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Future travels: 2020-06-26 07:20:44

Master Shredtail
Level 58
In a year or so when a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus is available for the general population, infection rates dramatically lower, and restrictions loosen due to travel being safe again, where would be a place you'd love to travel to, and why?
Future travels: 2020-06-26 14:17:43

Level 60
Liechtenstein, and I don’t have enough time to type the reasons why because there are so many
Future travels: 2020-06-26 15:47:13

Level 62
Mecca for crusading reasons
Future travels: 2020-07-01 03:51:46

Level 56
I'll take Madinah
Future travels: 2020-07-01 04:01:12

Level 59
Borders are not closed so you can still travel if you really want to.

I can travel the world with google maps street view, so I don't need to move physically. It takes much less effort and is free. So, I don't even mind spending 50 years in one place.

The only reason I would move is to have a better job or finding girlfriend with low expectations, from phillipines maybe? american and european women have too high expectations, and my sexual market value is low, so it's the only option for me.
Future travels: 2020-07-02 22:48:41

Master Shredtail
Level 58
"sexual market value"

sounds to me like someone drank the incel/mgtow koolaid. you should dip out of those places, they'll make you question everything about yourself, and turn you into an overly self-conscious and self-loathing husk of yourself
Future travels: 2020-07-04 19:01:22

Level 59

It's good to know your enemy. I hate people in general. Cannot trust anybody, but yourself. That's why dogs are better friends. People are fake.

However, everyone is a mgtow to some extent. Being cautious is necessary sometimes. The worst thing is that women are incapable of true love. It is a fairy tale. Women love only opportunistically, what you can do for her. "She's not yours, it's just your turn".

Do you believe your wife/girlfriend would stay with you if you lost all your money, job, purpose in life and become depressed?

Edited 7/4/2020 19:02:25
Future travels: 2020-07-31 21:43:22

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
Antarctica because it's a FTB

I wanna know how it is to live in a FTB
Future travels: 2020-08-01 07:31:40

Level 32
"However, everyone is a mgtow to some extent. Being cautious is necessary sometimes. The worst thing is that women are incapable of true love. It is a fairy tale. Women love only opportunistically, what you can do for her. "She's not yours, it's just your turn"."

Judging by all your forum posts... I wonder how come women aren't capable of loving you?
Future travels: 2020-08-01 12:45:34

Level 59
Firstly, because love is a lie. Women can't love romantically, like men do. It is all a calculation and manipulation. Women only love what you can do for them.

Secondly, because I never gave them a chance. I'm too lazy for dating. I prefer to stay at home, because I'm tired and sleepy most of the time.
Future travels: 2020-08-01 13:56:02

Level 59
Would like to visit Asia. Specifically Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong. But not sure if that will even happen next year.

My GF and I want to try to do an international trip every other year. We went to Europe in 2019. So we’re due for 2021.
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