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YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-19 10:11:09

Level 58
YES YES - nonolet deserves some more punishment for raffle cheating and I want to give back illegit rafflebot coins to community. Rather than boring lotto games, let's try a more "fun and real games" way: if your raffle chances were diminished I invite you to win 20 coins and give me a good *** whipping in a quick and fair, free entry SEAD game. Given my very mediocre game skills it should be quite easy. :-)

Here's the deal:
* One (1) game per affected player. Should you lose on first attempt, you will be offered a re-match (1x).
* Small Earth Auto Distribution (SEAD), standard settings, free entry, 20 coins prize, real time game (sorry i don't do multi day)
* Just contact me, when you want to play and got some time - via global chat or by mail, I'll get back to you asap
* Offer ends when I run out of coins [initially 383 coins available]

Hope many of you like the idea and look forward to some fun games!

Small print: l4v.r0v (or alts) not eligible, b/c he already got what he wanted, and then some. Those of you who prefer to continue complaining feel free to do so - ideally in another forum thread. I will not respond here. Going to focus on incoming requests for COIN BACK games. :-)

Edited 10/19/2021 15:36:44
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-19 10:15:57

Level 60
deplorable language, no place in this community
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-19 10:21:31

Level 62
do i get coins for whip your *ss in clan war
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-19 15:20:38

Level 58
I’ve got to back up rick Sanchez here. Please make ur “small print” a bit more friendly
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-19 15:35:36

Level 58
@UFO - ok, done
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-19 15:48:32

Level 60
I'll give it a shot when I have some time. I'll let you know.
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-19 16:48:45

Level 58
ok thanks
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-20 04:54:45

Level 62
Great idea ... makes it fun. Will challenge you if I see you online.
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-21 02:34:55

Level 59

To pay back your moral obligations,

I demand your sister as well, and she must be a virgin.
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-21 04:54:42

Level 58
COIN BACK games well under way. Quite some fun, my rearside has been thoroughly whipped by most.

If you are eligible/invited, have not played me yet for 20 coins back in a SEAD game (no entry fee) and would like to do so, just let me know.
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-22 07:42:45

Level 59
I demand your sister as well, and she must be a virgin. - berdan131

Like you'd know what to do...

And to all ye nay sayer's, hate causing monger's, drama queens, etc. Inxs has more than stepped up and offered more compensation than anything that was ever lost. I feel it's truly obvious their heart and mind is in the proper place going forward so just let the bashing drop please... or I'll just add you to my ever growing BL, because odds are your the type that just jumps on the most recent event and tries to blow it all out of proportion anyway... so do whatever you want, just don't be surprised when I don't respond anymore.
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-22 17:59:09

Level 62
Add my name to the list of people inxs has had a challenge game with.

And let's classify this under the category of 'redemption'.
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-23 00:05:36

Level 59

Give me some time and I will figure some outstanding answer to your post. Right now I'm not sure what to say.
YES YES - NONO COIN BACK games. Whip my *ss!: 2021-10-25 01:04:08

Level 58
nonolet can i have a picture of your belly button pls
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