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Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-04-27 22:07:40

Level 26
During the stream I asked for a option to hide ARENA/DIG/MORTAR panels, (hopefully it comes out soon) as not even the "close all" button closes them and its really annoying. But now that I actually upgraded and am using auto conquer to conquer freebies (I just do the math and leave a little extra and let it go wild) its just crazy how panels keep popping up, and they serve no purpose I would say, as there's just too many anyway, so would be nice to have a option we can toggle that make's it so no window pops up while you use it.

Sure you can turn off most panels (not all as said) but when manually conquering they are fine.

What do you think? is this unreasonable? Would you like it?
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-04-27 22:10:02

Level 63
I would love to have this!

Having to change the app settings each time is such a pain.
And not even being able to close-all or disable the mortars is the worst!
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-04-28 16:05:15

Level 61

This is a really clever UX suggestion
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-04-28 19:45:36

Master Jz 
Level 62
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-04-28 19:57:15

Level 64

Right now, I think it's set up that way cause Arenas/Digs/Mortars panels have option to get used at the player's descretion, rather than claiming immediately like everything else that shows an extra panel. Also, even though digs and powers do have submenus to quickly find them again, for ones you haven't used, arenas and mortars currently don't have such submenus, which I think is something Fizzer should've done when he did it for unused digs, and unclaimed powers. Don't know why he hasn't added those submenus yet, they could be at the bottom of the mines menu like the rest of those submenus.

(forgot mortars also don't have a quick access submenu)

Edited 4/28/2022 20:00:25
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-03 21:16:28

Level 63
nudging this cause its really really important
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-03 21:30:47

Level 62
This is a clear oversight and easy to fix. Should be done in 5.20. Except Digs & Mortars, there are options in the app/web to turn these things off including Powers. Just Powers doesn't work, and this leaves Powers, Digs & Mortars popping up all over and it's soooooo annoying.

1) Add Digs & Mortars to the options & implement them to not pop up properly. (not like Powers)
2) Fix Powers.

Yes please.

And if we add Conquer Mode while doing this so you can leave the app settings for these popups in place and suppress them temporarily, that's cool too.

Edited 5/3/2022 21:31:52
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-03 21:58:17

Master Jz 
Level 62
I reported the power balloon issue to Fizzer a while ago. He said he thought players might want to know when their powers were full, even if they had the setting turned off. It would be nice to have a separate setting for collected and uncollected powers.

It would also be nice if there were a next/previous button on the panels for arenas, mortars, and dig sites.
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-03 22:02:07

Level 62
He said he thought players might want to know when their powers were full, even if they had the setting turned off.
Nope. Don't want to know. And if there really is a need for this, make that an option too.

So someone can do:

Powers No
Powers - pop when full Yes

But honestly, who cares? No one will opt into dismissing 50+ popups just b/c they want to know when they're full. Everyone likely tracks this anyone. It's easy enough to check anyhow.

Soooooo tired of clicking Dismiss All, close Mortar, close Dig, close Power.

Or minimally give some flexibility on where popups happen. I could bear with it if I could choose bottom right corner, for example. But right in the middle of the screen is sooooooooooooo annoying.
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-03 22:05:57

Level 26
Glad there was a suggestion on this already made.

Didn't know powers were "broken" (seams intended though) since I only conquer for a few minutes so I dont change my settings. Still I dont agree with it. If you turn it off it should stay off. When you finish a level if you want to check powers left uncollected you can easily with 2 presses.

I personally never use arenas nor mortars, so I cant comment on that.
For that suggestion we would also need a place for it, since he wont add more menus (because of app space, its already on its limit if i remember correct from a livestream)
I wouldn't mind a "unused buildings" button on mine tab like powers and dig. so all 3 would be together. It could list all arenas/mortars there.
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-03 22:22:24

Level 63
I personally never use arenas nor mortars, so I cant comment on that

Very few people do, which is the reason why everyone wants to disable those annoying popups....
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-04 10:35:54

Level 25
Speaking of dialog settings, I would strongly advocate for persistent settings on an account-level. The "modern web" (whatever that means, other than a tracker- and ad-infested mess) poses a strong incentive on regularly clearing your browser's or app's caches and cookies. For me that means with each closing of my browser.

But Warzone doesn't respect this reality by storing all these settings on a session-level. Hence, each time I enter Warzone and play idle battles, I get massively bothered with the attack dialogs but in the heat of the moment I rarely go into the settings to turn them off while I'm in the battle. And afterwards I don't have a real reason to do, as the battle just ended. And who knows when I will participate in the next. And assuming there were settings for mortars, arenas, and such, these would also by default be turned on each time I enter the game.

I don't know how the game would handle the situation if I wanted different devices to behave differently, but the core settings should be persistent in a way that they are stored with my player profile and are automatically loaded each time I enter the game. Regardless of the device I'm on. Or whether I allow (ad-)companies to track me!
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-05-04 13:35:00

Master Jz 
Level 62
Fizzer doesn't need to add a menu. A next and back arrow at the top of the pop-ups would do the trick.
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-06-02 15:45:41

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
In the mines/list of dig sited , I want to see the time for dig in the list! It is more important than the prize! I'm feed up to click to see for all dig what is its time.
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-06-02 15:47:12

Samek ●
Level 57
+1 I agree. the pop ups get annoying fast.
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-06-06 18:40:37

Level 63
+999 (nudge)
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-06-06 18:44:14

Samek ●
Level 57
+9999 cuz otherwise doing Idle Battles on mobile is a brutal slog. My finger hurts :(
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-06-06 20:53:37

Level 26
Digs by time would be amazing... I only do 1 or 2 (4 on the hardest) max digs per map and having to click every single one PLUS scroll to it to check whats what is a pain!! Would indeed love a timer on it.

Also now that Ive done my second normal asc and clear the first levels quicker (i dont skip... dunno why, im dumb) all the windows are even more annoying and the fact they always pop up in the middle of the screen is irritating (though thats the best place for them)

Edit: I was wrong its also missing 1 in Firt Harbor, right side island in south west.

Edited 6/7/2022 11:33:58
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-06-12 20:32:28

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
Well, the pannel of dig time is not available now!
we need that because we have to choose between many dig sites. The dig time is important to choose how to do with the purpose to not have the digging machine wich doesn't work a lots of time (connaitre le temps de creusage est import pour choisir les bons sites pour éviter d'avoir des temps d'inactivité de la machine à creuser).
the automatic auto-dig doesn't work when we sleep so it doesn't help us.
We have lots of sites to dig in each map.
Game needs a "conquer mode" (displays no panels).: 2022-06-13 16:22:40

Level 26
The worst part of the dig panel is it resets the scroll every time... so you have to scroll all the way back to keep searching for the one you want.
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