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Every time someone gets unwanted MD QM invites...: 2022-06-24 21:32:51

Level 59
Post it in this thread. Avoid posting other types of content- let's not make this thread spammy.

Here's one to start, from Global Chat a few minutes ago.

This UX bug has existed since the release of QM in 2017 (nearly 5 years ago). It appears due to the first visit to the QM page overwhelming the user with a bunch of text balloons, an auto-checked MD box, a big "Play Now" button that they'll click instead of reading the balloons or looking into the auto-checked box. Then they'll get invited to MD games over and over again that they'd never asked for. A fix to this would be as simple as animation/transitions to pace out the balloons (so players read them & understand they got opted-in-by-default into Multi-Day QM games) or just not having the check-box checked by default.

Maybe Fizzer doesn't realize that this is a daily occurrence for his new players, and maybe this thread will help him notice what 4 years of people regularly running into this problem haven't.
If you're getting Multi-Day Quickmatch invites that you never asked for, go to https://bit.ly/random-invites for an explanation and how to fix it. If you see someone run into this bug, please:
1) Direct them to https://bit.ly/random-invites so they can fix the issue for themselves
2) Screenshot it and post it here
Every time someone gets unwanted MD QM invites...: 2022-06-24 22:55:22

bliss machine
Level 62
and the same for new unlocked templates being automatically added. if these two problems were solved, a lot more new players would be retained
Every time someone gets unwanted MD QM invites...: 2022-06-30 09:43:05

Level 63
Missed a bunch of them, cause I dont really have time to check chat, but here's one I caught while on break:

Every time someone gets unwanted MD QM invites...: 2022-06-30 09:50:32

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
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