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Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-22 12:26:00

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Hey guys,

I want to host a 2nd edition of the template competition that I did in 2020.
I think it was quite successful in getting an influx of new, innovative ideas as well as actual templates that now have a considerable role in the strategic community.

Templates of the previous competition feature:

Great Lakes 1v1 - Seasonal, MTL, Clan League
Europa Magna 3v3 - Clan League
Landria Earth 2v2 - Clan League
Fogless Fighting - AWP template, Fun niche QM template
Tokyo Artillery Battle - Fun niche QM template

.. and more cool templates!

For further reference here is the thread: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/489545-template-competition?Offset=0

So, let's do this once again!

The rules:

- Has to be a 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 template
- Has to be an attempt to be a strategic template (no definition needed, see templates on MTL for reference http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net/ )
- Mods are encouraged!
- 1 army stands guard!
- Maps that already have strategic templates built on them can be reused, but a (very) different approach is necessary
- No copying settings from one template on just another map (and trust me, I will realise)
- Up to 2 entries are allowed

The prize:

Lifetime Membership for you or an account of your choice

... and your template will be used on MTL or seasonal in the future eventually.

I will rate the templates and decide the rankings. For this, I will consider the opinions of other strategic players too.
Last time, I did multiple streams with master of desaster (thanks again) to playtest and then rate the templates.
The plan is to do this again, I will playtest all the submitted templates and stream my thoughts about the specific templates.

You can submit your template like this:

Template name: French Brawl
Type: 1v1
Special settings: Light fog, Extra armies per territory
Example game: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=24315678

Good templates take time and a lot of testing!
Deadline for your submission is June 1st. Good luck!

Edited 3/22/2022 12:27:01
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-22 12:30:05

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
@map makers: Please feel free to share your latest innovations that you feel could be suitable for a strategic template.
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-22 13:57:43

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Has to be a 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 template

... and your template will be used on MTL or seasonal in the future eventually.
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-22 14:04:40

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Can I change submissions before the deadline if I create a better template/ find a way how to make the submitted template better?

If yes, I would like to submit this so people don't steal the idea.

Template name: Sierra Leone Brawl
Type: 2v2
Special settings: Light fog, Extra armies per territory
Example game: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=29494295

Disclaimer: the similarity between this and the example template is purely coincidental.
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-22 14:15:39

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
I am trying to develop new templates, but I have hit a severe lack of testers. Have you managed to get a testing committee to ease the development? I would also like to request a consultation because one of the templates I am developing for some reason doesn't work and I have no idea why.
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-22 17:05:02

Level 59
@map makers: Please feel free to share your latest innovations that you feel could be suitable for a strategic template.

Delightful Distinctively Dynamic Double Distribution Districts
I have this map which spawns 2 warlords per bonus. I'm not entirely sure on a template for it though. Maybe someone could design a good template for it.

Central African Republic: Landria-Style
This map already has a template. However, it's a template that's almost identical to the template for Lionheart's original Landria map, so I won't be entering that template. Maybe someone could design a new template for a map that uses the Landria bonus system.

My Earth Map
Maybe someone could potentially come up with a unique 3vs3 template for this map.

Other maps made by me
Here are the rest of my maps.

Edited 3/22/2022 17:12:39
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-23 11:49:53

Level 60
Mods are encouraged!

well, don't mind if I give it a try xD

quick question, are we allowed to use any public mod as long as they stable enough to become a standard mod? There are a lot of mods out there that are stable enough to become one
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-23 13:07:45

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Can I change submissions before the deadline if I create a better template/ find a way how to make the submitted template better?

In general of course you can always improve your templates. But this shouldn't be used to block yourself some specific settings, so please don't abuse this.

Have you managed to get a testing committee to ease the development?

No, but many of the strategic clans have a nice sub community of people who like to work on new templates. In general I guess it can be hard to find testers, especially for very niche settings. Just try to hit up some people I guess. Unfortunately can't give you great advice here.

quick question, are we allowed to use any public mod as long as they stable enough to become a standard mod? There are a lot of mods out there that are stable enough to become one

yes, I specifically allow all mods, mostly because I do not want to judge which mod is suitable and which isn't. I will take all submissions
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-23 13:35:16

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
No, but many of the strategic clans have a nice sub community of people who like to work on new templates.

I will make a guess that this hold for your clan as well. Would you mind asking around, please?
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-23 20:26:32

Level 61
Mods are encouraged!

Now this is interesting. Are you certain this is allowed? I can't see how that is ever going to be allowed on the MTL/seasonal

Also, how nvel does the template have to be? I have written some stupid mod, gave them a few tests and never touched them again. Are they still considered a new template?
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-23 20:28:14

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I cannot guarantee anything, but certainly heaving some good mod templates would help in getting them on ladders, so we will see.

Yeah I guess, that counts.
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-23 21:13:50

Level 60
Strat 1v1, bonuses rebalanced:


Created by Realtor.

Special settings: Overridden bonuses, no other change

Here's the basic premise: What would a strategic 1v1 board look like if the bonuses were weighted by the number of territories bordering an outsider, instead of the bonus' total number of territories? This adjustment favors bonuses which are likely to be harder to defend, and punishes bonuses which are often easier; thus, Australia and Greenland become a 4:6 for example, West China becomes a 7:7, and etc.

I'm intrigued by it, and will probably host a 1v1 tournament on it soon. Also suspect that this idea may or may not apply itself better to other maps; further testing needed.

Edited 3/23/2022 21:20:29
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-03-28 22:12:14

Corn Man 
Level 62
Great initiative!
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-04-16 05:02:40

Level 61
not actually my map but I find it fun and would like it on the MTL

- downvoted post by ixisaurus
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-04-16 09:01:31

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
A 2v2 MA template would be nice.
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-04-16 09:13:43

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Very reminiscent of Small Earth.

Edit: thanks for the feedback. It is a decent template, but I guess that its stacking nature is not very pleasant for majority of people.

Edited 5/15/2022 19:05:36
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-04-16 10:26:37

Level 61
@kallisti I like MA templates on mtl, and from my understanding reason why they are competitive is due to having choke points. MA template with so much borders would be full predicting fest (on top of the fact that MA is predict based concept)

Played few games, still think my point above is valid, but template promotes very passive playstyle. You only want to take territories for card pieces, stacking is best tactic. Stacking seems to be huge problem(weirdly enough for player with less income usually) since there is little to no counterplay to it, you cant just take a bonus and counter stacking by stacking yourself since its MA. Doing nothing can often be the best tactic. The only way i see it fixed is by adding blockade cards

Edited 4/16/2022 11:39:31
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-04-26 15:19:52

Just Gak 
Level 61
Template name: G0A
Type: 1v1
Special settings: 0 base income, (many) neutrals of 0
Example game: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=30605452

Special thanks to Derfellios, Marcus Aurelius, SkekUng, Quicksilver, MoriOri and Lepanto31 for helping me along the way by either testing out the template, coming up with suggestions for improvements or by just having my back as a friend.
Template competition #2 - Win a Membership!: 2022-04-26 20:54:00

Castel Gandolfo
Level 60
Interesting idea,
did you encounter a situation during tests where neither side could do any progress due to 0 income?
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