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Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:01:58

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Clan wars cap is currently identical with member cap of new clans. It is practically impossible for 40 players to participate every day for whole season. This gives significant advantage to bigger clans (if you have 80 active members, 40 of them are bound to participate/ day).
We ask for lowering the clan wars cap to 25 so all clans have the same chances in the event!
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:07:02

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
I'm afraid you'd need to not only lower the cap, but also make the games be lottos for Hodopian Dynasty to have the same chances as other clans.

Edited 3/11/2021 13:07:20
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:08:18

Level 61
oof, I was about to suggest increasing the cap ):
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:10:13

Level 59
Maybe decrease it to 0?
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:18:10

Level 58
maybe just ban anyone who suggests changing the cap???
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:19:02

Level 64
Cap is going to be an issue.

Too big, and the new small clans are at a disadvantage because if they have inactive members, they won't be at full capacity. Result: inactive members start getting kicked.

Too small, and the old large clans are at a disadvantage because many members will be locked out. Result: active members start leaving large clans for small ones.

Possible solution: increase max clan size across the board, but have a limit in wars that is smaller than the max. Have rewards distributed through entire clan. This allows wiggle room for inactive members, and allows blocked members to still get rewards.

Example: Max clan size set to 80 for new clans. Continue to only have 40 participants in war on first serve basis as is current. At the end of the season, all clan members, even non-participants get rewards.

To prevent older clans from from collecting new members to take advantage of non-participant rewards, implement the following policy on clans that no new members can join when clan members are greater than 80. Result: current members in old clans are unaffected, but it prevents them from growing unless they weed out inactives or alts.

Edited 3/11/2021 17:59:01
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:36:57

Level 65
I support this petition! :)
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:48:05

Master Activision
Level 60
to start off you only need 16 players for CL... how does this support anything when the cap is 40? Please answer that question
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:48:36

Level 58
^ talking about clan wars
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:49:33

Master Activision
Level 60
I have yet to distinguish the 2
- downvoted post by Legolas
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 13:50:52

Master Activision
Level 60
both are ways of showing who the best clans are, one based on wins and another based on strategic play with your clan mates. they are basically the same thing. I do not see how clan wars even get compared to a QM when it has nothing to do with it
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 14:17:10

Level 59
+2 to Legolas
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 14:56:39

Level 65
How about capping every clan at 40 players, even the older ones.

This could be easily achieved by randomly kicking out players from clans that have more 40 players.
Or even better, selecting the 40 remaining players through a Battle Royale event. Wouldn't that be exciting?
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 14:57:30

Level 61
I support this petion. Increase the member capacity to 50 or reduce the clan wars capacity to 30
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 14:57:47

Level 62
I think it would just be better to do what Z said. I think that killing the older clanz would suck. It'd also bring a lot of hate into the community and likely lead to a bunch of people quitting.
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 15:17:32

Level 58
I'm afraid you'd need to not only lower the cap, but also make the games be lottos for Hodopian Dynasty to have the same chances as other clans.

Maybe make Clan Wars somehow raffle related?
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 15:52:37

Level 61
lets make it like quickmatch, play a game when you have time. That timeframe doesnt work
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 17:53:34

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
Maybe make the number of territories captured proportional to the number of members participating? If 40 players are participating, every win will get 1 territory, but with 10 players, every win gets 4 territories?
Petition to lower clan wars cap: 2021-03-11 17:56:37

Level 61
Thats smart
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