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Who would win?: 2021-09-23 07:06:29

Level 58
Who would win a fight to the death between team prophet Muhammad + Neo from the matrix and team Super Saiyan + Vishnu aka death the destroyer of worlds

The settings are so:
it's 9pm may 35th at these coordinates: 44.93433°N 93.26244°W, the weather is sunny and the background music is meet me at the hotel room by Pitbull

No rules other than fight until death
Who would win?: 2021-09-23 07:59:05

Level 59
FW: politics, religion
Death would be Shiva. Vishnu is the preserver god, the one who keeps reincarnating to fight evil.

At least half of these characters canonically exist in the Marvel universe, so we can just use the Marvel Power Grid:

  • Muhammad (PBUH) has basically no special powers beyond being the final Prophet of Allah. Let's generously give him omniscience (since Allah can feed him Omniscience), superhuman speed (from his Buraq mount in the Night Journey), enhanced durability (since, if the Mahdi can survive for centuries, maybe Muhammad could too), and fighting experience (from leading the Caliphate). On a Power Grid, he's a 7/2/3/3/1/4.
  • Neo's powers are not as great outside the Matrix; what we see him do in real-world scenes can be explained as some sort of technomancy tied to his forced transhumanist mods (https://movies.stackexchange.com/questions/8370/why-did-neo-have-powers-in-the-real-world). He gets genius intelligence (from his hacking), at best peak human strength, maybe superhuman strength by commandeering Machine resources around him, similarly maybe Enhanced durability (or Regenerative, since he did come back from death and probably has great wireless backups), and mastery of several forms of combat. That puts him at a 5/3/3/4/1/6.
  • the Super Saiyans are a broad category, so let's just settle for the bare minimum we can expect from any Super Saiyan: at least learned intelligence (b/c of predicting enemy movements), incalculable strength, warp speed, virtual indestructibility, long-range energy projection (ki blasts), and mastery of all forms of combat. So we're looking at 3/7/7/7/5/7.
  • Vishnu is, at minimum, indestructible (he exists beyond the universe), omniscient, possessing of incalculable strength (he holds up the world), unlimited energy projection, mastery of all forms of combat, and I'm sure if you read the Mahabharata or the Vedas you'll find speed feats as well; he's definitely two or more weight classes above Savitar, who we know from the Flash universe is faster than the Flash, so he probably gets warp speed. We're looking at a straight-up 7/7/7/7/7/7.
So on one team we've got 7/2/3/3/1/4 (basically just an omniscient body bag (PBUH)) and a 5/3/3/4/1/6 (a martial artist genius whose other powers are about Captain America level at best). On the other you've got the 3/7/7/7/5/7 definition of OP and one of the 7/7/7/7/7/7 Trimurti who makes the Super Saiyans look reasonably leveled.

This is a bloodbath. A fairer match would be Muhammad + Neo + Super Saiyan Goku vs. Vishnu, but even there Vishnu is supposed to exist at about the same level of extra-multiversal existence as at least the Beyonders, if not up there with the One-Above-All. If you think DC has a power creep problem, you should read Hindu mythology.

Edited 9/23/2021 07:59:49
Who would win?: 2021-09-23 11:15:11

Level 58
but Muhammed gets his powers from God, meaning he is essentially as powerful as God
Who would win?: 2021-09-23 16:31:06

Level 59
We better be careful fighting plants then. Since they get their power from the sun and all.
Who would win?: 2021-09-23 19:30:14

Level 58
Muhammad can do whatever God wants him to do to fulfill his mission though
Who would win?: 2021-09-23 21:49:38

Level 59
Canonically he's (PBUH) lower power than Jesus/Isa even in the Islamic canon. He's (PBUH) just a prophet.
Who would win?: 2021-09-24 00:42:10

Emperor Justinian
Level 53
Wait a minute. Are you sure about that?

Edited 9/24/2021 00:44:31
Who would win?: 2021-09-24 01:03:24

Level 59
FW: religion
Yeah, Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah still, born of a virgin and capable of performing miracles, just not the son of Allah. His feats in Islamic lore include creating birds from clay and raising the dead. Muhammad (PBUH), on the other hand, had some short-range telekinesis (blinding enemies, moving trees) but most of his (PBUH) feats are kind of lame, like making a tree cry and then comforting it. Both had significant healing powers.

There's one OP feat attributed to Muhammad (PBUH), though- splitting the moon and then rejoining it- but the canonicity of that feat is totally disputed and the source material doesn't support the interpretation much. The lore itself* actually denies that Muhammad (PBUH) had any miraculous feats beyond revealing the lore itself, so the moon-splitting thing should be taken as fanon at best. Beyond that, Muhammad (PBUH) would probably struggle against a generic low-level mage without an Allah ex machina.

Jesus, on the other hand, has necromancy and life magic. Also, even if Allah is in play and tries to grant Muhammad's (PBUH) wishes, Vishnu has greater feats even though he's not the most powerful character in the Hinduism multiiverse. The power scaling in Abrahamic lore just doesn't get very high. I'm pretty sure at this point even Dr. Manhattan could take on any Abrahamic character, and Dr. Manhattan is dead.

* Quran 29:50-51

Edited 9/24/2021 01:19:40
Who would win?: 2021-09-24 05:27:23

Level 60
neo would win, others don't stand a chance
Who would win?: 2021-09-24 06:52:50

Level 58
I am of Rick's opinion
Who would win?: 2021-09-25 01:18:11

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
8pm in the city

The Moon begins to shine bright across the sky, turning Night into Day
The Earth is now Day elsewhere you travel to
The Face of Vinshu creeps up to finally eclipse the Moonbeam
Muhammad feels the disturbance of a destructive presence and he calls upon his magic carpet
Muhammad is now taken aback at the Hideous Gigantic Face
The Face of Vinshu now starts to open its mouth
Revealing a White Bulging Light emerging from its mouth
Just then, the Bulging Light shoots straight down

Muhammad throws out his thwab
Revealing his 16 inch Scimitar of Eden
Muhammad crouches in position, holding the blade with his right hand
He awaits for the right moment when the attack will come
Muhammad forces himself to breath in and out at a constant rate
He finally starts to feel the heat of the light quickly blasting towards him
He closes his eyes to prevent becoming blind
As his trust in Allah heightens his other senses

Muhammad hears the blast piercing the skies
The sound sound takes him back to two years ago
Muhammad remembers his battle with a similar opponent
That's how he lost his last wife, she was disintegrated in a similar blast
He remembers her long flowing black hijab elegantly flowing on the grass
Both having a delicious Halal breakfast

Who would win?: 2021-09-26 18:14:53

Level 46
How do I delete Loxiiiv
Who would win?: 2021-09-27 16:58:50

Level 61
I think that you all forget something. The location.
Who would win?: 2021-09-27 18:07:14

Level 59
I noticed; the location is where George Floyd died. Neo doesn't have his powers because he's outside the Matrix but other than that the location doesn't matter since the second team (Saiyan + Vishnu) and possibly Muhammad too have powers that can let them change the location as needed. Only makes the battle more lopsided.
Who would win?: 2021-09-27 18:15:19

Level 58
I think Muhammad will win cause Allah is almighty
Who would win?: 2021-09-27 18:39:20

Level 59
In the Islamic universe, yes. But the Islamic universe is underpowered.

It's like how Oscar is by far the most powerful character in the Sesame Street universe but he wouldn't stand a chance against one of the weaker Autobots from Transformers.
Who would win?: 2021-09-27 19:09:52

Level 58
Optimus Prime would lose to Muhammad
Who would win?: 2021-09-27 23:58:10

Level 59
Most likely yes, since Muhammad's medium-range telekinetic abilities are powerful, especially on inanimate objects. Allah would probably beat Unicron too.
Who would win?: 2021-09-28 03:41:47

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Muhammad is OP
He has the Scimitar of Eden which lets him reflect any non-physical attack
This means that Vinshu and Super Sayan Energy blasts would be pointless

Since Super Sayans are the descendent of Vinshu, this also means that Muhammad's Scimitar of Eden would only be able to inflict physical damage

This would render the whole battle to be entirely physical
Neo on the other hand would have to get a power-up or else he is just pointless
Who would win?: 2021-09-28 04:31:05

Level 59
This battle takes place in America, though. All of them would have guns so it'd be a toss-up.
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