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Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-15 01:08:19

Level 62
Which maps have the most Rare & Epic digs?

HEH has 31, while EH has only 9.

HT has 26, not sure about reg T.

HC has only 14, not sure about reg C.

Any other levels in the ranges of HEH or HT?

USA, Hard Roman? Others?
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-15 02:34:09

Level 55
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-15 03:05:12

Level 56
I would guess that Hex Earth has the most digs.
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-15 03:12:12

Level 62
ligma has the most digs
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-15 03:12:27

Level 62
My bad, only maps up to HEH so far. Planning to do a last big dig effort before 1st SAsc.
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-15 05:46:54

Level 62
You want to have a big dig?
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-15 18:17:45

Level 62
Big dig effort. All the Rares & Epics on 5 maps I have started. Some maps have more/less R & E digs than others. I have dig site stats on HEH, EH, HT, HC but not really any others.

Edited 3/15/2022 21:13:00
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-21 01:49:28

Level 26
People gamble on those? All i got the few tomes i tried was poor lol. U less i can avoid O only do the com o
8h or common/uncomon. Or can you increased the ods later?
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-21 02:20:06

Level 62
The odds don't change at all, but digging speed & Time Warp (8h) @ Insane level changes things.

+50% Digging Speed Adv
+10% Digging Speed from ?Hard China

So Common digs take ~3.25h, and 5% Rares take ~7.65h.

So when using an 8h Insane TW, 4.75h would be wasted on a C, but fairly well used on 5% R or higher. Do this 20 times = 20 C (equiv of 4 Uncommons, 1 short of a Rare) vs likely 1 pure Rare. And that's still waste 0.35h. Use it on 6%+ Rare or 2%+ Epics and there's no wasted time and the returns still improve a bit.

Also keep in mind that on Rare digs, when you're not getting Rares, you have a % chance to get not only Poors, but also Commons & Uncommons, so a "missed" dig (not a Rare) can still give U & Cs. So after 20 digs, it's actually more like to result in approx 1R, 3 U, 5C, 11P which is better than just 20C (4U).

I've gotten a number of Epics & Rares from digs so far. I haven't kept track, but best guesses would be ~6-8 Epics, and ~12-15 Rares.

Use some coins to reset TW timer and you get even more benefits/speed digs.

Edited 3/21/2022 02:26:07
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-21 03:34:52

Level 26
Oh i see makes a lot of sense then. Thanks for the explanation!
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-28 17:28:55

Level 62
Fyi ... here are the results:

HS 3E 10R
HRaFotRE 2E 11R
HC 6E 8R
T tbd
HT 5E 14R
EH 2E 7R
HEH 12E 19R

So really on HEH has a high count of Epic digs, also has high # of Rare counts. HC & HT have medium count for Epics and high # of Rares. Every other level up to HEH has low Epic counts.

Not sure how this changes as maps are regenerated. It might vary.
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-28 18:58:51

Level 62
Additional note.

This strat has worked well for me. Skip the UC & C digs, just keep on digging the Rare & Epic digs on all maps, kick off Insane TW, repeat. Running 5ML, and only finishing maps as they run of of E & R digs, finish them easily using SAC/TS/QS/IM/TW Actives.

I just completed (I think) did 37 consecutive Epic digs (only Epics, not even Rares), and finally got another Epic on the 37th dig. This is roughly 300 hrs of in-game digging (including benefits of +50% Faster Digging & Insane TW), which took me about 5 days IRL. For total of 1 Epic, 1 Uncommon, 2 Commons, 1 Poor (upgraded 36 Poors into the 1UC, 2C, 1P).

Had I spent the same time doing Common digs, I'd have approx 1 Rare, 2-3 Uncommons. Maybe a little bit more b/c could fit in some Common digs in while TW is resetting. So let's say 2 Rares, 4-5 Uncommons.

Had I spent the same time doing UC digs, assume 50% UC results and 50% C results, I'd have approx 3 Rares & 3 Uncommons. Actually maybe a bit less as some of the high % UC digs actually take significantly longer than the Rare & Epic digs, so might not even be able to get the same # of digs in.

Edited 3/28/2022 19:13:04
Maps with the most Rare & Epic digs?: 2022-03-28 21:35:38

Level 63
So when using an 8h Insane TW, 4.75h would be wasted on a C, but fairly well used on 5% R or higher. Do this 20 times = 20 C (equiv of 4 Uncommons, 1 short of a Rare) vs likely 1 pure Rare. And that's still waste 0.35h. Use it on 6%+ Rare or 2%+ Epics and there's no wasted time and the returns still improve a bit.

Also keep in mind that on Rare digs, when you're not getting Rares, you have a % chance to get not only Poors, but also Commons & Uncommons, so a "missed" dig (not a Rare) can still give U & Cs. So after 20 digs, it's actually more like to result in approx 1R, 3 U, 5C, 11P which is better than just 20C (4U).

This is big brain thinking, and it makes me sad that I only have an epic TW rn cause i sacrificed my first one ages ago....
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