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The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 00:31:00

Master Activision
Level 60
This may draw fear in you, or maybe it will give you a different kind of feeling. One of joy, maybe sadness, or maybe that feeling where you watch something heroic and want to be that guy that killed the beast. First off, you will feel all of this. Second, you may feel none of it whatsoever but the important thing is to remain calm and survive. That's what I had to do, I had to kill people I love, I had to slay the beasts. I lost all my friends through this and I don't know what to do. Maybe ill kill myself, maybe ill die in my sleep, or maybe ill get off my ass and do something for a change. I'll live my life and settle down but no, that will never happen because you see, I'm not an ordinary person but I am no beast. This beast will always be a part of me no matter where I go or who I sleep with. I will never be able to live a normal life and I have to live with that but it was never like that. Before all this shit went down I was a kid in school, loved to write, loved to make new friends, and most importantly I loved myself. That is something others cant even think of or even do. But I survived through these events let's get started on telling you this story….

List of kids names;

Every post a player dies. Its your job to find out who wrote this or in better words who survived. There is no point to this just for fun;) You may not think its fun but I do and I hope you can see that too;)

If you do read this please be advised that someone dies... Trust me it wont be scary or anything like that i'm not trying to give you nightmares lol but it will be sad. This story has already been written out just every night a new section will be posted. 10 total. If you do find it scary or intimidating please tell me and Ill switch up the sections a bit to make it less terrifying. Also THERE IS NO GORE!!!! I mean come on that's disgusting, how this is gonna work is if the monster touches you your dead. You just turn into dust that's all.


After this one is over the next one will start with 10 hiders. Last one found is winner and if you would like to be in that one just post your name here and ill remember for the next journey and ill write something about that.

This is probably gay as shit me posting this lol but for you Role Players out there I think this is awesome! I would do this in a game and have players join and participate,maybe I will for the hiders one;) But Its easier to see and read in a forum then in a chat in a game .
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 00:36:20

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
(Ok so do I just pick somebody?)
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 00:41:06

Master Activision
Level 60
yes, your guess is either right or wrong so its 1 out of 10 chance you will get it right.
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 00:41:27

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 00:47:58

Level 60
Dillon seems like a tough kid
he(or she?) is my guess
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 00:49:11

Level 60
Seems fun, I pick Noah
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 00:51:57

Level 61
Nigel, reminds me of Nigel Uno from a show i watched as a kid
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:24:04

Level 57
I'm not sure I understand this, I'll just guess Kyle. You know, Gru's pet... whatever it is.
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:25:14

Level 59
It’s Ethan
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:25:43

Master Activision
Level 60
All good guesses guys keep it up!!!
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:26:06

Level 12
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:26:09

Level 59
(Wait is it none of them?)
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:26:31

Master Activision
Level 60
maybe, maybe not. heres the first section
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:27:45

Master Activision
Level 60

“Dude wake up” Said James to Noah who had his face resting on the desk. “Class is over. Lets go hang out with Julie and Dillon.” Noah yawned and stretched. “I just had the weirdness dream bro”
“You can tell us after, Julie is waiting at the door” Said James who was constantly eyeing Julie like she was some sort of supermodel
Noah and James left the classroom and met up with Julie. “Is it ok if I invite Rosanna?” Asked Julie.” It would be nice to have another girl involved. I'm very lonely with you, 3 boys.”
“Yeah of course invite who you want!” Said James. They all went down the hallway and bumped into Hosea who was reading his book of the day.
“Hosea!” Said Noah. “Whats up bro! Hey would you like to come with us to the hangout tonight? It'll be awesome if you were there.”
Hosea looked confused, looked at James and stuttered. “I-I-I Guess s-s-so”
As the 4 kids are about to leave Ethan comes storming through the front door. “It's here!!! Run, we are all doomed!!”
Everyone looked every confused as Ethan sprinted down the hallway and into the nearest classroom. Noah, Julie and James followed. “What's wrong???” Asked James to Ethan who was cowering in the back of the classroom
“The monster, it's here we are all doomed!
“What monster? There's no such thing as monsters”
“Maybe that one!!!!” Yelled Julie as it smashed its way through the front doors of the school.
The monster looked around and started scratching children and the next thing you know they are all turned to dust. It looked down the hallway and saw Julie who was staring there like she just got out of a freezer.
“Julie move!!” Said her brother Kyle who was standing next to his locker, he went over to Julie and shoved her into the classroom. Other kids followed in and closed the door. Kyle looked the monster in the eye and said. “You will not get to my sister you shithead!”
“Then you will no longer live” The monster scratched Kyle and he turned to dust.
Julie screamed out of horror and sadness knowing that she just lost her brother.

The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:29:40

Level 59
What was Nigel up to? Hmm suspicious
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:31:15

Master Activision
Level 60
well we dont know where Delilah, Dillion, Rosanna, or Nigel are but we will get to that in the next section;)
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:31:37

Level 12
It’s Kyle and Ethan
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:31:56

Master Activision
Level 60
Kyle just died...
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:35:46

Kenghis Ghan 
Level 61
Ethan dies next.

Edited 7/24/2020 07:23:03
The 10 Survivors! Who lived to tell this tale?: 2020-07-21 01:36:36

Master Activision
Level 60
so confident are we? lets see if thats true;)
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