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Tips for Idle Progress: 2023-04-29 23:45:55

Level 56
Okay, so i'm relatively new to Idle, roughly started it 3 weeks ago and made it so far to 75% completion of Sengoku. However, it was starting at K-PX when it became a major slugfest turning each round from 2 to 4 to 7 days now. Therefore, i have a few questions of my own involving this.

1 - What should be my immediate priority in terms of AP? i almost maxed out Joint Strike (Sengoku will max it out) & i have a 40% army camp increase. But beyond that, i have no idea on where to progress after Joint Strike.

2 - Is there any other good way to get quick AP or do i continue playing Idle normally?

3 - So i have a lot of overflow artifacts, enough for a staircase upgrade all the way to Rare. of the following, which is the best to have as that level? I have the following: https://i.imgur.com/R7MONPZ.png

Or any other general tips are appreciated as well.
Tips for Idle Progress: 2023-04-30 01:00:58

bliss machine
Level 62
from a novice, it seems to be a process that wil take years. kinda like completing candy crush. umm dunno what to suggest but if you enjoy then enjoy
Tips for Idle Progress: 2023-04-30 01:31:13

Level 62
There are a lot of threads on Idle tactics, so would recommend checking some of those out, rather than rehashing it all here - there's at least 10 or so good threads packed with tons and tons of info, and guides, etc

For artifacts, esp for early players, I'd say Army Cache Boost, Supercharged Army Camp Boost & Alloy Values are the ones that are going to give the biggest benefit
Tips for Idle Progress: 2023-04-30 01:34:09

Level 60
later on, levels are just gonna be market strategy :) don't worry early levels are also kinda annoying for me (just ascended lol) since they produce so little rate of ap gain

it took me roughly 1 year to ascend (slightly more, but minus the fact that I almost quit early on)

Edited 4/30/2023 01:34:53
Tips for Idle Progress: 2023-05-01 14:02:28

Level 60
Early on, you want a Alloy Values and Supercharge Army Camp artifact, maybe Army Camp or Army Cache Boost if you get one. Max Joint strike and get about 100% Increased Army Camp Production, then start going for additional mercs. The more mercs the less you have to wait for camps to give armies(eventually becoming 0). Ones you get Phase 2, get Mercenary Discount and Alloy Values. Combining max of both of those with their artifacts and techs, the money you get from buying and selling from markets will become enough to buy all mercs in the level.
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