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Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 02:25:16

Level 64

Warzone Creator
On Tuesday, I'll be hosting an ask-me-anything session on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/FizzerWL! During this livestream, I will be going over all the new features added to the game recent, answering any questions from viewers, and maybe giving some hints on what will be coming in future updates.

It will start at noon pacific time, see this link for the time in your local timezone: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=2022-12-20+noon+pacific+time

If you can't make the stream, feel free to ask questions in this thread and I'll try to answer them during the stream. I'll then upload the result to YouTube for viewing later. Hope to see you there!

EDIT: It's over! You can watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/WRUH9SXEwPU

Edited 12/20/2022 22:31:08
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 03:11:57

Level 64
How do the new Name Tags work with name changes? If a player with a lot of name changes reverts back to a previous name they've had, does their tag # use the latest # or does it still respect the account sign up date?
- downvoted post by Bring * back! ⌛sucks!
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 09:17:30

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Actually Fizzer signs up for clan league and publically going through the Flunky Fizzers Lineup and Roster 3 hours before the registration is due.
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 09:58:06

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Question 1
How does the name tag work. If Fizzer #1 is renamed, will then Fizzer #2 become the new Fizzer #1?

Question 2
If I change my name to newplayername, would my old player-name-link redirect to my new name-profile-link named newplayername?

EDIT: JK tested it
https://www.warzone.com/Profile?u=JK+is+testing+ghost+accounts_1 should redirect to https://www.warzone.com/Profile?u=JK+is+testing+account+renaming_1 but it doesnt.

Question 2.1
I would question if it could be made possible that the player-ID-link is somehow still visible on the players profile?
or alternatively maybe that the player-ID-link remains the dominant adress? (the name-links are directing to the player-ID-link, not the player-ID-link directing to the player-name-link).

It needs to be possible to track. It becomes a mess to organize competitions.... such as Clan League...
It is hard to work with profile links, if they break every time when a player changes his/her name. (happens occassionally in a group of 500+ players) Would be good to have an easy way to identify the ID-link. 🤔

Edited 12/19/2022 22:29:40
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 10:32:24

Level 63
On the website, will all references to profile links be changed from using a player id to using a player tag? The report and private notes pages still use the player id for example but a player profile page now uses the player tag in the url

Will profile links using player ids links permanently continue to redirect to the profile page using player tag in the url?

Can you make the urls go back to this format: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9522268564. And only use the new type (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?u=DanWL_1) when on a profile page. For each link in the new format, each of my userscripts will be at least 1 second slower due to making a network request because player numbers are always unique but the u= bit isn't always the same player. Before a network request wasn't needed.

Edited 12/19/2022 17:51:57
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 11:23:42

Level 60
A little suggestion for mods (ofc, what else xD)

Currently it is a pain to give players good notifications (like for diplomacy mods). Maybe you can add something that allows a mod to write to the chat in a game? Sending messages to public chat for announcements and private chats (between the mod and the player) for personal notifications.

Mostly the latter one would

  • When a player views their games list, it would see the green text "you have unread private messages", which would allow mods to indicate something has happened in that game (which we can't rn)
  • Allow a player to read back what happened in the game at all times. We can show a pop up for players for notifications, but we don't have a good way to show these notifications again and players can forget them easily

While we're at it, the possibility to read the chat as a mod could be useful too. A mod can take certain actions if a message is send or when it has a certain syntax, like declaring war, giving some gold to a player or purchasing something.

Edited 12/20/2022 13:53:10
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 12:15:58

Level 58
Is there literally any thought of changing the CW system and, better perhaps, the clan cap? There has been quite a lot of discussion over the past year about how bad the clan war system is, and nothing seems to be done to fix it.

On a lighthearted note, may you please add the Grover's Cafe thread to the community main page? It contains 700 replies, has ran for almost a year, and is still active till this day.
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 12:43:01

Level 61
First of all: I respect that you are doing these AMA's, as i know its sometimes frustrating to deal with request that just make no sense from a game-design perspective. Only a person as chill like you can do these, i sure know i wouldnt if i was in your place :D

to topic:


I think its a terrible mechanic. A game (at least turn based game) should be about making meaningful decisions.
There is practically no decision making in making 300 delays per turn - its just meaningless micromanagement.

As an example, a 1v1 on the popular RoR (273 territores for 2 players) template can easily be 100+ delays per turn. Its basically as much as you can physically (depending on your mouse speed) squeeze into a 5 minute timer. Any bigger map would result in even more delays, the limit is only as much as you can be bothered to make. If you add No army stand guard to the mix, it gets even more crazy. Basically anything bigger than MME for 1army stand guard and anything bigger than small earth for 0army stand guard turns into making a delay chaos.
From a game-design perspective, i feel like "clean" play should be rewarded (reusing leftovers, little moves), not having to artificially make things messy to move 1-stacks around between basically every territory-connection you control.
If needed i can provide a random sample of RoR1v1 between decently strong players to show that this pretty much always results in 100+ delays a turn (if game goes beyond turn 8 or so)

As i ve already mentioned this in a previous QA i already know your respone:
"Warzone is a highly qustomizable game and some settings dont make for good games"

While this is true, i dont think its the right response here, as delays kill to many game variants. Basically anything with a medium or bigger sized map turns into a mess. However, i enjoy bigger maps sometimes and dont want to only play small earth (and even this can turn into a delay war easily)

I dont have (or want to get into) solutions, as i think first there has to be a consens on if delays are a bad mechanic or not and if that is given, one may try and think of some intuitive, not overly constructed solutions. As unintuitive or constructed solutions i would also count no-split or some arbitrary order-limit.
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 12:58:27

Level 64
@GiantFrog, the solution already exists. If you constantly face someone who makes as many delays as possible, try to counter such style by playing more aggressively or just use defence. That might force them to adjust as well.

Other than that, delays are part of the game and I don't see any good reason why should they be nerfed.
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 13:22:02

Level 58
Any ideas for if custom structures is in the pipeline?
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 13:26:17

Level 58
Can we get an option in the future to make the name tags not viewable as I'm not a fan of everyone having a #1 in front of their name in forums

Edited 12/19/2022 13:26:30
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 14:35:24

Level 58
Final question (I promise!): can we get a link to the main warzone discord's (general, map making, modding) in the community tab
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 14:38:45

Level 58
Final final question: can we get an option to bookmark threads?
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 14:42:03

Level 63
Final final question: can we get an option to bookmark threads?

There already is?
Just use Mulis dashboard script like everyone else.

But it would be cool if this was just build in for everyone.

Edited 12/20/2022 21:48:04
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 14:47:58

Level 58
Didn't that break in the new Update? + an official version would be nice for the app + normal browser

Edited 12/19/2022 14:48:13
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 14:56:03

Level 61
@Rufus early attacks dont really counter delays. I do see those desperate attempts (and do so aswell if i know i cant out-delay) at times, and you just always lose ground. You may, if you gamble correctly (other player has so many things he could do and the one who invests into a big stack for early attack basically needs perfect predictions) you may take a good fight but lose ground on 10 other fronts anyway. Same with defending. of course it can work, but it again isnt a counter when you cant gain any ground and only hold with perfect predictions. Basically all strong players on bigger maps make ridicolous amounts of delays for a reason.

Edited 12/19/2022 14:57:08
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 15:02:41

Level 54
Recently, when I click "full profile" on the player profile in a game, if the player has turned in to an AI it tells me that the profile wasn't found as the player may have deleted their account, but I know the players in question are still active. Obviously this is a bug of some kind, but I would be pleased if it could be fixed as it's making it difficult for me to add players to my friends list. Thank you.
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 15:21:16

Level 64
@GiantFrog, I understand your point of view, but the truth is that bigger maps or bigger incomes aren't really suit for strategic play. But if you still play them and see this problem with hundreds of delays, then at least you have some counter-actions as I mentioned above. And they do work more times than you think. I say that from my own experience playing against the biggest delayers of this game.
Ask Fizzer Anything (Tuesday, Dec 20th): 2022-12-19 16:34:29

Beef Supreme
Level 62
The switch-back-to-deploy-on-slider-use change is annoying. Feels like I am fighting the UI.

Any chance to get an "attack-lock"? Deploy is useless anyway with ctrl-click.
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