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Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 06:04:19

Seasonal Template Curator 
Level 2
Season XLVII is drawing to a close, so it is time for us to start thinking about the template on which we will play Season XLVIII.

This season we will be doing something a little different. Season XLVIII will be a retro season! We will be playing this season on a classic template from a previous season. The template panel has narrowed the past seasons down to a shortlist of the best templates.

The templates to choose between are as follows:
  • Season V - Battle Islands V
  • Season XIV - Guiroma
  • Season XVII - Strategic Greece
  • Season XXII - French Brawl
  • Season XXVII - Elitist Africa

As usual, we will be using the Dowdall system to resolve votes. Anyone who has completed all 20 games in any one of the last three seasonals (Season XLV onwards) is eligible to vote. Please order all the templates as per your preference (1 is most preferred, 5 is least). If you don't list all of the templates, your vote will be ignored. Also include a valid link to your ladder team's games page. Make sure to link the ladder games page not the team page, as this makes it easier to verify that 20 games were played.

To repeat link the ladder games page not the team page. Your vote will not be counted if you submit your vote incorrectly.

Voting is now open and will close on Monday, May 9th, 2022.
All votes will be made public after the voting closes.
Votes can be submitted by sending a Warzone Mail to this account. Do not edit your message after the deadline or it may be ignored.

Subject: Season XLVIII Template Votes

1 Battle Islands V
2 Guiroma
3 Strategic Greece
4 French Brawl
5 Elitist Africa


Thread for Season XLVII:

Edited 5/2/2022 21:25:00
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 06:41:48

Level 63
1 Guiroma
2 Elitist Africa
3 French Brawl
4 Strategic Greece
5 Battle Islands V
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 06:51:31

Level 61
Beren, the number of the season in your example differs from the rest of your thread
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 07:29:02

Level 61
1: Guiroma
2: French Brawl
3: battle islands V
4: Strat Greece
5: Elitist Africa

Edited 5/2/2022 07:30:53
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 10:12:26

Level 63
damn, cant vote anymore

why is there a requirment for when you can vote anyways?

Edited 5/2/2022 10:12:38
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 10:39:07

Level 65
@Lepanto, @Allen and everyone else: do not vote directly on this thread, send a Warzone mail to the account that started this thread and follow the instructions, including linking your ladder team's game page.

@JK: the requirement is there to make sure that the template is selected by players who actually play the seasonal ladder, and not by random players who come across this message while browsing the forums.
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 13:14:28

Level 65
When will the next season start?
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-02 21:26:26

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
@Derfellios, thanks I've fixed it.

@alex, it usually starts a day or two after voting closes, so probably sometime next week.
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-03 05:21:04

Level 58
Bruh I have 4 scenarios ready and you tell me the next season is gonna be a retro season
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-06 13:53:30

Level 65
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-10 05:56:09

Level 61
when is next season?
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-10 16:57:28

Level 63
whats the results of the vote?

did EA win?
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-10 22:05:15

Seasonal Template Curator 
Level 2
A big thanks to everyone who voted. We used the Dowdall system to resolve votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borda_count#Dowdall_system_(Nauru)

The next seasonal template will be Elitist Africa (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=30659719). In a close run race, a few late votes for Elitist Africa turned allowed it to sneak past French Brawl. French Brawl does have the consolation of holding off a late surge from Guiroma to hold onto second place. Greece and BIV bring up the rear in a dead heat for 4th place.

If your vote appears to have been counted incorrectly or if it wasn't counted and you think it should have been, please let us know by posting in this thread in the next 24 hours. You can view all the votes here - https://bit.ly/3hHNxA5

Voting Results:

Elitist Africa      9.08
French Brawl        8.60
Guiroma             8.40
Battle Islands V    6.37
Strategic Greece    6.37
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-10 22:25:36

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
Just to confirm, we are talking about the old seasonal templates, meaning this is No Luck Cycle Africa, as it is supposed to be?
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-10 22:30:29

Level 63
I hope they upgrade to Africa 3.0 tho...
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-11 10:06:43

Just Gak 
Level 61
I would've put EA lower if it ends up being NLC and/or old map
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-11 10:29:54

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
The templates to choose between are as follows:
Season V - Battle Islands V
Season XIV - Guiroma
Season XVII - Strategic Greece
Season XXII - French Brawl
Season XXVII - Elitist Africa

I suspect it is the same as in Season XXVII
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-11 11:21:46

master of desaster 
Level 66
It will be the same, but with the new version 3 map.
Season XLVIII Template Selection: 2022-05-12 15:55:20

Level 64
It's going to start tonight. Those willing to play should join soon.
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