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US Election Thread: 2020-11-02 23:26:05

Level 57
Well someone had to make it

After all, politics are bAnNeD on global after all
US Election Thread: 2020-11-02 23:32:11

Level 60
Yep, they sure are banana’d.
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 03:38:11

Level 59
There is nothing more boring than US election topics which always come back to the forums like a boomerang.

Every. Single. Time.
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 08:29:17

Level 54
>Orannis makes US politics thread
>Doesn't talk about US politics
>Nobody else talks about US politics
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 08:44:33

Level 60
i mean there is going to be legendary riots after the election so Lets Talk About It Before

(The US Has Became That Divided)
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 10:04:50

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Please tell me how i should react to the different possible outcomes. How does this effect me? And most important: Why isn' talked more about the parallel parliament election that seems to be more important?

Edited 11/3/2020 10:05:09
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 16:08:28

Level 60
i came back for one day to see if you nerdlords are having your bi-yearly fight and all i got is meta talk and germanposting, @fizzer please ban someone in this thread to hype it up
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 17:34:51

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
I think it is funny that from the 7 people in this thread only one plays from USA.
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 17:38:44

Level 49
it'll be an important one. As the world's superpower, what we do has major consequences for everyone else.

Vote for Fizzer. Get fizzed on.
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 17:52:57

Level 57
world's superpower? isn't that china?
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 18:04:01

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Economic wise yes. Militarily not so much.
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 18:33:07

Level 59
How does this effect [sic] me?
For most countries, America meddles with your affairs far more than you do ours. The executive branch is our most powerful branch of government, and it's more or less just the president's personal fiefdom. So the newly-elected President of the United States can, for all practical purposes, direct our:
  • foreign policy: which countries we see as allies or enemies
  • trade policy: whether we impose tariffs on your country or encourage you to join an economic sanction bloc with us
  • fiscal and monetary policy (to some extent): American economic failures can trigger global recessions or depressions, and often do
  • defense policy: i.e., how securely NATO works as a defensive alliance (can Estonia expect American support in the event of invasion?)
  • military operations: the President is able to unilaterally and clandestinely direct operations like American drone strikes, the bin Laden raid, and the Soleimani assassination- these may have foreign policy repercussions for you, or even domestic ones (American foreign meddling can send refugees or otherwise affect the stability of your home country)
Why isn' talked more about the parallel parliament election that seems to be more important?
First, the legislature is less powerful than the President. Second, the two branches of the legislature (our lower house- the House of Representatives- apportioned by population, and our upper house- the Senate- apportioned by state) have to work in tandem to pass legislation. If the legislature is split, then it has less impact: the Senate independently confirms or blocks presidential appointments, the House independently handles the national budget, and they only pass some no-brainer legislation (e.g., COVID relief).

This is most likely a big difference from how the legislature works in your country, since in most European countries the lower house holds more power.

In this election, we can more or less expect the Democrats to retain control of the House since they are nationally far more popular at this time. The part of the legislature that may matter is the Senate, which can go either way. But since the Republicans have nearly no chance of controlling the full legislature (both houses), the Senate race only really matters if Biden wins- in which chase the Democrats can win the Senate to gain full control of both the executive and the legislature. A federal trifecta (POTUS + Senate + House) is far more powerful than a split government: if you live in a parliamentary democracy, this would be akin to a single party gaining an outright majority (and not needing a coalition to govern). It would result in one party having near-unilateral control of American government, although defections on individual votes are more common in the US than in your country since party whips have less power here.

Finally, if you want to follow live updates on the election for some reason, FiveThirtyEight is running a highly politically- and statistically-literate live blog: https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2020-election-results-coverage/

Edited 11/3/2020 18:39:57
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 18:33:30

Level 57
whether you like it or not, culturally and scientifically, USA still is THE world power.
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 18:41:47

Level 57
I have never seen a belgian be so patriotic about the US
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 19:07:29

Level 60
i wonder in like a million years later how will that generation judge us.

i think it will be something like this

"Can You Believe We As A Species Fought One Another Just Because They Served Under A Different Flag?"
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 19:14:14

Level 46
"Can You Believe We As A Species Fought One Another Just Because They Served Under A Different Flag?"

I don't find it hard to believe especially because the so called promoters of international peace love to destabilize countries and create never-ending civil wars
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 19:48:24

Level 57
I have never seen a belgian be so patriotic about the US

bit awkward considering 1) I'm not Belgian 2) I'm not being patriotic about the US
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 20:10:05

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
I think he means your statement about the US being a "cultural world power".

It is kinda hard to define culture, so that statement is a little bit meaningless.
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 20:44:23

Level 57
a) your profile shows the belgium flag

b) listen to this and tell me a patriotic american wouldn't say this "whether you like it or not, culturally and scientifically, USA still is THE world power"

Edited 11/3/2020 20:44:49
US Election Thread: 2020-11-03 21:04:36

Level 57
I think he means your statement about the US being a "cultural world power".

It is kinda hard to define culture, so that statement is a little bit meaningless.

It's either "meaningless" or "a little bit", not two simultaneously. That's like saying a cadaver is "a little bit" dead - makes no sense. Just nitpicking.

Actually it's not that hard to see the amount of popular movies, music, games or books produced by Americans or American companies, especially movies (Hollywood!). Certainly, you can see where I'm coming from here. Is there a more culturally influential country? Feel free to give me your own definition of culture or whatever but just saying" uhhhh it's hard to define" is dodging the question

a) your profile shows the belgium flag

Did you just ASSUME my nationality?! *shocked gasp*

b) listen to this and tell me a patriotic american wouldn't say this "whether you like it or not, culturally and scientifically, USA still is THE world power"

Sure but could also be said by someone else for other reasons.
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