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Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 04:29:04

Level 58
So what do you do if someone is losing and decides to take 3 days to take each move rather than surrender?
Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 04:42:45

Level 60
probably blocklist, it technically does not break the rules, but is definitely very annoying. (I have sort of experienced that in real-time games.)

Edited 5/27/2022 04:43:25
Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 07:45:29

Level 64
You're encouraged to name and shame them in a forum post. This might be a useful template for you to follow https://www.warzone.com/Forum/309517-1v1-ladder-staller-ralph-unicorn
Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 07:46:41

Level 60
XD that's an excellent idea!! will do that to any player that does that
Edit: read the thread, not impressed, nope

Edited 5/27/2022 07:50:55
Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 12:00:02

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
I just post this in the chat:
Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 12:01:10

Level 60
I just post this in the chat:

XD way better
Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 12:02:05

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Sore Losers: 2022-05-27 20:36:58

Level 62
I've pasted that link in games a few times.

The common response to a "No Surrender" attitude is of course to corner them somewhere and just keep on playing.

The guy I did it to eventually responded with "Can we end this, I'd like to move on"

So I respond with, "Great, me too! Here's how you end it: https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?Level=84"

That said ... 30 moves later, he still didn't surrender, so I eliminated him. LOL ... it was an RT QM game, and there's only so much RT time I'm willing to allocate to teaching someone a lesson.
Sore Losers: 2022-05-28 04:37:16

Level 58
Hey Krinid, can you post that game that you're referencing? you got me curious now haha
Sore Losers: 2022-05-28 21:19:41

Level 63
That said ... 30 moves later, he still didn't surrender, so I eliminated him. LOL ... it was an RT QM game, and there's only so much RT time I'm willing to allocate to teaching someone a lesson.

Now if only Fizzer allowed us some settings for autopilot, then we could just put an autoclicker on the autopilot but not have it make any attacks.
Sore Losers: 2022-05-28 21:33:52

Level 62
LOL, here's the game - was playing with an alt. Taking a closer look, the convo is actually even a bit more humourous than I recalled. I mixed it up with another game (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=28583994) where I did eliminate him, but the game where the guy asked me to finish it, he actually just decided to get Booted instead of Surrendering! How sad... lol


It was only 20 turns though, not as long as I guess it felt in hindsight, but still well over and deserved his surrender.

prenk 2022/05/18 21:47:00 Merry Grinchmas
Turn 21
ilGrinch 2022/05/18 22:00:47 can we just end it up??
ilGrinch 2022/05/18 22:01:11 i just want to move on
prenk 2022/05/18 22:01:16 There's a Surrender button for that.
prenk 2022/05/18 22:01:43 Game / Surrender
ilGrinch 2022/05/18 22:02:08 i don’t need to see you are able to get all the map
prenk 2022/05/18 22:02:30 That's literally what the button is for, to quit a game you know you can't win.
ilGrinch 2022/05/18 22:03:15 nope
Turn 22
prenk 2022/05/18 22:03:44 https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?Level=84
ilGrinch 2022/05/18 22:04:01 i can’t play another game untill this is still going on
prenk 2022/05/18 22:04:27 Here's a novel idea, you could surrender.
Turn 23
prenk 2022/05/18 22:05:40 lol
Choose boot over surrender.
2022/05/18 22:05:56 Funny thing is ... now you get the Surrender tutorial. Have fun with it
Sore Losers: 2022-06-02 09:27:45

Level 58
Block list does nothing? Still get matched witht them?
Sore Losers: 2022-06-02 10:10:46

Level 63
QM, ladder and coin games ignore the blocklist. And its only effective for tournaments and games if you are the host.

The only thing BL actually prevents is spam messages in chat, thats about it.
Sore Losers: 2022-06-06 22:09:38

Marquis de Sade
Level 43
just because its an annoying strategy doesnt make it a strategy. One could “delay” (or play the game just taking there time) with the hopes that the opponent gives up and collects social security. A win is a win no matter how it is one. “delaying” the game is a last ditch effort to put up a fight.
Sore Losers: 2022-06-08 05:10:01

Level 58
Thanks @Krinid! Sorry just saw this. I remember a time when I played someone with a no surrender attitude. It was a TWO HOUR rt game on Rise of Rome. It was nearing 50 freaking turns, on that map. It was on my other account. I don't think I was super amicable in the chat by the two hour mark lol ;) I can still remember his name:

GodXEmperor. I'm not going to play him close to nighttime ever again lol.

I'm laughing because I just looked and it was the last QM game I played with my alt lol.


Edited 6/8/2022 05:15:58
Sore Losers: 2022-06-17 10:15:56

Doctor K 
Level 61

This guy famously brags he never surrenders.

Avoid Captain MAK Sparrow
Sore Losers: 2022-06-24 14:44:30

Level 62
No one is arguing that it isn't a win, we're saying it's a dirty tactic if it's trying to just get a boot win/frustrated surrender of a won game from opponent, but even if it still ends in a loss for the delayer and it's done just as a "no surrender" attitude, it's silly, there's no gain, time is simply wasted for both sides. See the guy I played above, he knew he had lost, he knew nothing would change the results by not surrendering, but he decided to keep on playing and get booted instead to avoid having to surrender. Silly.
A win is a win no matter how it is one. “delaying” the game is a last ditch effort to put up a fight.

Also gonna fix that last sentence for you:
“delaying” the game is a last ditch effort to scam a win.

I didn't know about about Capn MAK. Funny thing, even on his "Favourite Games" list is this gem https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=28104178 where his enemy has the entire map except for the 1 single last territory keeping MAK alive, and the game went to turn 301 before MAK got booted. On the FAVOURITES list !!

People who just don't surrender just shouldn't play games like WZ or Go (the first 2 games that come to mind where not surrendering a severely lost game is considered rude). Chess is maybe a distant 3rd, but not nearly as bad b/c the # of moves to finish it is typically much less than the others. Wish there was some kind of filter to punish players like that. If we say "a win is a win", well also "a loss is a loss" regardless of whether it is by boot, elimination or surrender, and not surrendering saves no glory, earns no experience, saves no shame.

Edited 6/24/2022 14:44:47
Sore Losers: 2022-06-24 20:34:02

Level 61
The most stupid thing is that the opponent does not win for over 250 turns. That's much more stupid than not surrendering
Sore Losers: 2022-06-24 20:48:02

Level 63
aye put some respekt on captain MAK sparrow's name. man has more dedication and maidens than all of you combined
Sore Losers: 2022-06-24 21:03:06

Level 60
Chess is maybe a distant 3rd, but not nearly as bad b/c the # of moves to finish it is typically much less than the others.

Chess sites solves 99%+ of this automatically. Ragesitting/Stalling usually gives a temporary ban (that increases with repeat offences) that could end up permanent ban of the account.

Something similar should certainty be possible for Warzone imo. In fact, the Surrender Tutorial is kind of part of automatically solving stuff like this :) Arguably, it just comes down to where Fizzer thinks his development time is best spent.
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