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Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-09 12:41:04

Neon Skull
Level 42
Hi all,

There are 4 levels on Warzone Classic that I've not managed to complete yet. I just can't seem to find the right tactics for these ones :-

Fisher Island (now complete with Gold Star thanks to tips from kss31)
Tricky Europe V2 (now complete with Gold Star thanks to tips from kss31)
Getting Commercial (now complete with Gold Star)
Battle Perfection: Artificial Intelligence I (now complete with Gold Star)

Any help or advice on what tactics to use for these would be much appreciated.

There are just 2 levels now that I've completed but not managed to get a Gold Star on yet which are :-

Time To Take A Risk But Something Is Wrong Here (now have Gold Star)
Medieval Japan

So again, if anyone has any tips on any of these levels then please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


Edited 6/9/2021 10:23:41
Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-09 17:10:03

Level 57
"Getting Commercial" "Battle Perfection: Artificial Intelligence I" are my levels.
For getting commercial, learn how to build cities.
For AI double all your borders and learn how to do counters.
Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-09 22:16:46

Level 46
Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-10 09:39:14

Neon Skull
Level 42
Thanks for this kss31.

I think I've looked at a few of these forum posts before but I believe there's also some that I've not seen so will have a proper look at all of these and see if I can figure it out.

If I'm still struggling I'm PM you.

Thanks again.

Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-15 22:24:10

Neon Skull
Level 42
I've now completed both Fisher Island & Battle Perfection: Artificial Intelligence I so just Tricky Europe V2 & Getting Commercial to go. Then it's back to the others to try and get Gold Stars on those so does anyone have any advice or tips on these ones to help get those elusive stars? I'm particular interested to see how War For Zargos is done.

Petrol (20 turns or less needed for Gold Star and my best is 31)
The Coliseum (20 turns or less needed for Gold Star and my best is 22)
Impossible Intervention Challenge (14 turns or less needed for Gold Star and my best is 24)
Time To Take A Risk But Something Is Wrong Here (14 turns or less needed for Gold Star and my best is 18)
Medieval Japan (31 turns or less needed for Gold Star and my best is 40)
War For Zargos (advanced) (31 turns or less needed for Gold Star and my best is 40)
Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-18 07:00:45

Neon Skull
Level 42
I've now completed Tricky Europe V2 but only in 35 turns so still need to work out how to get that down to 28 turns or less to get a Gold Star.

Edited 5/18/2021 16:30:55
Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-20 19:10:06

Neon Skull
Level 42
I've now got a Gold Star on Tricky Europe V2 thanks again to great tips from kss31.

Just need to complete Getting Commercial now and then get Gold Stars on those others.
Levels I've Not Completed - Any Help Appreciated: 2021-05-21 22:04:09

Neon Skull
Level 42
I've now got a Gold Star on Getting Commercial. Thanks again to tips from kss31 and the guide from Dionysiosk74.

Just need to get a Gold Star on these now :-

Team Work
The Coliseum
Time To Take A Risk But Something Is Wrong Here
Medieval Japan

[UPDATE] I now have Gold Stars on all levels except for Medieval Japan which I know I can do but I'm avoiding ATM as it takes so long to play.

Thanks to everyone who gave advice, especially kss31 who's tips were incredibly helpful.

Edited 6/9/2021 10:25:48
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