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Mod Idea: 2020-07-16 03:05:39

Level 57
This is a loose idea for a mod inspired by the Civilization game franchise. What if there was a mod involving strategic resources, such as Horses, Iron, Gold, Niter, Coal, Oil, and Uranium. These resources could be placed on different territories of a map by linking them to territory names. Some resources could be disabled based on the time period, because obviously ancient-themed games won't involve oil and uranium. Players would require certain resources to obtain certain cards/features. For example:

- Niter would give players a bomb card once every set amount of turns.
- Coal would give players a priority card every set amount of turns.
- Horses would enable (limited) multi-attack for players.
- Gold would simply grant players a gold bonus in commerce games. But maybe there is a better idea for this one.
- Oil would disable a player's local deployment, permitting them to deploy anywhere.
- Iron would increase a player's attack bonus by a small margin.
- Uranium could may be used in conjunction with the modded 'Nuke Card' somehow.

Finally, these resources could be bought and sold to other players. However, I understand a mod like this would be complicated and demand many new mods within itself to work. Perhaps the modding community could work on developing individual mods required for this one by one, like a mod for certain players to disable their local deployment, or for others to enable multi-attack. Just an idea.
Mod Idea: 2020-07-21 22:40:01

Level 59
you inspired Fizzer, gj
Mod Idea: 2020-07-21 23:09:31

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
no, it was posted after warzone idle was announced
Mod Idea: 2020-07-21 23:49:16

Level 59
Oh ok
Mod Idea: 2020-07-22 01:32:01

Level 60
For now, wzi is fizzer’s focus. But after that there is hope for things like this :)

{I want to use some of the asset from wzi, like the mines etc}
Mod Idea: 2020-07-22 01:44:40

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
This would be awesome
Mod Idea: 2020-07-22 01:45:01

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
But for regular warzone
Mod Idea: 2020-07-22 17:31:47

Level 62
Sounds like you actually want to play StarCraft instead.
Mod Idea: 2020-08-12 14:56:30

Brian Jones 
Level 63
Here is my idea for a fun MOD for someone with the time and the programming knowledge: Trash talking AI

Random text lines that the AI would generate into the chat on random turns.

Some examples might be:
You call that a good deployment?
Stop running away!
You could not fight your way out of a wet paper bag.


could be somewhat humorous. Would need to come up with several hundred random sayings or more.
Mod Idea: 2020-08-12 14:58:40

Level 63
iirc, AI cant access the public or team chat, but can give custom popup from the UI
Mod Idea: 2020-08-12 18:31:46

Level 60
could be somewhat humorous. Would need to come up with several hundred random sayings or more.

Just give me a list that's easily separated :)

I have played with the idea of adding random 'events' but a trash talker sounds more fun. Need to be a 'clean' chat of course.
Mod Idea: 2020-08-12 18:31:46

Level 60
could be somewhat humorous. Would need to come up with several hundred random sayings or more.

Just give me a list that's easily separated :)

I have played with the idea of adding random 'events' but a trash talker sounds more fun. Need to be a 'clean' chat of course.
Mod Idea: 2020-08-12 18:32:59

Level 62
Yo mama so smart, they call her smart ascii.
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