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Autopilot deploy-only mode: 2021-05-20 14:40:24

Level 63
The autopilot should have a deploy only mode.
That would make the AI a lot more useful when playing games.
Currently, it either makes all deployments and orders or none.

What i would like to see is an option to let the AI deploy all my armies (very useful for LD games), and then i can add my own moves that actually make sense instead of the terrible moves the AI usually generates.

(Also as an unrelated side note: autopilot runs about 20 to 50 times faster on the windows app compared to the browser)
Autopilot deploy-only mode: 2021-05-20 15:51:07

Roi Joleil
Level 60
1-Run Autopilot
2-Shift Click 1st and last order
3-Remove them

Its not ellegant but it takes only 2 seconds
Autopilot deploy-only mode: 2021-05-20 16:57:04

Level 63
yeah, but the issue is mostly that i'm specifically talking about a LD game on Bubble Wrap in this case, and that WZ needs about a minute to calculate just the moves 😅

while deleting the orders is not that big if an issue, i've got a problem with the fact that i need to wait a while just for WZ to calculate orders that i'm going to delete anyway...
Autopilot deploy-only mode: 2021-05-20 17:02:23

Level 58
Thanks Joi179, this I did not know about this trick.
Autopilot deploy-only mode: 2021-05-20 23:00:56

Level 58
JK is trying to cheat in the bubble wrap game I invited him to, don't give him any tips
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