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Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 03:46:15

Level 53
Anyone else see that the artifact Territory Money Boost is not working when placing in one of the active three slots. When I place it in the place holder the Territory Monies stat field does not increase???
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 03:51:05

Level 64
It works fine for me. Look at your overall money production when swapping it in and out. You'll see a difference.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 05:52:25

Master Jz 
Level 62
You might have started the level on the version that had very small values for territory income. I have an epic and it barely changed my income on the last level I finished.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 07:02:42

Level 35
Artifact is working, it is just that territory income is low as hell.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 11:15:31

Level 25
How often do you want to post essentially the same question here in this forum? I guarantee you, that as long as the community isn't flat out ignoring you for spamming/trolling, you will always get exactly the same answer: Artifacts are working fine! You might just have wrong expectations on their level of effects. And if you have (real) proof that there is something fishy, then rather open a bug report than spamming the forum. But apparently (and unfortunately for you), Fizzer already blocked you based on what he posted to your last thread.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 15:10:16

Level 53
Phenoix, until the question for completely answered. Fizzer never answered it and then requested screen shots, which I sent him, he said it increased but never identified which field increase nor how much and none did. So I am trying to get the anwer from players on this forum.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 15:16:06

Level 63
What did you say against Fizzer? @Max

Also, feel free to reshare those screenshots here so someone can add some red circles for you


Edited 2/23/2021 15:16:52
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 17:25:47

Level 25
To cite JK_3:
Is this related to https://www.warzone.com/Forum/528049?Offset=90#PostTbl_1157094 btw?

I already did a very in-depth example calculation in the linked thread that explains what to expect from this artifact. If you have any specific questions to the whys and hows then please ask them, but don't (to cite the bug report page) just state that something isn't working. What exactly is your problem with this specific artifact. Give us numbers that we can work with to either show you were you went wrong or where Fizzer perhaps miscalculated something. But, starting a rant about "the developers" will definitely help no-one.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 17:26:19

Level 57
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 20:55:36

Level 53
You never provided caculation on Territory Money Boost feel free to provide how to calculate artifact class RARE 100% bonus currently.

Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 20:57:06

Level 64
All increasing effects are additive, all decreasing effects are multiplicative.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 21:01:19

Level 62
What 'decreasing effects' exist?
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 21:01:43

Level 64
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-23 21:02:02

Level 64
Like the building discounts

Thanks Z

Edited 2/23/2021 21:02:16
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-26 10:41:27

Level 53
Fizzer, Drop the drama, you act like we spoke on the phone, which we never did. You have failed to prove that my territory bonuses(aritifact and power ups are working), as well as published how to caculate Monies from Territories). Nothing has changed in the screen shots I emailed you nor did you send email me back the screen shots showing the change, or increase in from power ups or artifact bonus when placed in slot). or you purposely manipulating the my territory bonuses with the code, since I question your ability to provide solid support. You control this game, and i challenge to public prove your right or I am incorrect. Remember it your game, so it on you. Max
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-26 11:57:23

Level 25
Okay, last call: Link those screen shots here in the forum PLUS provide an overview of the unlocked techs PLUS provide an overview of the unlocked advancements PLUS the list of active artifacts (because all of them matter!) and I will try my best to give you proof for either side, whatever shows to be true.

But based on how you act here, I'm really not sure what to make of you. You act like a huffy pre-teen not willing to accept that you might be wrong. I (and others) have asked you several times to concretize your issues with this artifact but you only keep on demanding from others while not providing yourself. You keep on attacking Fizzer although he never posted in this thread and as far as I can tell based on his reactions to your forum threads/posts he seems to answer you in a respectful way. Sure, he is very quiet about game mechanics, to this point so, that what might be called "common knowledge" is partially what the community had to come up with on their own, but for everyone else these community conclusions are comprehensible. You are the only one openly questioning the game. And Fizzer will not (be able to) provide screen shots (if he could, that would mean he could log into your account! Do you want others to log into your account?), if at all, he might have server logs for you. And if you demand solid support then show some respect, too, and WORK TOWARDS issue resolution by answering if you get asked to provide certain information! And lastly, no-one forced you to either spend RL money on WarZone or to play Idle in the first place. If you think WZI is not fair, then stick to WZC.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-26 12:04:04

Level 64
Dude chill.

You get very little money from territories in comparison to your bonuses. As such, even with a significant addition to your territory income through Territory Money Boost, you still get basically squat.

Long story short, Territory Money Boost is an incredibly weak artifact. Try to get a Bonus Money Boost if you want to see your income increase.
Territory Money Boost is not working: 2021-02-26 23:09:36

Level 53
To Fizzar and all players who are part of this thread.
FIRST, I apolodgize to Fizzar, for strong comment regarding game idle which is in BETA. Sorry Fizzar. 2nd, So to all players who participated or followed this thread for my frustation, my bad. 3rd, My poor logical thinking, thought the TERRITORY MONEY BOOST artifacts was not working because the STAT field "TOTAL Money for Territories" was not changing when I place the artifact in one of the three placeholders, the STAT, "Money per Secound" Stat, does change slightly (pointed out by PHOENIX), knowing this now, the TERRITORY Money BOOST is not worth utilizing or upgrading. Lastly, I will correct my attitude and remove myself from commenting on "Idle" from here on, unless it is postive support or helpful. Again, my apologies. MAX
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