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1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-19 21:00:57

Level 61
Update the Ladder to Pheonix's map. https://www.warzone.com/Map?ID=34923 please...
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-19 21:01:48

Level 61
Just do the old switcheroo on the templates is all I ask
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-19 21:03:03

Level 63
Any particular reason why?
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-19 21:03:39

Level 61
its like playing on the old SE map rather than Lionhearts
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-19 21:06:09

Level 61
no offense to grundie
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-19 21:12:01

Level 61
btw 1v1 ladder hiatus. Lmk when fizzer changes it.
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-20 04:58:03

Level 60
Lmk when fizzer changes it

I think should have been an "if", lol. Fizzer has sooo many things that are much higher on the priority list than swapping a map, purely because it's a little nicer aesthetic. The old one isn't even that bad; the difference is nothing like the rubbishy Elitist Africa vs nice one.
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-20 11:54:55

Level 61
Fizzer doesn't either and idk who told you that. All he really boasts about is site?app parity and it's always one step closer... he does things that are cool but mostly I think he's more of a procrastinator.
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-20 15:25:14

Level 60
i actually like the idea of site and app Looking wildly different as I would say it would create a better aesthetic

Most of the time things that look good on mobile is horrible on web
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-22 09:45:30

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
I prefer the browser version because it's more usable
1v1 Ladder Update: 2021-02-22 09:52:27

Level 63
The browser should not be the same as the app.

It should have the same functionality, but a browser on a PC is controlled very differently from an app on a phone.

That is why copying over the mobile controls to the web (like happened to the clan pages) is a terrible idea. It limits the PC controls to the phones controls.
Not being able to middle click on links anymore is a massive pain in the ass, since you now have click 3 times to get a link....
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