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Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 19:45:36

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
Freddie Farnsworth left his house to go shopping. He took his car to the store, but took a wrong turn and drove off a cliff. The cliff was 100 feet high, but he survived with only a small fracture in his skull. He got out of his car moments before it blew up, then climbed the cliff and bought some whiskey.

Translated to French, then Hindi, then Russian, then back to English:

Freddie Farnsworth left the house to go shopping. He drove to the store, but took a wrong turn and got off the cliff. The stone was 100 feet high, but she survived with a small fracture in her skull. A few minutes before the flight, he got out of the car, then climbed a rock and bought a whiskey.

Translated to German, then Serbian, then Arabic, then back to English:

Freddy Farnsworth went shopping. He drove to the store, but turned around and climbed off the cliff. The stone was 100 feet high, but it survived a small broken skull. A few minutes before the trip, he got out of the car, climbed a rock, and bought a whiskey.

All three are very different, how can we trust Google!

Edited 10/12/2020 20:02:30
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 22:03:08

Level 57
Translated the same to Chinese, Polish, Sindhi, Marathi, Hungarian, Xhosa, Gaelic Scottish, Azeri, Uzbek, Ruanda-Rundi, Japanese, Turkish, Armenian, Arabic, Korean, Estonian, Basque, Hawaiian, then back to English. Got this:

Freddy Fansworth paid for the house. He gives the car to the seller, but he knows he is looking for the wrong way. The office is 100 feet high, but unfortunately it is alive! Before cleaning, he got out of the car and climbed the hill to look for whiskey.
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 22:08:02

Level 57
Let us try this with a different, longer text - the Warzone features list.

About Warzone
Warzone is a turn-based online board game, inspired by Hasbro's RISK® game, where you compete with your friends to conquer the world.

WarLight launched in 2008, which was superseded by Warzone (WarLight 2) in 2017. Both games are an indie game made by a single person known as Fizzer. A spin-off game, Warzone Idle, was launched in 2020. After this the original Warzone became known as Warzone Classic.
No pay-to-win: Warzone won't let you buy your way to a victory like other free-to-play games. All games are equally fair for all players, like a board game. You win or lose Warzone games based on your strategy, not your wallet.
Single-player and multi-player: Play against real people, or play any of the thousands of single-player levels against the computer.
Active community: Over 10,000 multi-player games are played every day. Games can be up to 40 players, and can be free-for-alls, teams, co-op, and more!
Cross-platform: You can play from your phone, tablet, or computer. You can play with your friends no matter what platform they're on. All for free!
Asynchronous games: Warzone games can be played at your own pace. Your friends don't need to be all be online at the same time to play with them. Take your turns when it's convenient and Warzone will wait for you.
Customizable: Warzone has a very flexible engine. When creating games, you have hundreds of settings you can tweak to create anything from a minor variant to a whole new experience.
Luck-free: By default, Warzone games are determined entirely by your skill. There is no randomness of the dice like in Risk.
Maps: Warzone has thousands of maps to choose from, all made by the community. Or you can design your own! Maps range from small brawls to epic conquests with over 3000 territories!
Faster games: All players can take their turn at the same time, which allows Warzone games to move along significantly faster than other Risk-like games.
Community levels: Play single-player levels from the community, or make your own level and watch replays of other players defeating it.
Clans: Join a clan. Compete in the community-run clan league!
Cards: Warzone has a variety of cards with varying effects, like the Diplomacy Card, Spy Card, Airlift Card, Blockade Card, and more!
Tournaments: Join tournaments and compete, or create your own!
Ladders: Warzone has several ladders, which are competitive arenas where everyone competes for the top spot.
Quickmatch: QM makes it easy to jump into multi-player by matching you with players of equal skill on templates you like playing.
Open Games: If Quickmatch isn't to your liking, you can always browse through a list of games made by other players, or make your own!
Mods: Mods allow extending the game engine. Mods run on all platforms, even on phones/tablets. No installation is required; simply check the box next to the mods you want to use and they're automatically distributed to everyone who joins that game.
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 22:17:06

Level 57
Verson's right to conquer the world, engineers, and members exploring beautiful places are at Hasbro's risk.

Warlight was released in 2008 and 2017. - Warlight (Warlight 2). Fitzgerald is a men's sports game in India. Neutral Krakow is generally accepted to have begun the 2020 cycle. The first battlefield was spoken in Warsaw Classic.
: Weeds:
In Hokkaido, no, some of Verso Translation nibh's games dominate. Sit without changing each of the two players in the same game. The benefits of Warsaw are the most talented, it's a package.
More games: You can play computer games, this is not something that happens to thousands of people.
Collaboration: 10,000 games per day 40 games per day, because everything is free for group and group activities.
Extras: phone to play games, computer or laptop. You can play with your dad. Ready!
Offline posts: war only. Or play online with your friends. He's in place and the right Verson is waiting for you.
Type: Warsaw has a different engine. It has hundreds of programs that can teach from the smallest to the smartest.
Fortunately, it's free. Warson's sport can be tailored to your business needs. The tires are safe.
Map, choose us from around the world, thousands of maps. If you can't do it yourself. There are 3,000 maps.
Network Games: Athletes can interact with other players and quickly get interesting Verson games.
Actors - Meet the players with them and edit and create photos with other players.
Family, with family. Countries participate in family trips.
Cards: Many other Warsaw effect cards such as cards, spy cards, sticks and cars.
To play a game, you have to face or do them.
In 1585, all the leaders ran in Warsaw.
Easy Tournaments: The QM ability allows you to create easy games for yourself.
Getting started: If you don't do this, use the QuickMats description of your lip school or create this page.
Tip: Used to improve your fitness. You can walk anywhere with a mobile / desktop device. We have to create. If you select a box, the shape will be drawn and all letters will be accepted.
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 22:35:05

Level 57
5 first point of the Terms of Service:
First, the law
This website or other Warzone.com products. By reading and using an existing company or service you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Answer: If you do not agree to these terms, you will not be able to use this site. The information posted on this website is protected by copyright and domain names.
Warson.com, LCC This document is published in accordance with Washington state law. Small company June 1 18, 201. Was installed in
Invoice This manager handles this document for registered LLC customers. Click here for more information
In this document, "user" means the person or entity owned by Warson.com, LLC or Warson.com, LLC. . Use
The software in this file is not compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and Linux. It works from any device.
The website of this document is "warzone.com, LLC". It is not limited to Warzone.com or any other websites or Warzone.com LLC.
This information is provided by warzone.com, LLC. Language published by the application or server. Tree pictures; There are no restrictions on maps, files and other data.

Use security clearance
Users have the right to use this information at warzone.com, LLC. Personal injury and occupational rights have not changed, but without your consent.
Edit or copy data
Download all the apps from Warzone.com LLC website.
Contact Warzone.com LLC. Head
Copyright, copyright and other rights.
Transfer data to another server or "mirror" to another server.
If a user violates these restrictions, Warson.com Limited will revoke the license and automatically revoke it. Consumers should use electronic or paper products for customer disposal or approval.

Excel excellent
Version.com Ltd. publishes information about it. Warson.com, warrant. Without warranty; Კანონი; Use of force Where Warson.com, L.L. Data accuracy in the field. Acceptable or consistent results are not guaranteed.

Value Warzone.com Ltd. According to Warson.com, LLC service providers are at high risk (unlimited data loss, inactivity, and inactivity). Concern LSL provides the Warson.com website and applications. They are called Warson.com, LLC. The author describes the weaknesses of speech and writing. Some restrictions do not apply to all retailers. Not suitable for sale or special purposes.

Web version or warzone.com, technical error, waron.com.com, yours. Your website is accurate and complete. Warson.com, you. You can change the information on your website at any time. Warson.com, though. However no information update is required.
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 22:46:05

Level 57
Nina came to him
Verzon.com, LLC This may include links to websites owned by Verizon.com LLC. Verzon.com, LLC is not limited to this. whatever. This does not apply to privacy policies or independent operation of the website. In addition, Warzone.com, LLC does not restrict or modify the content of personal websites. The application is developed by Verzon.com, LLC. All users are responsible for visiting other websites.
There are also Verizon.com and LLC users. They believe that the link to Verzon.com is a third-party website, and the third-party website is owned by the third-party personal information of Verzon.com, LLC. You are not responsible for any policies or practices.

7. Wesson’s knowledge
You must open a Verizon account to access other services. The user account cannot be accessed without the user's permission. Users cannot create their own accounts. When filling in the form, the user must provide accurate and complete information. The user is responsible for everything that happens in the account and protects the password. Contact Varzone.com, LLC. Violation of direct security breaches or the right to use user accounts.

8. Things
You agree to use or use the software provided by Verzon.com, LLC, the products and software provided to you, but you may not play the game yourself. Connect with other games and users like me, not just people who want to create it. No need to use the parameters defined in the API to connect to the database. At http://varzone.com/api


Providing information and results to Verzon.com, LLC is the sole responsibility of the user. လိုင်စင်, the license and the license provide the information you provide. Verzon.com, LLC. General copyright during the presentation. Trademarks, trademarks, patents or other copyrights are subject to these terms and conditions.

Verzon.com, LLC's user contributions are combined with information provided by Verzon.com, LLC. 0Verzon.com, LLC (and its subsidiaries and licensors, for any reason and method for integration, design services, or 0 (and its activities) or unintentional promotion 0 terms of service, each of our services 0 users Use, redistribute and rejoin the service.

Verzon.com, LLC owns the service name and trademarks and service marks. License-based license. Copyright and other intellectual property rights.

We are not responsible for ourselves. Permission denied. The user is not responsible for any information.

The terms of service on Verzon.com and LLC can be used at any time without notice. By using this website http://varzone.com/TermsOfS, you agree to be bound by our terms of service.

Closed circle
All information on Warzone.com, LLC is not subject to Washington State law.

Copyright Digital Millennium KSII

According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), you can issue notices to Verzone.com and LLC (DMCA@varzone.com) in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

But here is DMCA, Verzon.com, LLC. It will also block criminal information. Verzon.com, LLC. Due to violation of this policy, it may participate in local or criminal activities.

Edited 10/12/2020 22:46:55
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 22:53:52

Level 57

Thirteen children

Warzone.com, OOO 13 Not for younger customers than Warzone.com, LLC is not intended to collect personal information

Fourteen free .fur

All assets on the list of zones must be licensed by MIT. Access any form without a special MIT license

XV. Replace and replace the import

In other words, all purchases, names and requests cannot be refunded or refunded

Sixteenth behavior and violence on the Internet

You have provided the services provided to ensure the proper and fair use of this site and that the pollution is legal and fair, but not limited to: distribution, distribution or distribution. (iv) the nature or cause of the relationship, giving false evidence or attempting to deceive others; (V) misleading, misleading, misleading or misleading information; It controls or prohibits, or imports, sells or resells, re-licenses, licenses, prohibits or licenses, without warranty, license or license, without importing software or strategy. . (vii) Any website or computer that attempts to steal, defraud, or gain access to any computer account. The website is set up so that customers can hear or be deceived. . (Gift) Intentional transfer of money between deposits (eg, “Deduction of money”); (xii) harassing other players; : (xiv) may result in security or breach of the Website (xv) Violation of any of these Terms

Communication and spam protection policy

Players may communicate with others at the center In these cases, the player only needs to provide the following information: (i) A trusted person has no confidential or confidential information. (ii) dishonesty, dishonesty, defamation, defamation, defamation or lust or any other conduct he hates; (V) should not be taken; (vi) Recognizing that they do not promote political, religious or shared beliefs; (vii) Do not collect, store or use personal advertising information without your consent
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-12 23:00:42

Level 57
The rest:

Your spam

Warsaw Pact "Spam". If you accept approval from Verizon Spam, Verizon reserves the right to terminate your account immediately. And today all conditions can be reduced to military requirements. Verizon defines "spam" as one or more unwanted customers without fully requesting and maintaining recipient information. If the weather stops (ratio does not apply), the sentence should be dropped if there is too much memory. Or (iii) publish a conference, pre-war or “emergency,” group or public publication.

Hundreds of tribes complained

The Verzon.com LLC Content or App may contain inaccurate information, content or images. Warone.com, LLC does not warrant that the files on your website are accurate, current, or current. Warone.com, LLC may change the content of the Website at any time without notice. ... However, LL does not guarantee good savings.

Your spam

Verizon sells chips in the spam category. If you receive additional information from Verizon, Verizon may charge you a fee for emergency assistance. Such measures cannot go beyond the requirements of this policy. Or (iii) aerial chat, chat or game announcements for such events.

List of available programs

LLC VERSION.com formal formal technology, technology and bookmaker. LLC Virgin.com deals with technical, spiritual, and non-academic graphics. Warone.com, LLC does not guarantee the order, completeness, or delivery of the content on this website. Subject to these policies, these policies include: War One.com, Inc. There is no guarantee that any house will be a couple of centimeters away.

No problem, no comments or messages.

Release date: October 22, 2012
There are no rules, conventions or rules, just.

Last updated: October 22, 2012
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 01:59:14

Level 56
What the fuck is this languages don't have the same grammar and have to be translated with vagueness and guesses, lacking human judgement for context?
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 02:15:58

Level 60
First of all, I agree, Google translate shouldn't be fully trusted.
BUT. In its defence:
1. Being practical, when you translate something, you translate from the original language into another language. There's none of this silly english to chinese to german to spanish to hindi to english business. Doing that is in reality like playing Chinese whispers, where each translator only has access to the translation before it, not the original. As everyone should know, Chinese whispers often ends up being more screwed than those examples, without even changing languages. So I honestly think this is more or less what you could expect from any translation system, give or take some degrees of severity.
2. When doing what you should do when translating, Google Translate usually isn't too bad; most of the time it will churn out translations that, while some specifics might be a little different and occasionally the grammar is a little bit off, the sentence on the whole retains its original meaning, more or less.

That said, I still only ever use Google Translate to check my own translations, or for languages that I don't know at all. Relying on Google translate for a language assignment usually doesn't end well...
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 03:33:30

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 03:33:55

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I tried to keep it short because otherwise it's too long to read.
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 16:26:31

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
it's fine for it's purpose as long as you know it's limitation which almost everyone who uses it does.
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 21:02:57

Level 57
This is the oldie but goodie method to plagiarize an essay

1) paste essay into google translate
2) translate through a bunch of languages (min 10 recommended)
3) fix up grammar

Beats turnitin.com and other plagiarism checking sites every time ;)
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 21:10:32

Level 57
@Xapy and Rikku
How dare you use common sense in the forums! That's forbidden.

Nice one, didn't think of that :P
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 21:26:28

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
The Confederate States of America (CSA), commonly referred to as the Confederate States or the Confederacy, was an unrecognized breakaway state in existence from February 8, 1861 to May 9, 1865, that fought against the United States of America during the American Civil War. Translated several times is:

The American CSA, also known as the League or League, has existed since 1861. February 8 Until 1865. May 9 And it was the most insecure country when the Indians fought in the US. Oro

Very convincing when plagiarizing.
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-13 22:07:38

Level 57
lol at the Indians fighting in the US
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-14 02:31:26

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
@Xapy you're right that languages don't have the same grammar but Google Translate doesn't have "human" judgement for context :)
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-14 02:47:04

Level 46
Life is cruel, is it not? I get that feeling. When the world hates you, you need to fight back. Why though? ... Ah... I see now... the world cannot be fixed; there are too many scars.


Why...? It could be... if the world just did better... now look what we've done. Everything's fallen apart, humans are just empty shells, everything is the same... and they all hate you. We need to fight back, for we are the only ones who can save ourselves. It doesn't matter; we need to fight for our lives.

(English, Polish, German, Chinese, Russian, Amharic, Armenian, English again)
Life is cruel, isn't it? I have feelings. If the world hates you, you have to fight. But why? ... Look ... I understand now ... the world cannot be fixed, there are so many scars.

Peace has never been an option.

why ... Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly ... Look what we've done now. Everything is broken, people are just empty shells, everything is the same ... everyone hates you. We must fight, because only we can be saved. It does not matter, we have to fight for our lives.

(English, Maori, Scots Gaelic, Uzbek, Javanese, Japanese, Arabic, English again)
Life is hard, isn't it? I have no feelings. If the world hates you, you have to fight. but why? ... see ... I know now ... there are many unsolvable chips in this world

Peace was not achieved.

Why ... maybe this is one of the bad reasons ... see what he's doing now. Everything is broken, they got tired, they all ... they all hate you. We have to fight because we can only live. After all, we have to fight to save ourselves.

(English, Samoan, Norwegian, Marathi, Filipino, Azerbaijani, Malayalam, Icelandic, Uyghur, Dutch, English again)
Isn't life difficult? I don't feel anything. If the world hates you, we have to fight. Why ... look ... now I know ... there are many undetermined tendencies in this project

There is no silence.

Why ... maybe for some bad reason ... look what he's doing now. Everything is ruined, everyone is tired, everyone ... everyone hates you. We have to fight because we live in things. But we have to fight to save ourselves.

I guess this is really screwed up.

Edited 10/14/2020 02:52:41
Why Google Translate can't be trusted: 2020-10-14 03:04:37

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
We should enter some of these in a try not to laugh video. XDXDXD
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