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Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 20:14:24

Level 61
Yeah i am fine with it. Since i was a SE player, i dont think the me or samnu will have any advantages over each other... It would be fun to play him(even if honour is at stake)
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 20:22:29

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I'd take the non SE master spot. No tryout matches though
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 20:25:52

Level 59
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 20:28:07

Level 62
While we're waiting for a new headline challenge, why not have an undercard tournament? Anyone who wants to throw their hats in can play in the tournament for a chance to be an official undercard, who will battle each other to challenge the champ (Shamu, unless someone dethrones him before then).
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 20:30:42

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
thank you for the confirmation knyte. rank 35 is nowhere near master of course, also my QM rating is rather poor compared to SE masters
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 20:38:15

Level 61
I need to play 12 more games for seasonal ladder, but i did win all the 8 games i played, so i could really give it a go...
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 21:28:23

Level 62
One thing I can say, Arrow would at least finish the series. He's active, often asking other players to make their moves!

As for how good rank 35 is or isn't ... well it beats the crap out of my rank 319. (;

So if #35 isn't Masters, who are the Masters? Ends at #34? lol
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 21:34:57

sanmu the shamu
Level 59
@Beep Beep Jeep
You're probs trolling, but you're a master at SE. I sincerely apologize if anyone (not saying names) mistakenly judged you in the past.

You can dislike SE; that's fine. But you agreed to an 11 game series. A forfeit is a forfeit. But if I can say one thing, my dear friend, it's that SE stresses the fundamentals and the roots of the game. I only played you for two games, but I could tell you were quite weak at them. Perhaps if you were to actually try to get better at SE, it could improve your Strat 1v1 performance (not that I particularly care). It's better than doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results...

I think that SE is actually UNDER-saturated with masters, rather than over-saturated. I think SE is a map that initially appears so simplistic that people wrongfully think they've mastered it (just like Nauz). But like a lot of games with a deceptively simple ruleset (like go or chess), the game is actually quite deep. You could probably count the true masters of SE on one or two hands.

I don't know if SE has a lower skill ceiling than MME or ME or not. I see the argument for why it does. There are simply more things to consider in the other maps. However for me, that obscures attention from the particular things I actually care about, which is why I like SE. I'm also just kinda impulsive and it's easier to get into SE quickmatches, so that's part of it too, I'm sure.

Thank you all. I'll be the first to admit that I do not yet play Small Earth optimally (SE1W in particular, I am slightly better at SEAD). I probably do not deserve the title yet, especially for only beating Nauz, but I will try to be worthy of it. I am continuing to get better at Small Earth and I am continuing to deep study the template (in my spare time of course). I will make sure that I am ready to take on the true SE greats when they challenge me.

Edited 6/11/2021 22:08:23
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/11/2021 22:13:27

Level 64
i might be up for the challenge
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/12/2021 10:40:48

Roi Joleil
Level 60
i will play sanmu in a bo11.
tho we will only play 6 games considering i will go 6-0
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/12/2021 20:36:43

sanmu the shamu
Level 59
^Joi, I think you mean you'll lose 6-0 ;)

Knyte it looks like there's a lot of challengers. What's the protocol here?
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/12/2021 21:07:13

Level 61
Make a tournament, and whoever wins get to play...
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/12/2021 23:15:50

Level 58
how do I join se masters and how do I withdraw my request to join normal masters
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/13/2021 14:35:31

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Protocol is to let me play first and lose. we essentially skip all the unecessary steps for everyone else to play
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/17/2021 01:04:43

Level 64
:o this isn't real small earth!
Set no army stand guard to off and starting armies to 5
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/17/2021 01:12:18

Level 64
Also, there's no need for these challenges, if sanmu or anyone else wants to prove they are good at (real) SE then they should join the P/R league https://www.warzone.com/Forum/537328-small-earth-promotionrelegation-league-season-22

or the seasonal ladder for these SE settings.
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/17/2021 02:40:35

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
> @Nauz
You can dislike SE; that's fine. But you agreed to an 11 game series. A forfeit is a forfeit. But if I can say one thing, my dear friend, it's that SE stresses the fundamentals and the roots of the game. I only played you for two games, but I could tell you were quite weak at them.

You're a moron. Stop trying to put words in my mouth, and stop attacking arguments I never made. Strawman arguments should not be your MO.

I never contested a forfeit was a forfeit, I very openly said you can say you won 6-0 for all I care - it doesn't matter to me as I don't give a shit about SE.

Like this is basically the scenario that just played out:

No one:
Literally, no one:
Sanmu: A forfeit's a forfeit, you can't try and claim it's a draw.
Everyone: No shit, Captain Obvious?

As for lacking basics, nonsense, if you want to try and talk shit, feel free to play me at other templates, like I initially requested.

SE does NOT stress the fundamentals, it's a template where the first player to make a mistake, or bad prediction, has typically lost. A template that stressed the fundamentals would be something with a lot more wiggle room, and where bad predictions don't end games.

The entire purpose of the "challenge" in my eyes was to prove that SE has a lower skillcap, NOT that I had reached its skillcap. If your record on it vs me was worse than my record vs you on something I actually play a lot, it would support that argument. You only being willing to play SE made the entire thing rather pointless and gave me little incentive to care about the results.

Especially without coins, I'd still rather play SE for coins than without coins. Why? Because as much as I hate SE, the coins would at least serve as an incentive for me to care.

I care about losing money, I don't care about losing SE games. When there's nothing on the line that I care about, there's little inventive to putting in effort.

Edited 6/17/2021 02:49:57
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/17/2021 03:20:19

Level 59
@Hades: the gameplay is very different if you toggle 1ASG, so it's functionally a whole different template than on P/R
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/17/2021 19:44:09

Level 59
Throw some coins on it like originally agreed upon then, I wanna see how this plays out lol
Small Earth Series: Nauzhror vs. sanmu the shamu: 6/18/2021 01:03:13

Level 57
No one:
Literally, no one:
Sanmu: A forfeit's a forfeit, you can't try and claim it's a draw.
Everyone: No shit, Captain Obvious?

Cringe. Why are you trying to justify fortfeiting, just own it and move on.

SE does NOT stress the fundamentals, it's a template where the first player to make a mistake, or bad prediction, has typically lost.

Even if you do have more of a chance to come back on other templates, I don't see how this is an argument against SE stressing the basics? I would say that someone who has mastered SE will have a much easier time mastering MME (maybe we could make a followup challenge to test this theory :D), than a complete noob to the game, and therefore SE does in fact provide a solid skill foundation. This is just you clapping back with your own strawman argument and shitting on SE.

The entire purpose of the "challenge" in my eyes was to prove that SE has a lower skillcap, NOT that I had reached its skillcap.

But your whole argument is that playing Sanmu in SE will prove nothing about the template's merit, and this is why you don't care about the match? So how did you expect this challenge prove to anything when signing up?

When there's nothing on the line that I care about, there's little inventive to putting in effort.

Again, why sign up if you don't care which way the games go?
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