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hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-16 00:02:08

NoName 2.1
Level 60
my clan never play clan wars and we are not interested to play it in the near future. Why we have to show our clan wars stats if we never play? we should be able to hide it in our clan page. Hope we can do it in the future
hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-16 05:32:42

Level 12
no I want to see which clans are good and which ones are just acts
hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-16 05:56:07

Level 62
Trying to figure out if this is a serious or troll post. Will assume serious and respond accordingly.

my clan never play clan wars and we are not interested to play it in the near future.

Clearly some are interested b/c you've placed in top 20 for seasons 1-5, then interest went down but there's still someone playing at least 1 game each season. And the clan rank is 360 - you don't get a 360 rank without winning a bunch of games, so there has been a lot of collective interest at some point.

This season for example . . .
hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-16 06:23:16

Level 59
+1 for this and for hiding Idle achievements on profiles.
hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-16 06:35:23

Level 61
1 game doesn't count as interest Krinid. 10+ games might count as interest.
hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-16 10:27:12

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Would be cool to hide them, as you can chose which stats are shown on your profile. Also I think this will come sooner or later, since the clan wars list of ranks becomes longer and longer.
hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-16 12:04:27

Level 65
It would make the most sense if you could pick which season(s) you want to show, just like it works with seasonal ladder seasons, coin leaderboard seasons etc.
hide the clan wars stats: 2022-04-23 07:09:55

Level 62
Now they have 3 games. Approaching your milestone of "interest" @ 10 games. lol

My original response was primarily targeting the claim that the clan never plays CW despite having several seasons of decent ratings (ie: ratings where you have to have a number of interested people making consistent effort). The fact that someone in the clan had already played CW this season to contrast the statement that the clan was not interested to play it in the near future was just a bonus.
my clan never play clan wars and we are not interested to play it in the near future
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