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Be a MASTER!: 5/16/2021 21:58:12

Level 58
I'm doing good, I clipped my nails in the shower and ate some cake, it was delicious. The highlight of my day was probably finishing my among us nether portal in Minecraft, I think it looks very nice:

how are you doing Jeff, is your day as great as mine?
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 08:40:06

Level 61
Good luck Sanmu, hopefully you will win. Johnny is good at playing Warzone accoding his statistics.
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 08:47:06

Level 56
Johnny boy isn't going to respond most likely. He knows he'll lose. I play with the top small earth quickmatchers everyday; There's no way he has enough knowledge/experience on the map to do anything.

But I hope he does. That way we can stop the shit-talk and just make it objective. And Phobos can moderate too :) It'll be great.
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 08:57:15

Corn Man 
Level 61
I have this feeling that Masters have told Nauz to stop responding bc he's making them look bad. It's the most logical move for Masters

but I think it's pretty disrespectful, Nauz should have the right to say his opinion and not be muzzled
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 09:02:17

Level 62
"When someone criticizes you, the sensible thing is to put yourself in their shoes and try to see if there's any merit in what they said. If there is, assimilate it, and learn from it.

It's not surprising that you disagree though, you already showed yourself incapable of doing this when I criticized your picks."

Funny, you'd think you'd be more open to criticism of your communication technique then. It should be obvious that you are bad at engaging with the community as evidenced by this entire thread.

Yeah, I can be a bit defensive when people attack me. Doesn't mean I don't listen to the criticism when my hot head cools off.

@SANMU I wish you the best of luck in getting Nauz to put his money where his mouth is.

Edited 5/17/2021 09:04:11
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 09:26:44

Level 61
Conclusion: the only way in this discussion Johnny can prove himself as a real man is to play a best of 11 Small Earth against Sanmu. That will be very interesting. Otherwise the Master clan and Johnny are sliding down even further.
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 09:31:28

master of desaster 
Level 66
I don't think anyone told nauz to stop, but thank you for your concern quick and sanmu the shamnu
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 09:47:59

Level 56
@master of desaster
I never said you made him stop at all. All I requested was an 11 game series with johnny. No need to be passive aggressive about it. My beef is not with you; unless, of course, you actually approve of his actions.

You are 100% right dude. The entire community is with you. Hell, I wasn't even there at the time, but from just reading the threads and stuff after, it's so clear how much he did you wrong. One thing I like about this warzone community is that it isn't toxic as a whole. But it's certainly got very toxic specific players, like johnny.
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 10:18:43

Level 54
can I join?
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 10:19:16

Level 54
I promise I will not be booted
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 10:20:48

Level 54
I think the only reason I have a bootrate at all is that I was on vacation and didn't put on vacation mode on.
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 10:56:43

Level 58
you have to beat master arrow on his alt, challenge this account and call the game "Master Arrow challenge"

Edited 5/17/2021 10:56:54
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 11:05:01

Johnny Silverhand
Level 58
> I have this feeling that Masters have told Nauz to stop responding bc he's making them look bad. It's the most logical move for Masters

Not at all. I stopped responding because the dude's a moron, and my last post literally said I was done responding to him.

> That's cool dude. I'm glad you look down on the Small Earth community. It's literally, by far, the most popular map, and most of the people who play Small Earth quickmatches have no notion at all about your weird social hierarchies or dick measuring contests amongst you "old elite" players.

It's a popular map because it's the first map unlocked on QM. That's literally the entire reason. Check open games. Rise of Rome is easily the most popular map in terms of games people actually create manually.

Small Earth is nothing but a luck-heavy early map that newbies learn to play as baby's first map. It's too small to allow much counter-play, having an early lead in it is nearly a guaranteed win unless you screw up hard, which makes it decided by picks, and with there being so few picks available, players often make identical picks, which results in first pick luck deciding who wins.

> But, make no mistake, you are no master at it. I know dozens of people who'd destroy you at it, and none of them are masters. So don't underestimate them

No worries bro. Underestimating people seems to be your schtick, not mine. You've never played me a single game, yet seem to think you know dozens of people who are better than me. Yet, somehow you haven't backed any of this up, with a single shred of evidence. You're not criticizing my play, or my picks, or even looking at games I've played, nah, you're just talking out your ass. Keep it up, it's a good look.

> A Small Earth battle best of 11 will be won by Sanmu because Johnny doesn't play that template much I think and because Sanmu will play good against Johnny I think on the Small Earth template. In this discussion Sanmu is really strong.

I don't need to play the template much, it's the first map on QM for a reason, it's got the lowest skill ceiling of almost any map in the game. You have 37% 1v1, leave the judgment of players to those with a basic grasp of how to play.

> But I hope he does. That way we can stop the shit-talk and just make it objective. And Phobos can moderate too :) It'll be great.

How would a small earth challenge be objective? I doubt you'd win even at that, but we can pretend you would if you like. You beat me at your best template and one I never play? What exactly does that prove? That you're better than me at small earth? Is that an achievement? You claimed I was supposedly bad at the templates I do play a lot. Beating me at those might prove that, I'm not sure what beating me at small earth would even be an attempt at proving. That you can win more coinflips?

I'll play you, best of 11 at small earth and a best of 11 at strat ME. The strat ME is so you can actually prove something objective. Small earth's just because I'm feeling malicious and might as well add insult to injury by beating you at your own game while I'm at it, there's just something sublime about kicking a man while he's down that I can't seem to resist.

But there's a requirement. You need to really put your money where your mouth's at, to make it worth my time, every game has to also have a 1000 coin bet attached to it. If you're actually as confident as you claim to be this shouldn't be an issue.

It's funny that people think the rest of Masters is asking me to back down though, since the only actual comment about this thread on our discord was this:

Edited 5/17/2021 12:18:45
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 12:04:17

Level 61
Statistics are not everything. I don't always play to win, I don't always have to win, I play this game because it's fun. You can learn many things from that. You're taking Warzone and the statistics way to serious. People with bad statistics could also play strong and surprise easily. It does not say much about how good someone is. You won't be the first one to be beaten by someone with bad statistics.

Rise of Rome and Imperium Romanum are the other popular maps, next to Small Earth. Each map has it's advantages and disadvantages. Same goes for what people like, not everyone likes the same map. Small Earth is short and fun to play. You can easily surprise eachother and play topmatches on the Small Earth map, just like other maps as Strategic 1v1, Rise of Rome and Imperium Romanum. The people who are good at it, are just as good as the people who are good on another map. There is no difference in how good they are. Some players are better of worse in another maps, that's also perfectly fine. Looking down on people is bad and it's only saying how bad and weak that person himself or herself is.

Good players are accepting a Small Earth challenge best of 11. But you are afraid to loose against Sanmu while you are losing this whole discussion. It doesn't need to be played for coins if Sanmu doesn't like or doesn't have coins. Best of 11 at strat ME could be an option if Sanmu likes that. It's proving nothing when Small Earth is proving nothing. 2 home matches does not mean much. Then you should add a neutral 3rd template to really prove yourself to eachother.

Edited 5/17/2021 12:11:35
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 12:06:24

Level 60
Back to main thread:

Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 12:07:54

Johnny Silverhand
Level 58
> Good players are accepting a Small Earth challenge best of 11. But you are afraid to loose against Sanmu while you are losing this whole discussion.

Apparently you're not merely bad at warzone, but reading too. I accepted his challenge, and added the requirement of each game being worth $10.

Hell, if he wants to make each game worth a larger amount I'd accept that too, but I'm not wasting time to put a garbage player in their place with no incentive.

And no, the best players at small earth aren't the equals to other templates. Nor are the best at Rise of Rome.

Rise of Rome is usually played with full dist, what this means is that there is a best set of picks, that is available every game, due to no wastelands, or random warlords altering the board in any way.

The only thing that stops one set of picks from objectively being the "best" is counter-play, if someone knows what picks you will make they can counter them, this doesn't actually add strategy to the template though, it adds luck, it turns the picking process into a game of rock/paper/scissors among top players where there is a "Best Set of picks", and then counters to those picks, and then counters to the counters of the first set, etc.

Templates that require more skill have enough choices that the best choice isn't super obvious at a glance (small earth), which results in pick lotteries, or the same choices every game, resulting in solved templates (Rise of Rome).

The reason your winrate is bad is because you're bad. You can stop making excuses, no one's buying them.

Edited 5/17/2021 12:12:32
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 12:15:31

Master Ryiro 
Level 63

I like playing Warzone, love the game. So many different scenarios and templates....some ppl like RoR a lot, some like Strategic 1v1.
I see from this forum you're very invested in the game, and especially small earth.

If you want we can play a SE best of 11. But just letting you know - I'm no expert in small earth. I'm no expert in any map honestly :D, not even strat 1v1
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 12:19:12

Level 61
This is more entertaining than CL, please don't stop.
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 12:19:49

Level 58
does anyone want to play a game of LD Siege with runtime wastelands with me?
Be a MASTER!: 5/17/2021 12:40:11

Master Ryiro 
Level 63
I can play it over the weekend Loxiiv

We're getting hit by a cyclone so internet is very weak.....so warlight forums, discord and reading news is all I can do right now

Edited 5/17/2021 12:40:22
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