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what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 09:49:10

Level 58
stated my question: what is the most effiecent/best way to do this part of the game atm

Edited 11/25/2021 09:53:34
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 09:49:54

Level 58
playing classic

Edited 11/25/2021 09:50:02
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 09:56:38

Level 63
While i was expecting some trolly bs from Lox, he's actually right...

Play normal WZ so you get a wheel spin every day: free powers and coins.
Also, play CW and get all the rewards, that also helps in idle.

Use the stuff you win from playing normal WZ to get to around 9k AP asap, then switch to market strat, and finish a level per day.
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 09:57:10

Level 58

i will finally upvote u :p

can someone fully explain the market strat

Edited 11/25/2021 09:57:54
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 10:07:20

Level 30
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 10:35:58

Level 58
thats alot of reading :0
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 11:38:24

Level 63
the market allows you to buy alloys cheap and sell them for a better price.
As Functor called it: "creating money from thin air"
We aren't talking here about small amounts, it's actually the main way to complete maps.

at some point the price ratio between buying an selling changes, so make sure you don't sell at a loss!

Edited 11/25/2021 11:39:13
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 12:35:12

Level 58
ik that strat but i dont seem to benefit from it as much of people are saying they are
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 12:36:42

Level 63
do you have high upgraded alloy vallur artifact, maxed out alloy vallue and merc discount advancements and a 100%+ additional mercs advancment?
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 12:39:44

Level 58
im still in phase 1 lol. so no. will focus on it tho
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 12:58:40

Level 63
focus on maxing increase alloy values. It is as important as joint strike
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 13:14:11

Level 54
Wow! That is an incredibly detailed document. Thank you everyone who put that together.

I’m happy to see I have actually been figuring out things on my own that match up fairly closely with the best practices, but there is certainly a lot I hadn’t thought of.

Again, greatly appreciate the work y’all have done.

what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 22:49:48

Level 62
Just read that doc, pretty well done to whoever wrote it - doesn't say, just lists content contributors. Is this Phoenix's doc?

Is this confirmed? Notably the ML power @ 51.2K? Seems odd that a single ML Power would be above an Epic Artifact.

Cumulative Battle Points Rewards:
50 Battle Points: Poor Artifact
100 Battle Points: Power?
200 Battle Points: Common Artifact?
400 Battle Points: Free Cache Power?
800 Battle Points: Uncommon Artifact
1600 Battle Points: 50 AP
3200 Battle Points: Rare Artifact
6400 Battle Points: Inspire Mercenaries Power
12800 Battle Points: 300 AP
25600 Battle Points: Epic Artifact
51200 Battle Points: Multi-Level Power

Edited 11/25/2021 22:50:58
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 22:55:23

Level 63
Seems odd that a single ML Power would be above an Epic Artifact.

Epic artifacts are for free if you get lucky with your dig, plus they can be achieved by upgrading. An ML has a much more limited supply (currently being at 5 or 6), so its much rarer.
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-25 23:31:24

Level 62
But an Epic has immensely more value than a single ML, especially now that AP is transient between Super Ascensions throwaway. MLs are like diamonds, made rare and artificially raised in value by overtly restricting their supply despite not having that much actual intrinsic value.

Also keep in mind that there is a Multi-level advancement to get a new ML going whenever you have a free slot, but there's no "give me another Epic artifact" advancement. So pre-phase 4, MLs are definitely rarer (but still not more valuable), but once you get the ML Adv in P4, Epics reign supreme.
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-26 00:45:42

Level 25
@krinid: no, that's not from me, I just saw it myself, too. Haven't read it yet either. But I also noticed that there was no authorship noted. Was it from me, I would have written "krinid" with lower case "k" because I don't know why users choose their specific user names so I try to stick to their spelling as close as possible. Who knows what you change by altering a single letter. ;)

But if I knew who wrote this I could contribute the early battle point rewards as I have them somewhere written down. I was just not able to check today and don't know who to inform as you can't just edit/annotate the doc.
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-26 00:47:14

Level 30
I’ll try to remember the name. The person does talk in chat
what is the perfect strat for idle bc idk :): 2021-11-26 01:11:16

Level 59
Warzone Idle Strategy Guide

Written by Jz
This is Jz: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4439722815

I think she's still active on the WZ Public Chat Discord.
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