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Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 13:21:23

Level 50
NOTE: This is a meme disease, don't take any medical advice from this.

I am a former sufferer from stage 1 Farah Obsession Syndrome (FOS) and I know all about it now. If you don't want to be infected with FOS, I recommend trying to stay away from Farah at all costs. Not only that, being in a game with Farah, or talking to Farah in chat has a high risk of infection.

From my research, Farah Obsession Syndrome is a memetic disease naturally propagated by Farah's presence. Memetic selective perception agents have seen success in treating the disease, but a vaccine is yet to be made.

The various stages of FOS come in six stages. Farah is a male IRL, along with me. Females are also affected by the disease as well.

Stage 1:
General obsession with Farah, such as IRL blushing and squealing.

Stage 2:
Increased obsession with Farah, with large ammounts of references in content generated by the victim, leading many to assume that the victim is "in love with Farah" regardless of gender.

Stage 3:
Monetary commitment to frequent visits to Farah's country of residence (As of September 11, currently the Netherlands). Victim will generally fantasise "turning on the James Webb space telescope" to either "locate Farah's home", alongside other reasons which are sometimes full of NSFW language. At this time, the victim will try to track down Farah in real life, so intervention will be necessary at this point.

By Stage 4, the victim will attempt to gain residency in Farah’s country of residence, and take more measures to locate him IRL. Stage 3 symptoms worsen at this point.

By Stage 5, the victim will attempt to join the Discord server of any Warzone clan or group and loudly chant Farah’s name (mostly in-game, real name has been chanted on some occasions leading to [REDACTED] measures and memetic clearing of Discord databases.

Stage 6 is when the victim may face possible death, in which the victim is now compleyely affected by Farah. Highly complex thaumaturgical rituals of unknown nature will be conducted by said victim in order to "appease Farah". Additionally, the victim will begin to exhibit signs of worshipping Farah. Farah Obsession Syndrome is extremely similar to real-life Celebrity Worship Syndrome.

I’m lucky to have only been in Stage 1, after someone in chat told me Farah was a male. Generally, the disease is more severe in people who are unaware that Farah is a male, as most people incorrectly assume Farah to be female, due to the fact that "Farah" is a feminine Arabic given name.
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 13:25:12

Level 50
To significantly mitigate the severity of the disease, it is important to propagate accurate information regarding Farah and FOS. Reinfection can usually occur by close online contact with Farah, and can be transmitted to family and friends of victims by simple physical contact (22% chance). For this reason, blocking Farah on Warzone is highly recommended to avoid infection. Exposure to the name "Farah" outside of Warzone is relatively unknown, as no cases of FOS have been reported as being caused by Farah-related stimuli outside of Warzone. Regardless, it is important to stay safe, as Farah Obsession Syndrome can have the same level of lethality and severity as real-life COVID-19.
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 13:34:44

Level 59
It could be easily avoided if you realise Farah is a male and your a straight male. If not, take the advice of Lemuria
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 13:37:08

Level 59
another way to cure this is to have existential pills
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 13:43:05

Level 50
Well I think there is a chance of reinfection, don't expose yourself to Farah. Necessary contact only
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 13:47:15

Level 59

This game definitely has a serious shortage of females.
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 14:16:39

Level 50
So..... what do you mean?
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 14:38:02

Level 49
Last time I played with a girl was 3 years ago
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 18:49:25

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Let those 2 meanings soak into your head for a minute
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-13 19:24:54

Level 57
@THE TungstenTrex hey keep it PG, there are children on this forum
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-14 10:18:06

Level 50
I have a question, has someone else aside from me been infected with FOS?
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-14 10:53:44

Level 59
@Lemur, i almost did but that’s when i realise to never assumed
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-14 11:03:07

Level 59

I would never admit it. But your nick is kinda cute, I can't lie.
- downvoted post by Dullahan
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-15 00:16:17

Level 50
pg 13
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-15 13:43:19

Level 49
You will regret that
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-18 00:43:52

Level 50
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-18 07:19:06

Level 63
doesnt pg13 allow 1 f-bomb?
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-18 10:05:56

Level 50
Back on-topic, please. We’re supposed to discuss Farah Obsession Syndrome here amirite?
Farah Obession Syndrome: How to stay safe: 2020-09-18 11:44:23

Level 61
Go away.
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