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why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-09 21:39:27

Level 2
when i play warzone multiplayer i allways lose becase scanadavia is op or he is level 50 or somethine the only times that i win is in single player or i have more teamates
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-09 22:45:40

Level 57
I think your level hints at the answer. Time invested is the big factor in determining skill. Over time you just memorize what works and know when and how to repeat it, sort of like how muscle memory works. It's not normally a conscious effort, it just happens while you practice.
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-09 23:15:17

Level 59
It's impossible to tell why you're losing without seeing your game. You might want to post links to games that you've completed so we can see what you're doing wrong.
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-10 00:47:28

Level 63
the more in depth you go the greater understanding you will have... post your games and there are ppl who will help you analyze :) also many clans are looking for ppl who are willing and able to learn!

confidence is key, if you think you will fail, it is most likely to happen how you think

(the level of your enemy has nothing to do with anything)
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-10 03:54:14

Level 2
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-10 13:57:24

Level 56
if you call this game warlight instead of warzone you will win
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-10 14:08:31

Level 62
I'll start it off ...

Your picks aren't good. You should pick bonuses easier to capture quickly and start your income.

In game 1 (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27198195) you picked Japan as 1st pick - why? This is the worst pick on the board. 1st pick should be SA or AUS, then after that AF or EUR and whichever of SA/AUS you didn't 1st pick. You also didn't make a 4th pick - always do max picks, else you could just get a random territory.

Game 2 (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27272203) you picked Europe - not a good starting territory, too big, takes too long to pick, also since many choose Scandinavia so it's highly likely that you'll be attacked in Europe before you finish capturing it.

Game 3 (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27249059) - same, you picked Europe again, and similarly got foiled by Scandinavian presence again.
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-10 14:11:32

Level 44
Alright. For the first game, you hade bad starting pick. Tip, never, ever, pick Asia for a starter pick. It is to large to get the complete bonus before you opponent gets there.

For your second game, you should diverse your starting picks around the whole board so that you are safe if one of your picks gets trapped (cannot continue growing because of opponent[s]). Also, make sure you do not choose a starting pick that's bonus is on wasteland and/or surrounded by wastelands (causing difficulty growing). Tip, If you forget where the wastelands are, you can always go back into history to view the map.

Finally, for your last one, your picks where ok. But, instead of trying to take your opponent head on early, try to expand instead. It is much easier to grow when there are no opponents attacking you. Tip, try to just hold a position next to your opponent so that once you expand, you can fight back without fear of his continual growth becoming larger than you.

I really hope this helps you grow and become a better player :)
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-10 14:12:44

Level 58
it seems you have a beginner's understanding of the game (no offense). best you can do is read guides and ask for advice to improve, you'll also find better clanmates are usually very nice with you and will invite you to coaching games if you ask.

Here is a solid guide that I highly recommend you read:
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-14 03:31:26

Level 2
ok is peru an good pick
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-14 03:35:30

Level 62
Can't answer that without knowing more about the game. Assuming this is SE, it depends on the distribution type. Assuming standard SE1W, it depends on what all the available picks are. In general though ... picking SA is good, but certainly not always.
why am i so bad at warzone multiplayer: 2021-06-18 10:57:04

Level 63
ok is peru an good pick

There are no good or wrong picks, since every board is different. What picks are good depends on what picks are available, what the game's settings are, who your opponent is, etc.

There are a few tips that usually will improve you picks:
  • Don't pick in bonuses with wastelands
  • Pick bonuses you can complete fast
  • Don't focus all your picks on 1 area
  • Make sure you consider expanding during the game while picking
  • Think about where your opponent might pick, so you have a general idea of how the game is going to go before making picks

    You just need to play more, get a lot of practice and you will improve a lot as you gain more experience.
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