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Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 06:46:40

Level 61
Heyo, big fan of Idle, but something that has always bothered me is the fact that I have to watch ads every 4 hours for maximum efficiency.

Are there any plans to have the option to watch multiple ads in a row and get the +20% army income bonus for more than 4 hours?
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 07:08:42

Level 63
stacking adds? I like the idea, but isn't it like asking your employer to pay you for the whole year in advance?
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 07:14:10

Level 61
You're watching the ads before you get the bonus, you're doing the work before you get the pay.
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 07:19:39

Level 58
I don't think advertisers would like this tbh, and they are the ones who decide whether they advertise or not
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 11:30:44

Level 54
I would also find this to be a very important QoL improvement if you could stack adds. I don't like it when idle games stress me out - that way I lose interest more quickly at some point. I would rather watch 6 advertisements once a day than be forced to do so every 4 hours.
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 11:37:36

Level 61
I would also find this to be a very important QoL improvement if you could stack adds. I don't like it when idle games stress me out - that way I lose interest more quickly at some point. I would rather watch 6 advertisements once a day than be forced to do so every 4 hours.

Good to know I'm not the only one!
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 11:40:49

Level 63
While stacking ads would be great, it kinda defeats the purpose of idle: not being idle at all.

Allowing people to stack ads would allow them to not open WZI for their entire idle time, which is way too long to keep them returning every few hours.
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 12:09:01

Level 21
I'm using the standalone client most of the time and only watch adds when I happen to open it on mobile. It's too much of a hassle to keep paying attention to. I also think it would be fair to provide the same bonus to the standalone client ad-free because we already pay for it with the subscription.

Edited 4/29/2021 12:12:32
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 12:30:27

Level 61
I'm using the standalone client most of the time and only watch adds when I happen to open it on mobile. It's too much of a hassle to keep paying attention to. I also think it would be fair to provide the same bonus to the standalone client ad-free because we already pay for it with the subscription.

You're suggesting that members get no ad +20% for free.
That's to be honest a totally different story, although related, not sure if it belongs in the same thread.

I'd be happy if we could just stack our ad watching. I'd watch a weeks worth in a row and be done with it.

While stacking ads would be great, it kinda defeats the purpose of idle: not being idle at all.

Allowing people to stack ads would allow them to not open WZI for their entire idle time, which is way too long to keep them returning every few hours.

A fair point, but burning out from constant logins and quitting it isn't a great option either.
Not sure how many are out there like me but playing as efficiently as possible is important for me.

As a side note, perhaps make stacking ads a members only feature?
Watching ads?: 2021-04-29 14:14:01

Level 62
MINIMALLY, I would like to be able to "refresh" my 4 hour period. If I have 30 mins left and won't be playing for 6 hours, I'd rather have another 4 hrs of +20% than just ride out the 30 mins and then have 0% until I come back again.

But stacking ads makes total sense. You're still watching the ads, why does the advertiser care WHEN you watch them? As long as you're watching them. They're still getting the visibility to their ads. Only issue might be if the same ad gets streamed multiple times over (though that in itself has its own unique impact), but Fizz should be able to account for that.

And no one is asking to do for example a year's worth of ads in advance. lol.

Going to start a new thread for the WZI Member Benefits discussion.
Watching ads?: 2021-05-02 13:21:09

Level 63
A fair point, but burning out from constant logins and quitting it isn't a great option either.
Not sure how many are out there like me but playing as efficiently as possible is important for me.

i used to try that, but i've just given up on efficiency. Trying to max efficiently is not worth it for me, takes way too much time for the fun idle brings.

But stacking ads makes total sense. You're still watching the ads, why does the advertiser care WHEN you watch them? As long as you're watching them. They're still getting the visibility to their ads. Only issue might be if the same ad gets streamed multiple times over (though that in itself has its own unique impact), but Fizz should be able to account for that.

Fizzer has no control over what ads you see, he simply display the ad the ad company send him. If the ad company sends the same ad 20 times, thats an issue between the ad companies and their customers.

Going to start a new thread for the WZI Member Benefits discussion.
Fizzer has already hinted in another forum that memberships are a WZC only thing, like Supercamps are a WZI only thing, and that he will not give member benefits in idle.

EDIT: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/546858-wzi-member-benefits lol, it was the thread you made that he responded in, i didnt realize the previous post in here was from a week ago 😅

Edited 5/2/2021 13:21:55
Watching ads?: 2021-05-03 18:14:40

Level 62
^^Agree with JK, do yourself a favour and give up being efficient, and just learn to be more patient.

For me, it's a lesson in learning to care less about the game. The more I care, the more driven I am to bring it up 15 mins after last looking, realize I've gained another 0.01% money and/or armies towards my next goal, am still predictably not even close, do nothing, maybe Sync in case next play is not on same platform I'm playing from now, check back in another 15-20 mins are repeat ... maybe do some math, I need XXX armies, YYY gold, ZZZ more ore/bars/items/etc ... do a draft ... 15 mins later, check back again, nope, still nothing to do. Check if any smelters or crafters have run out of ingredients, do some more math, Sync, repeat. And it's disappointing every time to realize, Nope, still at least 5 hrs too soon before the next exciting thing happens.

But that's the game. So if that doesn't work for you, you're probably just going to make yourself miserable playing the game in a way that it's not meant to be played. Imho, the benefits of being ultra efficient are far too small compared to the real life time and effort they cost to pull off.
Watching ads?: 2021-05-07 14:18:28

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60
I've only tried a couple of other idle games in the past but as far as I can remember they all offered the option to stack production bonuses from watching ads. If Fizzer is concerned about watching too many ads in a row the total stacked bonus time could be capped at maximum idle time.
Watching ads?: 2021-05-07 14:35:50

Level 25
Then please define what "maximum idle time" means? Because based on your definition that could mean less benefit than the current 4h for some players:
- Initially each player has a maximum idle time of 2h, the ad boost lasts for 4h
- With artifacts you can increase the maximum time by a few hours at best (afaik, no-one has insane artifacts yet and even if, you'd "only" get nearly 11h)
- But with the advancement you can increase your idle time infinitely.

So, technically there is no "max", and if your "max" means whatever idle time the game grants me at this point, that would mean totally different values for each player and some new players wouldn't even get the 4h we currently have.

If you want to stack ad boosts, I would prefer to have a global max for everyone. Say, 24h, such that you can watch a bunch of ads once or maybe twice per day and don't bother the rest of the time.
Watching ads?: 2021-05-07 14:42:12

Level 63
- With artifacts you can increase the maximum time by a few hours at best (afaik, no-one has insane artifacts yet and even if, you'd "only" get nearly 11h)

Rare is at 80 mins, so Epic would be 160 (3 hours), Legendary would be 6 hours and Insane a full 12 hours.

But everyone deciding to make his idle time artifact legendary or insane would be insane, cause that's just wasting a bunch of legendary artifacts.
Watching ads?: 2021-05-07 14:47:47

Level 59
ads havent worked on android in a few days for me, so idk
Watching ads?: 2021-05-07 14:48:58

Level 62
Tbh, I think it makes more sense to based the bonus duration from watching ads to your idle time. If you only have 2h idle time, ad value is 2h - it won't get you any additional value until you log back into the game anyhow, at which point you can rewatch. If your idle time is 4h, ad benefit is 4h. 8h -> 8h, etc. Kind of weird to raise your idle time to 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 20 hours (whatever fits your needs) but come back every 4h for the ad bonus.
Watching ads?: 2021-05-07 14:49:47

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60
Then please define what "maximum idle time" means? Because based on your definition that could mean less benefit than the current 4h for some players

I am suggesting the possibility of adding 4 hour bonus increments until the total stacked bonus time exceeds each player's maximum idle time at the given time. So if your maximum idle time is 2 hours you would only be allowed to watch an ad once. If your MIT is 4 hours, also only one ad. MIT 4 hours and one minute: two ads.

If you want to stack ad boosts, I would prefer to have a global max for everyone. Say, 24h, such that you can watch a bunch of ads once or maybe twice per day and don't bother the rest of the time.

My point here is you have to come back and login to the game to reset the idle timer anyway so watching an ad/ads at that time would do no harm.

EDIT: Damn, krinid, you're fast!

Edited 5/7/2021 14:51:07
Watching ads?: 2021-05-07 16:28:25

Level 25
My point here is you have to come back and login to the game to reset the idle timer anyway so watching an ad/ads at that time would do no harm.

But for those players like me, that play from browser most of the time and only launch the app for the ad boost once or maybe twice a day. Because switching between browser and app still isn't fool-proof (and it is inconvenient). Hence, if you can watch ads on browser, then fine, limit the ad boost to the idle time. Until then, there is no reason to tie ad boost to idle time because no-one says that you have to spend your boosted time idling. And I won't unlock idle times above 12h just because I want to be able to watch enough ads for a single day of playing WZI in browser. Idle time is for when you aren't playing, boosted army income is for when you need more armies then usual. These concepts aren't linked together by anything.
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