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Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 14:47:09

Level 56
Hey, neverdeverd is the name. I've found warzone about a year ago (a little less) and it has quickly become the game I spend most of my time on. In this time I have mainly been playing diplomacy but recently I have been trying to get into strategy for a bit. Owl dragoons is dead sadly so I am looking for a new active clan with a discord server focused on strategy. Diplomacy will prob remain my main interest but getting better at the game will also help me alot in my regular diplos.
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 14:49:55

tøp enjoyer
Level 47
TBA - The Boiz Army.

I would suggest trying that, in a few months they performed decently in cl. Also have some diplo players. not sure about the discord tho.
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 15:01:07

Level 58
have you tried yolo swag yoyoyo
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 15:48:18

Level 60
Do the Ultimate Alpha Move

make Your Own Clan
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 16:18:24

Level 56
ΑΘΕ is a new clan. We have mostly old players who joined back. We are looking some players to build our leadership team and start a new project. Are you interested?
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 16:24:18

tøp enjoyer
Level 47
timber can I join, all these new clans are just people joining. I need a more laid back place
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 18:41:18

Level 59
So it seems like you want a clan that will help you grow as a strategic player but still leave you with the space to play diplo. And it has to have an active Discord server.

Off the top off my head, some obvious candidates:
  • CORP - they have good strat players, an active diplo community, but their Discord server is pretty quiet; I think you'd be a culture fit though
  • Apprentice - they seem like they get results in training strat players but I think they expect you to show promise/motivation first
  • 101st - Apprentice with a lower bar afaict
  • Discovery - they have a lot of noob-friendly guidance and a very active Discord server (53k messages last month), good place to get into strategy afaict but you might have trouble with their zero-tolerance policy for edgy racism/homophobia/etc. I checked chill zone* and it seems like you'll have some explaining to do if you apply to Disco since they expect some maturity and growth. (Tbqh I still think Disco is the best fit for you since it seems like you have limited strategic experience + since you tend to get outsize attention in Disco if you can just figure out how to use Discord, so you've got a leg up.)
  • TSFH - very high activity but their strat training seems relatively weak compared to other clans
  • TLA - afaict they're TSFH but a little bit worse and a little bit more diplo-y
  • HAWKS - Idk they're tight-knit and seem to get results

If i were you, I'd probably mail all those clans with examples of your recent strategic play (on a conventional template like Strat MME) and see who bites. Also this is super-obvious, but at the early stage you don't really need a clan to grow, you can get a lot of mileage out of just Norman's strategy guide (https://tinyurl.com/MH-strategy-guide). For more ideas, just see which clans were able to hold their own in Clan League divisions B or C. That usually gives you an idea of who struggles with activity/reliability.

* here's what I checked on chill zone:

Edited 2/5/2021 18:45:10
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 18:41:49

Level 41
I say either TBA or Hodop's clan.
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 20:07:33

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
135 attaboy
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 20:08:43

Level 54
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 20:11:48

Level 59
TSFH will not accept him
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-05 23:03:17

NAP 957 
Level 58
Sir this is the Wendy's drive-thru
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 10:17:46

Level 59
>TSFH will not accept you

Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 11:20:05

Level 57
Hoots angrily*
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 12:16:58

Level 56
ye I tried joining discovery. But I instantly got permabanned. After I asked xeno in dm's why he did that we had a nice conversation about how he didn't like my profile. Which I understood, it was a little lame, cringe and old so I changed it. After that he blocked me cause he couldn't provide a good reason why I couldn't rejoin his server even as a guest. My friend bush had almost the same expierience with him only xeno thought his profile was fine, the thing bothering him was the green in his profile picture remjnding him of loxiiv.
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 12:17:40

Level 56
This was probably ironic but after that statement Bushmaster also got nicely blocked by him.
Truely a great guy.
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 13:35:06

Level 59
You see, Xeno, discovery and FCC are the true bigots, as I have talked plenty.

They act like they have moral high ground, but in fact they're a bunch of sad, close minded elitists who don't tolerate anyone different.

The hypocrisy is that the biggest "anti-bigots" are the biggest bigots in disguise. False prophets. Judges of morality and virtue, my ass.

It's fu**ing joke.
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 13:56:37

Level 58
watch my say the n word and get insulted in the name of tolerance haha, berdan you described the situation perfectly
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 21:57:15

Level 42
FWIW I think rejecting players like Neverdeverd off of just 135 instances of saying the n-word is a bit counterpro-

wait, never mind

If you can't get into Disco and don't want to meld with their, ig, beliefs, CORP seems like your best bet. CORP has some truly good players and high activity last I checked. They're fun to be around, and they're kind of just a diplo clan from a past generation that has since become something more interesting.

Beyond that, I know Platinum (Yaxvi) is a little more hesitant to play the politically correct game (that's a joke, but he is more willing to hear people out and give them a chance). Maybe he'll let you into 101st?
Lookin for a new clan: 2021-02-06 22:02:24

Level 56
1. I never broke any of the rules in the discovery server and I think it's stupid to judge someone on a server like the chillzone.
2. Xeno did not have any acces to proof of me having send these messages and if he had he didn't even give that as a reason for banning me.
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