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SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-22 04:42:45

Level 62
Has anyone conducted a SAsc artifact blunder yet?

Something like:
- SAsc'ing and choosing the the +25% AP by accident and chucking away a Legendary artifact.
- SAsc'ing and carrying forward 2x Common artifacts instead of 2x Legendaries.

I know someone did this blunder:
- SAsc on web, then Sync on pre-SAsc updated Mobile app (result is that you're back to the beginning with no AP, whatever 2-3 artifacts you carried over) [I won't mention names though, lmao]

Anyone do any of these blunders yet? Or some other blunders?
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-22 22:37:41

Level 63
[I won't mention names though, lmao]

I suspect it was the opposite of A who did it....
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-22 22:47:11

Level 26
Question did you still get the artifacts you chose or it picked random ones?

EDIT: The worst I did was:

- Finally finish EH and was gonna ascend for the first time and.... you need 100 AP... woops... guess its not gonna be today : /
- full day without diging because I was sure I started it. (several other times same but only a few hours)
- Used one of the few rare multi-levels on the wrong hard level... one it would take like two weeks to beat at the time, so I finish my normal level and was stuck in the hard one and had to cancel out of it. (still think its stupid if you use multi-level, the level its used on its not on a separate slot, so you can beat and start levels on the "normal slot". dumb super power then...).
- Upgraded market raid to RARE... my first rare. because I always used it (got me a lot of mats and money) because I didn0t have many artifacts then and didnt know it was bad. Its still there taunting me...

Edited 3/22/2022 23:03:02
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-25 01:23:11

Level 64
Ooo ooo ooo!

Boy, do I have a blunder to tell you…
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-25 01:26:08

Level 62
@JK, lol, Oh most of the regulars know who exactly who it was ... I just wasn't going to publicly shame him.

But he has made the reveal himself ... lol
Ooo ooo ooo!

Boy, do I have a blunder to tell you…
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-25 01:35:28

Level 64

Not really a secret. Funny story that ended well due to Fizzer being very understanding and helpful.
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-25 17:00:42

Level 26
That must have been very painful until it was resolved
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-27 10:04:27

Level 58
EDIT: The worst I did was:

- Finally finish EH and was gonna ascend for the first time and.... you need 100 AP... woops... guess its not gonna be today : /
- full day without diging because I was sure I started it. (several other times same but only a few hours)
- Used one of the few rare multi-levels on the wrong hard level... one it would take like two weeks to beat at the time, so I finish my normal level and was stuck in the hard one and had to cancel out of it. (still think its stupid if you use multi-level, the level its used on its not on a separate slot, so you can beat and start levels on the "normal slot". dumb super power then...).
- Upgraded market raid to RARE... my first rare. because I always used it (got me a lot of mats and money) because I didn0t have many artifacts then and didnt know it was bad. Its still there taunting me...

@Lkcynric: Hey, I can top that. I have once set my alarm clock to 3 AM in the morning to when a dig ran out but due to the time change I was one hour late.
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-28 19:29:22

Level 62
This is unfortunate. Assume you've since foddered it into an Epic?
- Upgraded market raid to RARE... my first rare. because I always used it (got me a lot of mats and money) because I didn0t have many artifacts then and didnt know it was bad. Its still there taunting me...

Done both of these several times each. As soon as I finish a level, getting new Adv's, forgetting to save 100 ... oopsie! And coming back 12 hrs later to find out I didn't actually start that 89% UC dig ... lol
- Finally finish EH and was gonna ascend for the first time and.... you need 100 AP... woops... guess its not gonna be today : /
- full day without diging because I was sure I started it. (several other times same but only a few hours
SAsc artifact blunder?: 2022-03-28 22:11:56

Level 26
Its still tauting me at Rare. The only epic I have is that triple strike. I'm still upgrading to rare thing I actually use, though I am running out of things worth puting to rare. So hope to have my "first" (real) rare soon!
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