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Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 08:25:57

Level 61
Well, now for sure i am done with idle, which is not only a nonsense but most pf all, not working as I am expecting.

2 examples that occured to me.

2 days ago, i paid 10€ as i wanted to get some "inspire mercenaries" to speed things up. Did what i had to do, went to bed late at night.
The morning after , i came back on idle and realised all i did (picking territories, playing arenas etc...) was erased, i mean it was just like i did nothing - arenas were still "pickable" and territories i conquered wre still to be conquered !!! Of course it didnt erase my deposit, haha

Now, yesterday night i played until 2am. Went to bed, woke up at 9, connect to idle at 10 and realised some territories i picked up the nignt before were still to take.

So what is this?!!! HOnestly, what is wrong with this game. Most of all, what's the point if you dont benefit the money you spent and have to re-do the same things several times...

Sick and tired of all of this!! i intend toplay a game when it is functionning witout bugs!
All the games I am playing are saving any moves i make ans in the moment of quitting, it asksit i want to save or not which sounds normal.

I want my money back ans all this time i lost playing for nothing!!

Farewell to you all i am out of this!!
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 08:31:31

Leia - Princess of Coinwheels 
Level 60
Have you contacted Fizzer about it?

You can report a bug

Edited 2/18/2022 08:31:58
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 08:32:04

Level 59
Of course it didnt erase my deposit, haha
Did you contact Fizzer (fizzer@warzone.com)? You should at least be able to get another IM.

I want my money back ans all this time i lost playing for nothing!!
You can't get the second back, but for the first you should contact Fizzer. If that doesn't work, escalate the dispute to your credit card (since it's payment for a product ultimately not received) or whatever you used to do the payment.

Good luck! Congratulations on beating Idle btw!

Edited 2/18/2022 08:33:11
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 08:51:29

Level 61
Hi guys!!

thanks for your replies !!

Actually I wont contact anyone anymore as i wasd soooo disappointed with another problem I had with "sync" a moth ago and the answers and no compensation i got, regarding all the money i spent here since rhe beginning...
let me get this straight, I dont care about 10€, i am not begging anything but i am very attached to justice ans fair things.

will continue the multi player games only, meeting so nice people but idle no more !
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 08:52:56

Level 63
curious, do you go back and.forth between diff. devices?
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 08:58:20

Level 59
the answers and no compensation i got, regarding all the money i spent here since rhe beginning
If you contacted the developer and he refused to credit you for a purchase you made for a product you did not receive, immediately escalate to your credit card company or payment processor. Chargebacks are important for flagging abusive merchants and eventually shutting them out of the payment system unless they correct their behavior.

Especially with digital goods. It's incredibly sh**ty to just pocket someone's money for a digital purchase without delivering it, since the digital good/service costs essentially nothing to the merchant. If (and this is a big if because your description is ambiguous) this happened to you, you should 100% initiate a chargeback. Not for the sake of €10 but for fairness and justice.

If you just take it and roll over, you'll let the same thing just happen to the next guy.

Edited 2/18/2022 09:03:09
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 09:11:27

Level 61
i only play on my PC, my only device.

i dont want to spent time, energy for that and i dont want to fight with anyone... i will just let it go and stop playing here. Maybe it will give some infotmation for those who might encoutered the same kind of problems...
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-18 09:12:45

Level 59
None of the problems you pointed out are new or unknown. The odds of them being discovered on the forum, which only a small portion of players ever checks out, are also very low. The only effective thing you can do to correct this injustice (if it happened) is initiate a chargeback. There's no fighting to it, you literally click a few buttons and your credit card company takes care of the rest.
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-19 05:10:14

Level 40
The game syncs every 10 minutes. If you close the browser tab then you may lose up to ten minutes of progress. You can avoid this by explicitly syncing before closing, using the ctrl-alt-G combination.

(From what you've said it's not clear to me if this is what you have experienced. But I figure it's good to know in any case.)
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-19 13:02:25

Level 62
Yup, quit idle 3 months ago and its going sweet
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-21 10:10:05

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
je ne comprends pas bien tout le détail mais avant de demander à la banque un remboursement, ce qui mettra en peut-être blackliste le marchand, il me semble préférable de contacter le patron, si c'est possible. Il me semble que c'est possible, au contraire de vrais arnaqueurs. Une fois je me suis retrouvé en match contre lui !

J'ai aussi des problèmes de synchronisation , avec PC : je conquiers des territoires, je vais me coucher, j'oublie d'attendre 10 min (il est tard), j'utilise le triple strike légendaire...et le lendemain il faut recommencer les conquêtes , notament le triple strike, zut.
Il me semblait que générer une dépense en coins impliquait une synchronisation, car il y a forcément connexion au serveur. Mais j'en fais peu, de dépense. et vu votre expérience, il semble que non (enfin, sauf pour le prélèvement en euros).

Sur smartphone ( que j'utilise peu), il y a un bouton "sync" mais il n'a pas l'air de bien marcher à chaque fois.
On ne voit pas d'équivalent sur PC du bouton "sync".
je m'embrouille parfois entre pc et smartphone, les quelques fois que j'utilise le smartphone, j'essaye de faire attention pour la bascule dans un sens comme dans l'autre.

J'utilise aussi parfois les dons et demande de don au clan pour forcer la synchronisation, sur PC, mais ce n'est pas toujours possible et je ne suis pas sur que ça marche non plus. Vous concernant vous n'avez pas de clan.
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-22 15:35:55

Level 61
no i wont ask my bank and make trouble for 10€. it is absolutely not about the money; I was expecting something more "huamn" based but no matter now, ennd of story and i move on.
Got some other really serious rhings to deal with!!!

thanks to you all anyway!!

Enough is enough...: 2022-02-22 15:51:58

Level 62
Sounds like you're past actually wanting to do anything to fix or even be compensated for it, but it does sound like Sync issues, and likely every Idle player has been wrecked at some point or another by it. Sometimes it's wiped out my moves and wasted my time to have to redo them, sometimes I've lost powers, in-game money or armies, resources, artifact effects/cooldowns, etc.

Most of us who go between devices use Sync on both mobile, browser & desktop app waaaay more than necessary. I can use only my mobile all day long and I'll still Sync about 20 times. Just in case. Pretty much any time I open the app or browser, even if I don't make a move (b/c this at least resets idle time), I'll Sync anyway. And when I do this properly, I find I have no problems. But every now and then I'll forget to do one and do an unexpected device switch and BAM, something is lost.

What's important to understand is that the last device to successfully ACTIVELY Sync is the master. Any time you do an active sync (meaning you either select Sync from desktop or mobile app or hit CTRL-ALT-G in Browser) and it successfully applies, that game state is now the master that will be applied to any other instances when they actively or passively sync. But if you just let it passively sync, it means whichever instance you may have running syncs, it may overwrite the current state. And if you actively sync and lose your game state, you likely waited too long and another instance synced sooner, but at least you know right away that you lost your game state, not 4-10 hrs or next day when you come back to the game.

Anyhow, I'm writing this mostly for other people experiencing similar issues as pasterma has made it clear that he's done with the game and doesn't care to pursue any further action.

TLDR - Sync every time you even look at the game, even if you don't make a move.
Enough is enough...: 2022-02-22 17:07:49

Level 25
I totally get the trouble some players have with the syncing because, as krinid, I run into them at times, too, even if I'm quite frequently syncing as well. But as I stated several times by now, the problem is that idle is designed in a way that it needs those syncs in the first place and EVERY new player can potentially run into this problem even with only one device (for example, a browser that deletes cookies and local data on close). So, unless the game at least does its best to try to prevent the most cases of syncing issues I will continue to call it out for them.

For example, I know a bit about the Android app life-cycle. Not that I have personal experience, so, take this all with a grain of salt. But every Android app gets notified if the app is switched to background (if the user opened something different or just switched to the home screen) and if the user closed the app completely. Why not use these life-cycle-events as hooks to force a sync? This way you would have a hard time to "exit" the game without a sync taking place. Then each app player at least wouldn't even have to know that syncs take place at all. It still wouldn't prevent any issues when app players try to open the game in a browser as well (at the same time).

For browsers that might be a bit more difficult, because an Android app - as far as I know - is given some time to react to an app being closed, and I don't know if this is also possible in a browser. And there is a comment floating through the forum that Fizzer might have told one user that more frequent syncs would cost a huge amount of money more for server resources (having some server available to sync to). Which I can't comment on, I don't run a web-based game myself. But we definitely need two things here: 1) A system that does more of the things automatically rather than relying on user actions (and therefore being at risk with user error) and 2) A system that educates the user about what is left that they still have to keep in mind (for example, no matter how good the automation part gets, without a fundamental redesign of idle, playing from two devices at once won't be possible, so users still have to be told, not to even try). I see a lot of un-utilized potential in both segments.
Enough is enough...: 2022-03-23 01:18:43

Level 57
Hey Pasterna,
I have this same problem with the game 'resetting' to an earlier time and me having to do things, buy things, and use things all over again while my 'idle time' is wasted NOT doing what I wanted before going to work or sleep! I thought it was just a glitch on MY end, I'm glad to know (sorta) that it's a game glitch. I ALSO paid $20 for this 'Water Day' fiasco, only to find out that since all my powers were now maxed at 10/5, I can't collect ANY new powers from the idle map I'm playing unless I use at least 6 of that power, basically immediately. What a gyp. Powers should have an unlimited collection option, allowing the player to either use or SAVE those powers for when they're really needed! And Superpowers should be able to be used accordingly. Just saying... Bug DEFINITELY needs to be fixed with the resetting of the map and erasing of moves made, it's REALLY annoying though, lol! Thanks for listening... :)
Enough is enough...: 2022-03-23 07:13:12

Level 61
Well, I guess it is made on purpose...What i am expecting with any game, is an immediate "saving" question before I leave it such as "do you want to save the gae" or something like that... Anyway, it is not happening here and whatever the technical issues taht would be creating , i dont care. i estimate all should be made for the player not to be frustrated, specially when you spend time and money on it
Enough is enough...: 2022-03-23 07:24:25

Level 62
ALSO paid $20 for this 'Water Day' fiasco, only to find out that since all my powers were now maxed at 10/5, I can't collect ANY new powers from the idle map I'm playing unless I use at least 6 of that power

Tbh the entire 5 power collection limit is silly, and this illustrates another issue with it where spending money on the game can negatively impact your gameplay experience. Essentially you just paid for something and now have to use them asap even if not optimal in order to continue collecting the freely available powers.

Enough is enough...: 2022-03-23 07:39:28

Level 63
I can't collect ANY new powers from the idle map I'm playing unless I use at least 6 of that power, basically immediately. What a gyp. Powers should have an unlimited collection option, allowing the player to either use or SAVE those powers for when they're really needed! And Superpowers should be able to be used accordingly.

You can only collect each power twice in your lifetime, so please dont waste powers try to collect more. They powers you dont collect will just stay on the map forever (for when you really need them).

Edited 3/23/2022 07:39:58
Enough is enough...: 2022-03-23 07:50:25

Level 61
and what about the useless "skip level"? i got 5, all maps are unlocked so now all those pôwers saty on the map and are of no use...
and i am in "Europe Huge" and still have more maps to come.
Anyway the question -already asked- iw why the powers are limited to 5 ? why not 8 or 25.... or unlimited, as when you eran them,, sometimes by buying coins with real money, you should decide to use the powers whenever you want.

Enough is enough...: 2022-03-23 08:03:41

Level 62
Minimally, add an Advancement to increase the cap of power accumulation. 5 is ridiculous, esp given that (a) superpowers using them 5 at a time, (b) each of them are actually pretty weak, don't really get that much benefit from them. In most cases, using 5 doesn't even clear 1/4 of a level (and I'm being generous with that 1/4), so no idea what the limitation to 5 is really meant to achieve.
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