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5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 01:36:46

Level 62
-Now the Triple/Quadruple strike artifacts correctly cause you to gain armies when their percentage is over 100% even when hospitals are owned. This gives them a purpose of upgrading beyond 100% as they were intended.

Oh wow

-Ascending now requires you abort all levels you have in progress.

So Fizzer fixed the bug I found

-Fixed a bug that made the Time Warp artifact reduce its own cooldown. It still reduces the cooldown of other artifacts and dig sites.

Wait, this was a bug? So now Time Warp becomes much less op.

-All levels we re-generated

Many players will hate this, but I may actually enjoy this. I stopped playing levels and just kept digging since I made the video a month ago because it's too repetitive and I don't need more AP.
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 02:11:36

Level 62
-All levels we re-generated

Many players will hate this, but I may actually enjoy this. I stopped playing levels and just kept digging since I made the video a month ago because it's too repetitive and I don't need more AP.

LOL, who are you fooling? You have all the visibility Adv's as well so you'll still know where all the merc camps, crafters, recipes & caches are, which means all you have to do is fine the hospitals (if they are in different places).

It's really just dig time for people in late phase 4.

Guess it's time to invest to Skip Levels though! lol

Edited 10/27/2021 02:12:04
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 03:55:01

Level 58
The Triple Strike and Quadruple Strike artifacts can take territories at a reduced army count. When upgraded sufficiently, their reduction percentage could exceed 100%, which is supposed to cause you to gain armies when conquering a territory with them.

For those of us still stuck in the mid-game, this is huge. I'm a little angry it didn't come sooner, given how the guaranteed legendary Triple-Strike artifact now awards you an additional 60% of what you were negating.

There are those big stacks near the end of levels, particularly those absolutely huge ones at the end of the final levels, for which this really changes the game.
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 05:36:48

Level 26
And again these changes affects current levels:
Upgrade mines +18%
Upgrade army camps +9%
Upgrade hospitals +1.5%
Why is it always like this Fizzer??
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 06:14:06

Level 60
"Clan Requests" button on desktop is broken. It works on the old app though. plz fix!
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 06:17:01

Chief Rollie 
Level 61
I'm guessing my triple strike bonus armies aren't going to work if I didn't start a new level since patch because I just tried it attempting to squeak out some free armies and failed lol.
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 10:32:34

Level 63
I welcome those changes. Order is being restored
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 10:34:20

Level 58
many fixes were good. not all of them. and many important ones are missing.

1. fix entire CW system - eg. 3 templates in every slot, one of them SE1W or SEAD
2. mortars - make useful or eliminate
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 12:21:39

Level 25
Okay, so many things got fixed that I wasn't expecting to be recognized as bugs:
- Triple/Quadruple Strike: If you had asked me, I would have assumed that these artifacts rather get nerved than granting you extra armies. Another argument to get the 4th boy quickly, because Leg TS is nice, but not exactly worth it only using two other artifacts. With this change, though, it actually might.
- Visibility Advs: Well, yes, I though this was a bug, but I honestly wasn't expecting this to get changed. With that said, the advs are finally worth it. You can find your Nickel recipe if you spent enough APs without having to guess.
- Blinking Mortars: Are they actually being used?!? If so, great change! Having no visual feedback at all was definitely an oversight with their introduction.
- Abort to Ascent: Sure, why not. There is no reason to have a level running while ascending other than to get an (illegal) free level skip.
- Market Visibility: I'm wondering if players that maxed out this adv will get their APs refunded. But, no level has more than 7 markets? Meaning 28 alloys/items to buy only? There are 23 alloys alone. I'm wondering whether there should have been more markets instead of limiting the visibility adv.
- Leg TS achievement: That was me, and is a fairly minor bug. But still nice to see this fixed.
- Arena reward: Same as mortars: Players join them?!? Sure, having the message announce the correct amounts is still a good thing.
- self-TW: Honestly, I wasn't aware that TW could do that. But it is only logical that this was fixed, there is no argument why this should be possible from a logical stand point. Sure, having TW affect itself is nice, but still an exploit.
- Money achievement: We already discussed that the old level of income wasn't achievable with the current levels, so only logical that this got lowered.
- map re-generation: Usually, this happens if anything level related got changed. To be frank, I really don't see a reason to do this at the moment. The blog post mentioned nothing that changes how levels are played. At least not for the reference level solver. If I'm not mistaken, than the reference level times are "calculated" with no advs and no artifacts. Given this, nothing changed with this update that would alter the levels in any way. So, why re-generate them? I don't mind the levels to change from time to time, but I really don't see a point in doing it now. Especially because this always (negatively) affects players that play both on mobile and in browser.

Edited 10/27/2021 12:24:37
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 13:27:10

Level 58
I'm guessing my triple strike bonus armies aren't going to work if I didn't start a new level since patch because I just tried it attempting to squeak out some free armies and failed lol.

I'm still in the middle of an old level, and it worked for me. Are you playing on mobile or desktop?
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 13:27:41

Level 62
Is there new mutilevels?
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 13:49:22

Level 64
@Chief Rollie

Artifact, power, and advancement changes are not tied to level changes, so you'll be fine
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 14:56:07

Chief Rollie 
Level 61
I tried it after the patch dropped and I didn't get any free armies unfortunately
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 15:02:06

Level 25
I tried it after the patch dropped and I didn't get any free armies unfortunately

I assume you did it on a platform that immediately got the update (so, not on mobile for example) and reloaded/reopened the game after the update happened? Because those two criteria could prevent new behavior from actually showing. I'm pretty sure, on mobile you won't get the extra armies unless you update (as soon as the update is available) and the same would be true, if your game session (your browser tab for example) still runs the old version. In browsers, simply reloading the tab should be enough.
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 15:04:47

Level 64
Does anyone know the new AP costs to upgrade Market Visibility?
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 15:43:12

Master Jz 
Level 62
I am glad Fizzer fixed the unlock all levels bug, but it would be nice if we didn't have to abort the hardened levels to ascend. I like to leave one or two running for the dig sites. I don't believe that finishing those unlocks any levels.
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 20:02:19

Level 59
There’s an update?

Can someone explain what the triple strike thing is? I’m lost.

And new maps? Or just mixing the old ones up?
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 20:35:09

Level 62
I'm guessing my triple strike bonus armies aren't going to work if I didn't start a new level since patch because I just tried it attempting to squeak out some free armies and failed lol.

AFAIK, the TS/QS change should appear if you just refresh the page in your browser, even if you don't start a new level.

- Abort to Ascent: Sure, why not. There is no reason to have a level running while ascending other than to get an (illegal) free level skip.

LOL, it was never 'illegal', but I also argue that there is in fact a reason to have levels running while ascending, and that is b/c this means we now have to either (a) align completion of all levels to time of ascension which is inconvenient instead of just finishing them when it makes sense; when you have maxed ML so playing 5 levels at once, this is annoying; it can also affect digging, which is one of the benefits of ML, always having a dig available, (b) abort levels, and obviously this is never a good idea.

Just saw Master Jz's post - yea, what he said. Don't make us abort levels. Just make it count towards the next Ascension without unlocking all the other levels. This reduces the benefit of doing MLs.
5.15 update discussion: 2021-10-27 20:47:08

Level 25
Okay, yeah, if levels played while ascension don't automatically unlock all the levels, that would be an (at least) equally good solution. And yes, I considered this, but I just didn't wanted to write more than a line or two per item. So, sure, why not, don't force to abort but finishing a level that was started on the previous ascension doesn't unlock. To me that seems fine, too. And I don't have the ML adv yet, so one thing I haven't spent too much thought on. Not sure though, if this would cause a lot of confusion for players that "abuse" this and wonder why they can't start the next level after finishing the one then started before ascending. But I guess we agree on the fact that the "level unlock feature" actually was a bug, right? We only have to convince Fizzer that this is better than what we have now (which in turn is better than before the update).
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