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joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 04:43:21

Level 61
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 12:06:28

Level 46
..interesting stylistic choice, that mercator projection - the joke of every geography classroom. I don't think the map will have great diplomacy prospects, because Alaska will have more territories in it than Mexico, but for strat, obviously no one really cares.
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 12:16:48

Level 60
can't see it on mobile sadly
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 12:59:18

Level 57
I'm also confused about the map projection - but that aside, it looks good so far.

I think the most important question to ask yourself is: what advantage does this map offer over every other huge world map we have?
What is it that makes your map special, or different? What do you hope will make people choose your map over the others?

Will it be more detailed (and if so, how will you manage to get more territories in the size limit)?
Will it be more balanced (and if so, how will you achieve that)?
Will it have better art work, more strategic functions (wastelands, sea territories, bottlenecks) or an interesting new system?

If a player has to choose between your map and others such as https://www.warzone.com/Map/19039-World-13k or https://www.warzone.com/Map/6496-Issanders-Huge-World or https://www.warzone.com/Map/37609-Gentlemans-Huge-World - what is it that makes yours better?

It can really help with the map making if you know your answer to that question!
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 16:22:07

Level 49
No thanks
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:18:08

Level 61
I like huge earth maps and just created a big earth. I didn't like the curvature issander put in his map. I plan to divide areas into their respective regions and have islands since it's for war purposes. Island hopping... launching land attacks. I want to have Max territories.
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:21:33

Level 61
I wanted a flatter earth than one that curves and may shrink the sizes down. I don't like mercator either but I want something different to make it stand out.
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:26:07

Level 60
nice. looking forward to the complete version.
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:26:45

King Fungus
Level 58
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:31:33

yeeeeeee and my name is alex
Level 36
I want an update
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:32:47

Annabeth Chase
Level 57
I can only see Alaska?
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:33:38

yeeeeeee and my name is alex
Level 36
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-16 17:57:02

Level 61
alaska so far
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-17 01:29:46

Level 60
Before you go any further, I suggest you sanitize the way you draw borders. In Alaska I see territory borders overlapping across bonuses and being adjacent within bonuses, whereas it should be the other way around. If you don't fix that you may end up doing a lot of work for a map people won't be inclined to play for that reason, and the later you decide to do it the harder it will be.

(I'd also be disinclined to play on a map with long, linear bonuses like the Aleutian Islands, but that's more of a personal preference.)

Edit: Also, if you plan to change canvas size (I see it goes way north of Alaska now, and there's very little of interest there) you'll have to manually change all the territory centers afterwards, so it's best to settle on it before you work on the territories within Warzone.

Edited 7/17/2020 01:35:01
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-17 03:53:42

Level 61
I know. I know. Thanks.
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-17 05:36:44

Level 57
If you're using mercator, I would suggest not inclding the arctic parts of the map, it takes up so much space if you intend on this beng a diplomacy/roleplay map. But I'm excited to see the finished product.

Edited 7/17/2020 05:37:14
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-17 05:39:47

Level 61
doing everything but making mercator not as large. There are several mercators. Mine isn't so bad.
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-17 11:28:47

Level 45
Also, you should really divide the Aleutians into two or maybe three bonuses.
joeydavis's Huge World so far: 2020-07-17 18:33:52

Level 61
West aleutians, East Aleutains?

Edit: I've divided them into the near islands, Rat Islands, and the Central Aleutians

Edited 7/17/2020 18:53:40
- downvoted post by yeeeeeee and my name is alex
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