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Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-11-30 22:30:56

Level 62
This is thread documents what's we know about Super Ascension (SAsc), confirmed either by players who have done and have passed information back from the afterlife, or from Fizzer. I will upgrade THIS POST with new information so you don't have to scroll through this whole thread for anything new we discover. This is not a strategy discussion, just a collection of FACTS we know about SAsc or related aspects. If you have something to add, write it here BUT ONLY if it's verified either by trusted player or Fizzer.

- After Super Ascending, almost everything reverts to initial settings as if you just started the game for the first game with a couple exceptions (powers, a couple artifacts, Super Ascend rewards)
​                 - what you keep: 
​                                   - your collected powers (Free Cache, Time Warp, etc)
​                                   - 2 artifacts of your choosing
                                  - Whatever SAsc reward you chose - these rewards are cumulative, so if you choose +1 Artifact,
you carry over three, then can carry over a fourth artifact on a subsequent SAsc, etc
                                  - All Achievements
​​                 - what you lose:
​                                   - All your AP
​                                   - All your Advancements
​​                                   - All artifacts that you weren't able to carry over (see 'you keep' section above)
​                                   - All levels bonuses such as ore bonuses and hardened level rewards (Superpowers, Seeing Circles, Rock Candy, 4th Boy, etc) are lost - but you can re-earn them by completing the levels again
- All progress on Challenge Levels is reset - which means you can clear them again and re-earn the AP for clearing them
- Artifacts in the process of upgrading will not be interrupted or aborted, they will continue upgrading after Super Ascension (assuming you choose that artifact to carry forward)
- Artifacts currently cooling down will continue the cooldown after Super Ascension (no free cooldown resets)
- WZI Battle Points (BP) are reset to 0, and you can re-earn the WZIB rewards for earning BP & the top 5 placement finishes again
- Any levels you have in progress including any Multi-level activity will be Aborted
- Any digs you have in progress will be aborted
- Powers do not regenerate, so if you've collected the same power twice on a map already, they will be missing on your next play of that map
- Details on the 17 new maps: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/590023-516-new-idle-levels
-​ The actual Super Ascend action itself occurs after choosing your reward, so you choose which 2 artifacts (or 3 if you choose the Artifact reward)
- All levels are locked and you start back at the beginning
- The 17 new levels appear after Europe Huge, and to play them, you have to first complete or skip every level from Tutorial through Europe Huge
- The minimum AP required to Super Ascend is 134K AP, base on the minimums required to unlock each ​                 - Phase 1, 2, 3 + the 100K required for Phase 4, as follows:
​                 - Required Phase 1 AP spend to unlock phase 2 = 1000
​                 - Required Phase 2 AP spend to unlock phase 3 = 8000
​                 - Required Phase 3 AP spend to unlock phase 4 = 25000
​                 - Required Phase 4 AP spend to unlock Super Ascend option = 100000
​                 - TOTAL required AP spend: 134,000 AP
- Doing a regular Ascension relocks all levels including the 17 new levels, and you unlock them again by playing through the levels to unlock them again. Additional Super Ascensions aren't required to re-unlock them, and you don't need to specifically clear Europe Huge. You can use Skip Level powers or the advancement to skip any level including Europe Huge to unlock the new levels
- Here is what happens to your Level Stats when you Super Ascend:
​                 - First played: Unchanged
​                 - Times played: Reset to 0
​                 - Times won: Reset to 0
​                 - Base AP Reward: Unchanged
​                 - Total AP Earned: Reset to 0
​                 - Powers Earned: Unchanged
​                 - Fastest win by time: Reset
​                 - Faster win by session age: Reset
- AP earned for clearing the 17 new levels:
​                 - Regio Coquus: 120.26
​                 - Land of Bork: 134.03
​                 - Planetary Annihilation: 153.51
​                 - Kenorland: 163.44
​                 - Potatochipelago: 247.14
​                 - Plateau Assault: 271.15
​                 - Rise of Rome: 369.87
​                 - Expedition: 437.96
​                 - Dodecahedron of Doom: 470.79
​                 - The Crusades: 516.82
​                 - Siege Of Pameromon: 636.28
​                 - Medieval Battleground: 753.4
​                 - Aklog World: 1298.34
​                 - King's Archipelago: 1785.48
​                 - Seven Years War: 4644.78
​                 - Thirty Years War: 6752.28
​                 - Hex Earth: 11052.63
​                 - Sum of all new 17 levels: 29808.16

WHAT WE DON'T KNOW (and want intel on):
- Whether the 17 new levels factor into the "Defeat all Idle levels twice" and "Defeat all Idle levels thrice" achievements

Edited 2/1/2022 11:08:27
Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-12-08 16:44:38

Level 62
Updated content. Just posting to keep the thread from being closed.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-12-14 09:08:20

Level 63
- Do WZI Challenge levels also get reset after Super Ascension?

This shouldnt be hard to figure out, anyone who did Super Ascend that has time check their challenge menu for a second?
Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-12-14 09:37:13

Level 64
yeah wzi challenge levels are reset after SA
Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-12-14 20:49:23

Level 62
Thanks, updated the top note.

Does this mean you can re-earn the 100 AP per level again? Presumably yes ... but then again, not really any point since AP is transient now and if you can finish all 31 levels, may as well have just invested that AP in useful stuff to clear the tougher levels to achieve the 143K (134K?) AP to re-SAsc.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-12-15 01:08:43

Level 63
unlocking phase 2 = 1000
unlocking phase 3 = 8000
unlocking phase 4 = 25000
super-descension = 100000
-------------------> 134k AP

Edited 12/15/2021 01:09:24
Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-12-15 04:28:27

Level 62
Thanks Pars, updated the note.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2021-12-23 18:43:17

Level 62
Updated orig post as follows.

Answered this Q:
- When (regular) Ascending after Super Ascending and finishing all the regular and the 17 new levels, do all levels lock again from Huruey through Europe Huge? Do the 17 new levels also re-lock and you must do another Super Ascend to re-unlock them?

- Doing a regular Ascension relocks all levels including the 17 new level that unlock with Super Ascension.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-05 20:57:59

Level 62
Confirmed & updated, WZI Challenges are reset & you re-earn the AP. But it would be uncomparably better if it were "some other benefit" instead of just AP. You have to spend AP to make AP back, so it's a sum 0 affair for the most part, maybe even slightly negative.

"Some other benefit" could be powers, artifacts, WZB type bonus (were there coins? Or just AP, powers, artifacts, which I've already listed here), CW type buff bonuses (eg: 2 weeks of 10% merc discounts, etc) or something similar to the regular bonuses (ore bonuses) or maybe even similar to some of the hardened levels for some of the more difficult levels like KP-X, etc.

Spending AP to get AP just doesn't make much sense.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-05 21:00:43

Level 63
Challanges have a negative roi after the first 4 or 5 of them. Its not worth invinsting in, and you should just ascend twice so you can beat then like you beat a normal level.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-22 21:56:39

Level 62
So ... anyone learned anything new about Super Ascension yet? Or is this really all there is to know about it?

Anyone have the full list of armies/AP/etc for each of the 17 maps listed here?
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-22 22:33:28

Master Jz 
Level 62
WHAT WE DON'T KNOW (and want intel on):
- When Super Ascending, does the state of Active artifacts come into play? If they are in mid-cool down, can they be carried over, and if so, are they still in cool down after Super Ascension?

Artifacts retain their state. If they are upgrading, they continue upgrading. If they are cooling down, they continue cooling down.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-23 19:39:38

Master Jz 
Level 62
I unlocked Statistics 4 and have some additional information.

Regio Coquus 120.26
Land of Bork 134.03
Planetary Annihilation 153.51
Kenorland 163.44
Potatochipelago 247.14
Plateau Assault 271.15
Rise of Rome 369.87
Expedition 437.96
Dodecahedron of Doom 470.79
The Crusades 516.82
Siege Of Pameromon 636.28
Medieval Battleground 753.4
Aklog World 1298.34
King's Archipelago 1785.48
Seven Years War 4644.78
Thirty Years War 6752.28
Hex Earth 11052.63
Sum of all Super Asc Levels 29808.16

Here is what happens to your Level Stats when you super ascend:
First played: Unchanged
Times played: Reset to 0
Times won: Reset to 0
Base AP Reward: Unchanged
Total AP Earned: Reset to 0
Powers Earned: Unchanged
Fastest win by time: Reset
Faster win by session age: Reset
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-24 04:39:59

Level 62
Nice, thanks, will update the top post.

Also, have we confirmed that Ascending (regular) after a Super Ascension relocks Regio->Hex but that they're still accessible by reclearing Europe Huge, without the need to re-Super Ascend?

Someone told me this was the case, but I forget if it was surmising or post execution witness.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-24 07:43:46

Level 64

After "regular" ascending the new levels are unlocked as all other levels. With skip level powers or skip level advancement you can access the new levels before clearing Europe Huge (i.e. no need to clear EU after ascending)

Edited 2/1/2022 08:22:42
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-24 07:52:49

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60
According to the description of the "Defeat all Idle levels twice" achievement, it's not needed to defeat the new levels. However if one superascends, the progress on such achievements will be reset.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-24 10:54:09

Level 25
According to the description of the "Defeat all Idle levels twice" achievement, it's not needed to defeat the new levels. However if one superascends, the progress on such achievements will be reset.

Reset how? Will you lose the achievement? Will you be able to re-earn it again even if you already have it (have it twice in the end)? Or do you mean, I have to beat all levels twice within one super-ascension for this achievement to count?
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-24 11:03:40

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60

The last one. I believe one has to beat the basic levels twice within one super-ascension to earn that achievement.
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-24 12:58:27

Level 25
Well, then it's not what I would have expected but still a reasonable requirement. I guess most players will earn it before they even have the option to super-ascend anyway (if they are interested in achievements at all).
Super Ascension - what we know: 2022-01-24 22:45:09

Level 63
I believe one has to beat the basic levels twice within one super-ascension to earn that achievement.

Does basic levels include the hardened levels?
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