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Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-05 11:51:28

Level 62
Since I dont have any other useful artifacts at the moment, and since I got this from wzib, I just tested it out: The Field Hospital.

* You have to locate it on a territory you already own
* The icon looks exactly like a normal hospital
* It then gives you a discount on armies that you need to conquer any of the surrounding territories
** 12% at rare level as is mine
* You can only have one field hospital at a time. If you deploy it a second time (after the cooldown), it replaces the first one

Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-05 11:53:54

Level 60
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-05 11:56:03

Ozark Girl
Level 36
nice post. I always ignored that artifact. Maybe I should dust it off and give it a try
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-05 11:57:07

Level 63
** 12% at rare level as is mine
* You can only have one field hospital at a time. If you deploy it a second time (after the cooldown), it replaces the first one

Well, that makes is kinda mega bad. It's not quite at Fog Buster level, but its definitely up there on the list of useless artifacts.
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-08 21:44:35

Level 62
After having made this post, I continue to use the field hospital over and over.

Nice observation:
* There was a territory with 133M armies to conquer
* Too much for my little army camp, so lets triple strike it!
* Epic triple strike reduces the army need to 20% of 133M = 27M
* The field hospital (rare=12%), which I placed right next to it, indeed saved me another 3,19M of that 27M

The amount that the field hospital saved, is listed under "Total armies saved from hospitals" (Statistics lvl 1).

Yay, this is working like a charm!

(And since I dont have any (normal) hospital yet, it is easy to see these effects)
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-10 09:17:49

Level 63
so its actually good? like, good enough to be worth a slot while on cooldown?
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-10 10:25:37

Level 62
I think my main point was that it is well-implemented ;).

I am currently doing levels at the speed of >1 per day. And I am currently digging at a speed of <2 commons per day (as I know already that I will super with only 2 artifacts again, I am not really focussing on digging too much and even start a new level if the current dig only lasts 30 mins to finish). So... I just dont have any alternative yet...

Give me a time warp even at common, for instance, and the field hospital is obsolete.
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 18:50:04

Level 62
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 19:15:18

Level 62
I disagree that FH is useful compared to TS or QS. I'll concede that it will get you additional discounts when used in conjunction with TS or QS when all 3 are at low levels ... but having FH+TS or QS both cooling down is a huge waste. Get TS or QS to Leg, then you get not just discounts but refunds for capturing the territories with only 1 slot cooling down. And if you're down to use 2 slot, use both Leg+ TS & Leg+ QS on different large territories.

TLDR, don't bother upgrading FH, just focus on upgrading TS & QS.
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 19:28:20

Level 60
If you have a FH on a territory you use Leg TS on, would it reduce the armies it saves? Because 160% discount is 1-1.6=-0.6*0.88(Rare FH) is -0.528.
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 19:43:22

Level 62
Since normal hospitals do not have any impact on Legendary (or Insane) TS/QS, I would assume that also FH just does nothing.

And just to make it clear, I want to emphasize how useless this artifact is, not promote to use it.
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 19:44:00

Leia - Princess of Coinwheels 
Level 60
does the field hospital stay after artifact has cooled down? until you deploy a new one, or if you don't, until you finish the level?
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 19:46:19

Level 62
It stays. Even if you aquired all territories around it which makes it useless.

What I didnt try out is what happens when you use it in wzib and that territory gets bombed. Could imagine it is lost.
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 19:47:42

Level 58
Wonderful post Otto, thanks
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 20:00:05

Level 62
LMAO, that's a damn good question. It's quite possible.
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 20:09:48

Level 60
@otto I know normal hosps would do nothing but normal hosps save a absolut amount, FH saves a relative amount.
Also if it would actually do that, I'd love to see a screenshot of negative armies saved from hospitals

Edited 2/12/2023 20:10:42
Never Used Artifacts: The Field Hospital: 2023-02-12 20:33:43

Level 53
Actually, I would think WZIB might be a place where it was slightly more useful since - *if* it is not erased by bombing - It can be used repeatedly on the nearby territories when *they* get bombed.
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