you use OBS, there should be a tab saying "Audiomixer" at the bottom.
Under Audio Mixer there should be a file saying "Microphon-/AUX-Audio"
If that doesnt pick up your Microphone click on the 3 Vertical Dots next to it -> Properties -> Select your Microphone.
It should then pick up your Mic.

Edited 4/30/2023 21:55:36
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 22:07:17

old yeller 
Level 59
got it, thanks.
next is a test recording with other commentators. when it's successful i'll invite players into games and broadcast hopefully live
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 22:17:48

Level 60
It sounds like a good idea, I'm looking forward to it xD

If you need anything inside the game itself, just hit me up. If needed, I can make or modify any mods to help the broadcasting :)
looking for a few good players: 2023-04-30 22:20:44

Level 60
Although this was not in scope of the initial question. I just came by to say, that this sounds very exciting, and to wish good luck with the endeavour.
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