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How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 16:00:17

Level 61
How can you delete old mails? If you cannot delete old mails, is it an option to add as a new feature to delete old mails?
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 16:02:09

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Unfortunately private mail cannot be deleted.
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 16:21:00

Level 63
@Fizzer: since you find it unfortunate, will you consider adding it in the future? (or at least hiding the mails from a player perspective)
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 16:22:12

Level 61
Thanks for the fast reply. Could you add the feature in one of the next Warzone updates? It would be pretty useful.
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 16:26:53

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I considered adding this feature back when private mail was first being implemented, but I couldn't figure out a clean way of handling it.

You can't just allow someone to straight up delete a mail thread, since then it would be deleted for the other person on the thread, too and they might not want that.

I considered letting someone remove themselves from a mail thread, so it would go away for them but still be present for everyone else. However this would be confusing, since their name in the list at the top of the thread would disappear. If they had never sent anything to that thread, there wouldn't be any record they were ever able to read it. This leads to confusing edge cases.

I considered adding a delete button which really just hides the thread. But this has other tradeoffs -- what if the other person on the thread replies to it, and awaits your reply, but you've already deleted it? You'd never even know they were still talking.

You could un-hide it when someone replies, but then everyone would be confused on why a thread they deleted keeps coming back when others talk. That's not what delete is supposed to do.
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 17:08:18

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60
How about a consensual deletion? It may be too complicated to do but it could do the job. If someone wants a mail thread delete they push a button or tick a checkbox and all the other correspondents are prompted. If they all consent, the thread is deleted, if not, the next deletion request can only be sent after xx days/months/years..
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 17:44:52

Level 62
Why do people want to delete old mail? It's just a list of read messages, not like it keeps flagging you to re-read or anything. Is there actually some issue with having it stay around? Or is this just a matter of people wanting a "clean inbox"?

I ask b/c I never delete my personal emails (Gmail) or work emails, just let them sit there forever, and if I ever need to search through them, there they are. So I don't get the desire to delete.

Anyhow, if people really want this, I think you need to give people an option to "Hide current content" and "Remove self from thread".

"Hide current content" just supresses everything from that person's inbox. Important is that the thread isn't actually deleted, just everything to date is hidden, and only gets revealed (in full) again if there is new activity. So if I send you a message and you Hide it, go ahead, but I still have access to mine. And if I respond, you see it again, and can Hide it again if you want.

"Remove self from thread" means it gets hidden and you never get flagged on the thread even if there are replies. One if any thread ever only has just 1 person left on it, just Lock it so no one can respond (b/c it would just go unread). So for 2 person threads, this immediately locks it. For 3+ person threads, varying degrees of people can opt out before it locks.

Regarding "consensual deletion" btw ... I'd likely never consent, b/c as I said, I never delete mail. I like to see the trail, go back and refer to it if I need to, etc.

Edited 4/11/2021 17:45:38
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 17:56:59

Level 61
I would like to delete old messages. People could also mail you unpleasant mails you would want to disappear immediately.

A solution could be that you could close and hide the threads you would like to disappear and open them again when someone reply in that thread. That way things don't get lost and are not visible if someone do not want that.
How to delete old mails: 2021-04-11 17:59:23

Level 60
oh man, isn't this the same reason for you can't delete your account. that's very sad indeed. do others sites like risk offer anything like this? just curious
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