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Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-20 19:01:52

Level 63
Hey Warzoners,

I made a guide on the artifacts in Warzone Idle. Follow the link:

It's my very first attempt in writing such a guide. Maybe some of you will find it useful.
If you find any mistakes, let me know, I'll try to keep it updated.


Edited 4/10/2021 13:37:17
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-20 19:05:37

Level 48
nice effort, thanks
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-20 20:04:19

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
you're missing insane
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-20 22:13:51

Level 63
Insane? Is it a new artifact grade?.....
I'm playing right now through Europe Huge. It will take me 2-3 more weeks to finish it. Until then I won't be able to see any changes made to the game.....

Barely published and already outdated..... :(
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-20 22:21:49

Level 64
I'm pretty sure insane tier was there from the beginning, however, you can only get it by upgrading. It takes 5 legends for 1 insane.
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-20 23:21:47

Level 63
I see... didn't know that. What color does it have? Does it behave the same as all the other upgrades? i.e. doubles the effect?
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 08:35:33

Ragnar Lodbrok 
Level 63
I totally agree with this guide.

Just one remark, always dig all artifacts in order to have some to sacrifice - you will need those :)
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 09:14:54

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
not sure if anyone has an insane on yet, speculations are yellow/gold
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 10:44:28

Level 63
Yup. Insane confirmed.
Guide updated!
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 11:16:51

Level 35
I haven't seen yet passive mine discount, army cache boost artifacts.
Here you go with a screenshot of unc cache boost artifact, put it inside your guide :D https://i.imgur.com/GKDocE8.png
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 14:14:00

Level 63
thanks a lot hukutka94!! that was the last artifact missing!
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 14:19:17

Level 64
Upgrading 5 legendaries into 1 insane - unknown to me...

It takes 10 days
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 14:35:23

Level 63
Why did Fizz make the insanes soo expensive? +1 extra sacrifice, and since the time normally doubles 10 hours is not normal either. (since it goes from 6h to 12h to 1d to 2d to 4d to 10d apparently)
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 14:42:42

Level 64
I just copied that from the document. It only takes 4 sacrifices to get 1 insane artifact

Edited 3/21/2021 14:52:43
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 15:08:05

Level 59
I'm still pretty new, but for me I have a Rare "Damage Territory" artifact that removes 8.8% of troops from whatever territory I use it on, even if I can only use it once every 16 hours, seems useful to me, and just imagine it's effect at legendary or insane if at Rare it's 8.8%
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 15:26:08

Level 57
Damage territories might be useful at the highest levels. A territory that's several billion armies takes a pretty big hit from it, but I'd still rather have 16 hours (57,600 seconds) of a passive artifact like speedy crafters instead. I can always sell what I don't need to upgrade camps, hospitals, mines, etc.

The cache boost artifacts are useful because their effect stacks with the army (or money or resource) cache boost artifacts.

Edited 3/21/2021 15:28:47
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 17:23:23

Level 63
Grandknight67, 9% damage to one territory once in 16 hours is absolutely nothing. Better invest in your army camps and money generators. You will be conquering more than just one territory in no time
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 18:40:22

Level 40
Since we talking about artifacts, does anyone know the new values of the two speedy artifacts?

Patch 5.11.2 had
- Idle: Tuned the Speedy Crafters and Speedy Smelters artifact: Low rarities were buffed, and higher rarities were nerfed.

I been trying hard to get them but my diggers keep getting the "wrong" artifacts 😒. I'm more curious about the nerf part than the buff part since I know common went from 6%->10% but unsure about the rest of the ranks since they should not 2x after each rank anymore.

Edited 3/21/2021 18:40:39
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 18:59:40

Level 35
Speedy smelters uncommon are now 15%, I don't remember how they were, probably 10 or 12%?
I put the number of new value in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13Od8lzysJoW5LdB2ruBn0xjwkwP7NfYHNA7Rq7TACUc/edit#gid=0
Artifacts guide 1.0: 2021-03-21 19:03:16

Level 64
They were 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 from poor to legend
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