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Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 14:28:37

Level 64
This is discussing a Phase 3 upgrade. Do not continue if you don't want to be spoiled.


So, I have a question about the Phase 3 Upgrade Auto-Sell. It states "Automatically sells any resources you don't need for purchasing techs and that aren't used in recipes."

Does anyone know if that factors in whether or not you know the recipe yet? For example, if Chromium Bar uses Platinum Ore, but I do not have the recipe for Chromium Bar yet, would it sell all my Platinum Ore? Or does it know how much I need to complete all Techs and not sell it even if I don't have the recipes yet.

If it's the latter, it'd be quite useful. The former... not as much.
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 14:43:38

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Auto-sell only considers recipes you actually have
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 14:44:26

Level 63
Thats rather disappointing, how expensive is it to unlock and upgrade?
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 14:47:58

Level 64
@Fizzer - Thank you for the prompt reply.

@JK_3 - Check out Parsifal's thread where he is discussing Phase 3 https://www.warzone.com/Forum/541676-full-tech-tree-ap-list
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 14:57:22

Level 63
its 1189 for the unlock and then it sells every 2 hours, so i guess i will not be buying that anytime soon

the only thing i can see this being useful is in combination with auto-upgrade mines in challenges, to generate more money to upgrade camps
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 14:57:35

Level 21
How about recipes you are not actively using? E.g. would copper ore get sold when not making copper bars at the time of selling?
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 15:02:34

Level 64
the only thing i can see this being useful is in combination with auto-upgrade mines in challenges, to generate more money to upgrade camps

Auto-Mine/Auto-Smelt/Auto-Sell would be great for extra income in both Challenges and WZIB. I hardly ever do Tech Advancements in WZIB, and I am usually too busy to sell stuff.

For practical purposes, it could be potentially detrimental on normal levels.

For now, I plan to focus on AP Advancements that help me with Money and Armies directly.
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 15:52:33

Level 62
Auto-sell only considers recipes you actually have

Thats rather disappointing, how expensive is it to unlock and upgrade?

Could it be changed so that it can consider recipes you can see instead of just those you have? Once Stats 4 is unlocked, you can see all the Tech requirements, and the whole point of these Stats is better planning, so makes sense that Auto-sell would align to that instead of potentially selling ingredients that are known to be required later in the level.

Also a side topic ... Auto-Advancements - is there going to be any consideration on separating their On/Off use of different levels while using ML? I thought they were separate, but found out differently. I was saving up on Europe Huge to cap a big territory while I'm about 40% completed and need to micromanaged the captures so turned Auto-Conquer to Off, but was on early stages of United States where I just want it to capture whatever it can while I'm idle, so I set Auto-Conquer on for US, and I was shocked upon return to Europe to see that the big army I was saving up in Europe went wild and captured a bunch of smaller territories.
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 23:32:48

Level 25
Could it be changed so that it can consider recipes you can see instead of just those you have?

That's impossible! Well, sure, it COULD respect (the names of) recipes that you can see, but it CANNOT respect WHAT INGREDIENTS those recipes make use of, because this changes from level to level. Based on my observations, there are some recipes that don't change at all, and recipes where part of the ingredients are the same all the time, but in the context of such an advancement, the AI can't predict the ingredients. Otherwise you as the player would gain additional knowledge from this advancement and that isn't intended.
EDIT: If there was an separate advancement or a new statistics advancement that would reveal all the recipes from the get-go as soon as you entered a level, then this would be possible. Otherwise, not a chance.
How about recipes you are not actively using? E.g. would copper ore get sold when not making copper bars at the time of selling?

Based on the description that Z posted "and that aren't used in recipes", this is a NO. As soon as you found the copper bar recipe, no more copper ore is sold (whether or not you have smelted all the copper bars that you need). At least, this is my interpretation of the description.

Edited 4/12/2021 23:34:55
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-12 23:36:08

Level 63
Based on the description that Z posted "and that aren't used in recipes", this is a NO. As soon as you found the copper bar recipe, no more copper ore is sold (whether or not you have smelted all the copper bars that you need). At least, this is my interpretation of the description.

If it works like that its incredibly bad, cause then when you have a mine that's producing 0.1 of a rare ore its all getting sold before you can use it cause you didn't find the recipe. And once you found the recipe, noting gets sold anymore.
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-13 02:17:17

Level 62
Agree with JK, Auto-Sell seems like it is just going to cause too many unwanted selling that will be disastrous for the long game. Plus it won't equip the right Artifact. (;
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-13 03:54:41

Level 64

Warzone Creator
It will keep enough so that, if you wanted to have every smelter on the recipe, you could do that. So if you have 3 smelters and each copper bar takes 10 copper, it will keep 30 copper ore around and automatically sell any excess above that.
Phase 3 Upgrade question: 2021-04-13 09:24:23

Level 21
Alright, that clears it up then. Thanks Fizzer.
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