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Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-08 10:18:04

Level 58
To: all decent, non-intoxicated, non-troll warzone players tired of troll-infested global chat (GC)
Objective: better GC experience
Strategy: i now instantly blocklist (BL) any posters I consider trolling = more than 1 inappropriate post (as per my personal standards), especially when it comes from accounts less than 2 weeks old. But i dont hesitate to also block L60+ GC trolls with 10 yrs. account age.
Unfortunately blocklisting does not keep trolls from posting, but at least i don't have to see their brainless and/or toxic drivel.
The more decent players follow this strategy, the less attractive will trolling be for the trolls - as they'll only be trolling themselves. :-)

So, if you want to improve your GC experience, follow my example.

PS: @fizzer: GC trolling is a serious issue and it deprecates WZ experience for all non-troll players. I urge you to take strong action against it. e.g. by enabling mods to insta-ban newly created, accounts that are obviously alt accounts (of muted/suspended/banned trolls).
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 00:13:44

Level 61
Probably not the answer you want to hear, but there is a report button. GC also has moderators; they can mute people and will when inappropriate posts are made. There's no guarantee of a moderator being online at all times, but I see enough messages being deleted. If that doesn't happen and you feel someone violates the rules or ToS, please do report them.
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 08:04:06

Level 58
gc trolling doesn't exist please don't remove that feature pls
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 08:05:59

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Very pretentious post
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 08:09:52

Level 58
it works very well! Simply blocking DEC, a few of his alts, friends and assorted trolls = GC nice, clean and quiet again. I like!

PS: Loxiiv also blocked now, bye bye!

Edited 11/9/2021 08:10:21
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 08:12:04

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
I don't know if you realize this or not but making a post saying you're not going to take trolls seriously is just going to invite that
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 08:18:03

Level 58
go away, troll. I love it. The more "normal players" follow my lead and consistently block all trolls in GC, the less attractive it will be for trolls - because no more audience. No one to rile up. No forum to spread you drunk red-neck ultra conservative world views.

Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 08:18:58

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
OK, I just see now that you are trolling all of us right now
Just blocked you inxs
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 09:37:29

Level 58
did you call us abnormal?

Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 09:43:51

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
I agree with you Loxiiv
He is a troll trying to troll everyone
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 09:44:32

Level 58
he even has his own troll clan
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 10:13:53

Level 60
Wow, just wow
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 15:05:52

Level 44
I think this is the Warzone equivalent of "I'm going to mess up my eardrums if you don't shut up." Cute how some people threaten to worsen their own experience of something in order to persuade others to do something.
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 15:18:18

Level 44
Clearly you take the time to read my messages for whatever reason, so I'm not "affected." I'm simply pointing out the futility in threatening to decrease your own experience of the site — which given the amount of hours you've spent double-joining raffles in global chat suggests that it plays a high degree of importance to your daily routine — in order to persuade those that you don't agree with from sending messages. Most users of this site are aware of the blacklist feature, and of those users only a small percentage of those use forums, and an even smaller percentage use global chat (currently there are at most 6 active, concurrent users) — so obviously you don't intend to share anything useful through this post. So why did you write it?
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 15:25:20

Level 58
my experience is totally opposite to what you claim. My new insta block policy has remarkably improved my game experience. Given the hours i spend to catch raffles and all the junk i had to read I only regret i did not block all the trolls, spammers and toxic folks (like yourself) much sooner. Actually my blocklist has less than 10 entries at the moment and it has already nicely cut down GC sh*t noise. Very effective.

Can only repeat myself: if you are a normal player and casual GC participant, your game experience will be much better if you simply block all annoying accounts. It works really well.

Edited 11/9/2021 15:26:35
Improve your Global Chat experience: 2021-11-09 15:49:04

Level 62
I find that I don't actually need to BL people. I just don't engage with those folks, don't respond to what they say. There's nothing that requires you to respond to everything you see in GC, just let it go. I've seen a number of people get confused in GC b/c people are "talking to no one", and they're missing half (or more) of the conversation.
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