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Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-09 23:37:15

Level 61
Two hours ago, Fizzer announced the new update regarding clans. It's about Clan Wars, where players can compete in real-time games to conquer territories on a map. Now, I'm aware that this sounds vague, so for a full explanation please refer to the actual blog post: https://www.warzone.com/blog/index.php/2021/03/update-5-10-clan-wars/

There are a few things I'm interested in.

First, what kind of map should we expect? Is it an existing map or just a void that gets filled up? The blog post says:

Clans who win games are rewarded by getting a territory on the Clan War Map in their color. Subsequent territories a clan earns will be placed nearest to their first one, so clans will expand out in a circle over time.

So should we expect that there is a "THE clan war map"? Will the map change every season?
The post continues with the following:

the exact territories and bonuses don’t have any strategic meaning

Meaning there are bonuses on the map. To me this indicates that maps made by the community will be used. Why would you create a new map or generate something with bonuses when they have no effect, right?

The next question is more serious, and the post highlights it quite well:

What about Clan League?

Various reasons are given why Clan Wars won't interfere with Clan League; and I agree. I do not think they will interfere. That's a good thing, as the goals for both competitions seem to be inherently different. Then this sentence struck me:

Clan Wars is designed to complement Clan League. In fact, I believe Clan Wars will only help Clan League become even more popular, as Clan Wars could be a stepping stone for it.

I'm really curious how Clan Wars will affect Clan League. Will it be a stepping stone towards it? It may be, yeah, it may not be. I've yet to make up my mind about it, and that tells me we'll need to look at the results before drawing any rash conclusions. I'm really interested to see how the two affect each other though.
(This also means that if me and Meldarion mess up CL and nobody wants to play anymore, we can just blame Fizzer and his Clan Wars! :))

Please share your thoughts on the update and the concept of Clan Wars. I'm really interested! Also, if you're reading this, Fizzer, let's make integrating Clan League into the actual site a thing at some point ;)
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-09 23:43:43

Master Activision
Level 60
I agree, I do not think it is going to interfere with Clan League because this is meant for Idle. The one thing I am concerned about is the time frame, will this also take 6 months to complete? If its a short process for Clan wars then many players may move towards it and leave CL behind
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-09 23:44:44

Max Scherzer 
Level 62
first place 10,000 coins, pretty sure Fizzer will make a season last quite a while.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-09 23:48:48

Level 59
Im hoping The Clan War territories would be interactive like where you can see the games won, which clan won the territory and which players did it and more.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-09 23:53:05

Level 64
I'm curious of how the prizes will be distributed, at least the coin pools. Mainly whether it would be 10k for each player in the winning clan or if that gets split evenly between the participants, as Fizzer didn't explicitly say.

Also if the territory prizes work on a "You get up to where you place" basis, meaning if your clan gets 10+ territories, they each get the 10+ territory prize + the 5 before it. Which I'm assuming is the case, but it's also not said outright.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-09 23:54:00

SEAD is all u NEAD
Level 51
Mainly whether it would be 10k for each player in the winning clan or if that gets split evenly between the participants, as Fizzer didn't explicitly say.
Guessing it'll be split among the participants or among the clans. $100 in coins every few months for 40+ players? That'd be wild.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 00:11:39

Level 60
I also think that CL will not be at all affected by CW; as Farah said, they have different goals, and very different methods of achieving that goal. CW will be a much more relaxed competition, I feel, while CL will remain the highly competitive test of strategic skill that it is.

I agree with Fizzer when he said that if anything, CW should help CL become more popular, because it will increase clan v clan involvement among the less-skilled players who don't make the cut for CL; it will give them a competitive clan v clan arena where they can participate without hesitating on the basis that they aren't good enough.

I also like Kael's idea of an interactive map, where one can see who earned which territories for their clan, perhaps with game links as well.

One thing that I didn't find particularly clear was whether the prizes go to the players based on individual rankings, or all the <40 participants from that clan based on their cumulative performance? Edit: oh lol Splat asked this as well while I was typing haha

Edited 3/10/2021 00:13:04
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 00:19:41

Level 59
Just a while ago, Clans now have “Clan War Rating” Which reads 0. I wonder what Ranking system will Fizzer use to do the ratings.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 00:51:28

Level 60
Also another thought I have about the prizes:
I don't think it makes much sense for most of the prizes to be just idle stuff. This is ultimately a Classic competition, even though Idle can and is encouraged to participate as well. But only idlers use idle stuff, while everyone uses coins (even idlers can use it for memberships and idle powers and such). So I think it would make much more sense for all the prizes in CW to be a combination of both coins and idle stuff, like is currently being used for the coins leaderboard.

Edited 3/10/2021 00:51:40
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 01:18:41

Level 61
I think this seems really cool - after a lot of Fizzer going off to Idle and, as many strat players would have it sound, ignoring the strat community to focus on the much larger and more profitable player base of non-strat players, this seems like a good way to strike a balance. The update creates a way to integrate bigger and less strat-focused clans into strategic play (presuming the templates chosen are generally strategic, which I assume they will be - presumably from Quickmatch or something), gives a new option for real time games that should please both those players and players in strat heavy clans, and creates a fun interactive, if a little bit odd, reward system.

I think most likely it has some positive, although, small affect on Clan League. Best case scenario, a lot of newer smaller clans get integrated into the strat community by getting good games against strat clans as well as clans their level, and some of those clans learn about and decide to try out Clan League. Worst case scenario, clan wars lasts a little bit, dies out and isn't used much (RTL style), but doesn't hurt Clan League or at all detract from it's player base.

Overall, solid update, along with making the clan pages a lot cleaner in the last update, the clan system has definitely gotten more exciting.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 01:23:46

Level 61
what "color" is fizzer referring to?
your color will be placed on the map.

Are there clan colors? How to distinguish clans?
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 01:36:12

Level 64
    what "color" is fizzer referring to?
    your color will be placed on the map.

    Are there clan colors? How to distinguish clans?

Maybe the clan leader's color
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 01:39:23

Level 61
hmm.. I have to see this in action but am not particularly fond of it. It is cool and qm clan kind of solves the rt ladder but was hoping for a big clan system with new tournaments and ladders like clan league. it's own page. etc. but gives clans a real meaning.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 05:05:28

Level 61
How would members changing clans affect this in the middle of the season?
Are they still locked to represent the clan even if they're no longer in the clan?
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 06:21:46

Level 61
IDTS @Kratt
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 06:23:23

Level 61
But this update will break the big clans as many people wouldnt get a spot for Clan leagues. So I suggest big clans like TSFH to make 2-3 more clans so that all members can participate.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 06:36:27

Level 61
I don't like that the players in the big clans wont get a go with the 40 player limit. And creating sub-clans isn't ideal. What it really comes down to is Kratt's question, as we could join a sub-clan for clan league, and then all hop back into the main clan for the community aspect and such.

This also raises the issue - having 3 TSFH clans and 3 TLA clans and 3 "insert clan name" etc. This would be pretty redundant if you are against your own clan buddies as a lot of clans already have their own clan leagues or just tournys every once in a while. I don't think it's fair either against some other clans, it would be pretty demoralising to see you lost to TSFH, and now you are against TSFH(2), and TSFH(3).
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 06:39:35

Level 61
But 40 member cap does make sense now. It will also help more clans grow.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 06:59:22

Level 64
I think if sub-clans were a thing, there would have to be something to prevent being paired with someone from a different sub-clan that's part of the same main clan in clan wars. For clan league, and in-clan activity can still happen on the main clan level, they could still be run on the main clan level.

It would be like working at a major company with many different departments, and many employees working in each department on their own separate tasks, but they still come together to collab on company wide projects or fun activities.
Update 5.10: Clan Wars: 2021-03-10 08:46:39

Level 58
what "color" is fizzer referring to?
your color will be placed on the map.

Are there clan colors? How to distinguish clans?

I think that it would actually be the clan's symbol. Like how saber-clan is a sword facing downwards
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