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Undo button: 2021-07-03 10:14:32

Level 35
Are there any plans to ad an undo button? Yesterday I accidently clicked on a mine and wasted the money I was saving on a useless upgrade. Set me back an entire day. A simple undo button would save a lot of headaches in cases like this
Undo button: 2021-07-03 11:24:50

Level 63
It's annoying, but isn't it the whole idea of playing idle?
Undo button: 2021-07-03 11:27:34

Level 25
There are situations in which undoing wouldn't be as easy. Imagine conquering a new territory that has fogged neighbors. Those fogged territories would be revealed by your action. If undoing the claiming of the territory would again fog those neighbors, you would still have learnt something that you normally wouldn't have, if the neighbors stay visible then you effectively cheated yourself a (minor) fog buster. Same with upgrades, each upgrade reveals the upgrade cost for the next level and the fact whether there will be more upgrades or not. This information might be considered valuable enough that getting to know them is enough to keep you from undoing your actions.

Short answer, I assume we will never get such a thing, because it poses more problems/questions than it solves. And it would be highly subjective/controversial, which actions can be undone and which can't.
Undo button: 2021-07-03 14:34:51

Level 35
Didn't think of that. But if there were an undo option which would only give you back 95% of the money you had, the penalty would stop players from abusing the undo function, while the players who made a genuine mistake would be glad they didn't lose everything
Undo button: 2021-07-08 20:07:03

Level 54
a confirm upgrade button would make more sense. otherwise its gonna have to rewind time and take away resources the upgrade has produced. would it un conquer territories that were only conquered because of the army camp/mercenaries you bought?
Undo button: 2021-07-08 22:15:50

Level 63
confirm makes sense
Undo button: 2021-07-08 22:39:01

Level 63
what, a confirm button for every action you make? that would be terrible!
Undo button: 2021-07-08 22:40:43

Level 63
you have to confirm every single turn in warzone, if the significance is the same.... i suppose idle isnt competitive though?
Undo button: 2021-07-08 22:47:27

Level 63
also losing a whole day of progress seems pretty extreme, something to avoid at all cost, especially when people spend money to advance their idle games

Edited 7/8/2021 22:47:42
Undo button: 2021-07-10 16:57:41

Level 35
How about a confirm button, but players who don't want it can disable it in a settings menu? That way everyone is happy
Undo button: 2021-07-11 17:28:02

Level 61
A confirm button would ruin the whole game. The way it is now is very good. Only the draft sizes button could be bigger and easier to see.
Undo button: 2021-07-11 17:30:02

Level 63
Only the draft sizes button could be bigger and easier to see.

Definitely, on bigger maps I'm often looking for multiple minutes just to find the icon...

Just simply increasing the frequency of the homing circles would probably improve that a lot.
Undo button: 2021-07-13 09:04:33

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I want an undo button for life. Ever made a bad decision in life? Just click undo and go back in time. That would be nice.
Undo button: 2021-07-19 05:17:38

Dj Storm
Level 59
There are many actions done accidentally that one regrets:
- conquering a territory while scrolling (usually without JS)
- upgrading a mine while scrolling / checking unclaimed powers
- selling the entire stack of the wrong product (happened to me by clicking market, there was lag, wanted to click artifacts, market opened and I sold a stack of items needed for a tech. No item values equipped either.)
- using a power like Time Warp that doesn't need additional actions, while scrolling; using a two-step power like Supercharge Mine on the wrong mine, while scrolling the mine list.
- upgrading an army camp/hospital while scrolling. (Happened to me to accidentally upgrade a small hospital while scrolling to see the cost of a high hospital.)
- upgrading army camps/hospitals/mines while checking the associated statistics.

Every time an accidental actio happens, I feel the need of a confirmation button. All accidents above except conquer territory would benefit from a confirm button. - the actions are relatively rare, and scrolling relatively frequent.
Conquering territories would benefit from a confirm button that can be turned off when in "conquest mode".
Undo button: 2021-07-19 05:24:32

Level 62
Just simply increasing the frequency of the homing circles would probably improve that a lot.

And increasing the distance the circle travels. On large maps, the circle disappears before it reaches the far ends of the map, so you still have to scroll around a bunch looking for it, hoping you didn't miss it. I'd settle for a button that kicks off the circle ... similar to when you click on the magnifying glass for a player in the 'Statistics' window in a WZC game.
Undo button: 2021-07-20 06:41:29

Level 62
Making drafts easier to spot will make the auto-draft advancement less appealing though
Undo button: 2021-07-20 06:42:32

Level 62
i guess auto draft is for challenge and battle
Undo button: 2021-07-23 04:51:16

Level 62
Making drafts easier to spot will make the auto-draft advancement less appealing though

While true, that's a terrible justification for auto-drafting ... just make the regular drafts awkward to use. The real benefit should be that it's drafting when you're not there. But tbh I'm not convinced it will make much of a difference over an entire map based on calculative analyze from Master Jz in another thread. It will really only amplify the fixed portion of the draft, which is minimal.

As Risky stated, could be could for WZIB & WZIC though, where it saves an action which you can use for other things, and thus has value.
Undo button: 2021-07-23 10:42:33

Level 25
I don't know the exact speed-up factor for WZIB and WZIC but unless you have maxed out Auto-Draft, will the benefit be even noticeable? If not, I really doubt that the advancement should have several stages. If only the maxed out stage is any good, the advancement should just be either locked or unlocked / maxed out. If the 30min stage (the second to last) has some effect, make it a two-stage advantage. But just unlocking Auto-Draft will not really have an effect, even on WZIB or WZIC.
Undo button: 2021-07-24 03:53:17

Master Jz 
Level 62
The main appeal for increasing draft sizes is the convenience. It makes it way easier to deplete the draft pool.

I want to max auto-draft for that reason. I'll consider it once the idle bug is fixed. Having it only draft when the game is open isn't helpful. Drafting every 8 hours would help with challenge levels, I suspect. For levels, it's only truly useful to when maxed, and that's pricey.
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