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Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-21 13:05:01

Level 10
Hello guys,
I have been spending the entire week trying to beat Caesar's Challenge, of course with no avail.
I have tried everything that has been suggested on this forum, but it seems that the game has drastically changed from what I could see on Youtube:

1) the Swedish AI now always stacks at least 9 armies (sometimes even 12) to protect his boss, making it quite obnoxious to beat
2) the Cloning AI now always go towards my troups in France or Germany
3) the Cloning AI, what it is worst, now has a full stack of at least 15 armies EVERYWHERE on the territories next to my border, sometimes even 37.

I am desperate, I have tried everything, but it does not seem to produce any particular effect.
What could I do?
Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-21 13:24:01

Level 60
Try searching for "Caesar's Challenge" at the searchbox in the upper right corner (textbox saying "Search Forum").
There are several threads about this level and I think you will find help :)
Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-21 14:25:13

Level 10
I have seen all the threads and unfortunately it seems that the behaviour of the AIs has changed by 2017.
Now it is frankly absurd how quick the Cloning AI spawns dozens of armies EVERYWHERE during turn 14/15.

I sincerely do not know what to do.
Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-21 14:46:42

Athena's Child
Level 61
Blitz the Parthia AI and try to hold the advance of Caesar with 3s
Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-21 18:34:55

Level 10
Hi, I cannot even go for the Parthian AI, for at around turn 13 or 14 the Cloning AI spams at least 12 armies in every surrounding region and kills all of my bonuses. Always.
Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-22 21:03:24

Level 10
Today I decided to go with attacking Spain first, while engaing the Eastern front with many armies.
The Parthian AI decided to spam 50 soldiers on each territory, instakilling my general at turn 21.

I truly hate this game.
Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-22 22:44:55

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I guess the secret is to not fight the boss. let the boss do what he want. You need to close the spaces that he leaves with enough delays and small attacks where he was. Once you own then the whole map you can deal with more bosses even. But first you need the income. And the income you dont have when you fight the boss early.
Again with Caesar's Challenge: 2021-02-23 03:51:40

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
I haven't played Caesar's challenge specifically but usually in levels where there's a boss I first weaken the enemy, only then I think about killing the boss... if you're not strong enough on the board then of course it's difficult to kill an enemy boss. I think what Let's Fight says makes sense

Edited 2/23/2021 03:52:43
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