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Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 07:32:27

Level 56
So, after update 5.14 im looking to join a clan to utilize the new clan-request functionality! Im looking for a clan with good Idle-progress and active members!

Im currently doing Africa on my first run of the Idle maps. I check Idle about 20-40 times a day, depending on work etc, and never cap out on Idle time unless sleeping.


Edited 8/14/2021 07:37:09
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 07:37:24

Level 61
you could try out Excel. We have many idle players. Mail me if interested...
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 07:38:27

Level 27
you don't need a clan, you need help

Edited 8/14/2021 07:38:39
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 08:25:36

Level 56
@Arrow Thanks for the suggestion, but I wont meet the mandatory "must join clan wars" requirement.

@Mangduai Thanks for the invite, but I cant see many WZIdle achievment on your clan members?
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 08:26:39

Level 58
you should ask to join optimum, I heard they are looking for idle players
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 08:28:27

Level 59
I would say that you should join TLA because of some ppl there good at idle or Statisticians because of functor knowing a lot of knowledge. You could join TSFH if you like too.
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 09:30:51

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Or you simply join one of the open clans :)

Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 09:39:24

Level 56
I have checked those, and basically did not see any members above Idle level Geopolitics or similar.
I am in Africa Big, and want people of similar or higher progression, or I will not benefit from the new clan-request functionality.
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 09:44:03

Level 27
look harder and you shall see
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 09:54:50

Level 56
@Mangudai you are not really helping. Even if I dont look into every player in the clan, I can do a screening of about 10 people, if they do not show significant Idle progress, I am not interested. If you are keen on me joining your clan, then please show me otherwise. I am not looking into the achievemtns of the 91 members of your clan...
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 09:55:34

Level 59
@Imptoy try applying for TSFH because some people there are pretty advanced it idle since you said you were in Africa.
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 12:09:27

Level 27

Edited 8/14/2021 12:09:38
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 12:15:31

Level 63
@Mangudai you are not really helping. Even if I dont look into every player in the clan, I can do a screening of about 10 people, if they do not show significant Idle progress, I am not interested. If you are keen on me joining your clan, then please show me otherwise. I am not looking into the achievemtns of the 91 members of your clan...

Depending on who you check, you can get various results. Do you pick random members or look at player levels? Cause more often than not, the players with the lower levels have more idle progress.
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 12:17:28

Level 62
Looks like he chose Excel. And it's probably a safe bet. I think there's a few members there with good progress. I would hazard that any of the top 10 CW clans will have sufficient WZI players, which motivates them to get the results in CW. Minimally Shin is there and I know he's an active player.

Edited 8/14/2021 12:17:51
- downvoted post by Mangudai
Looking for a clan: 2021-08-14 12:50:58

Level 63
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